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Viewings: 6031
«Апокалипсис» из-под землиCurrently in mass media, Internet sites, in the programs of radio and television provides many details about the upcoming change of epochs, which will take place in December 2012. The excitement around this event is spreading. The causes of future disasters called the most different: global warming, the fall of the asteroid, approximation hypothetical planet Nibiru, the increased activity of the Sun, the planets, quantum transition, the change in the level of consciousness, etc. What are the true reasons (possible) cataclysm? And will happen if he really is?
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Viewings: 6594
Нулевая полоса. Интернет активно обсуждает заявление тибетского монаха о том, как пережить Конец светаRecently the network began to actively discuss tips for preparing for the End of the world Lama monastery Ghandruk under the Kailas, known as the Oracle of Shambhala, which has made a Declaration for NASA.
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Viewings: 5710
Апокалипсис много тысяч лет назад. Геофизика конца света!Whether after the earthquake to receive the "pillar of fire, veiled by a cloud, sea of burning brimstone, and how to go toxic hail, causing people ulcers, poison the water, giving them a taste of wormwood?
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Viewings: 5706
Найдены доказательства жизни после смертиThe soul of man after the heart stops does not die, but live forever in the Universe. The age-old question of humanity - is there life after death - seems to be answered. And the answer is Yes. Scientists said on the proof of the theory that every person has a soul that continues to live even after the heart stops beating, according to Radar Online. One of the authors of the study anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff revealed details of discovery in "Through the tunnel in space", as shown in one of the science channels.
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Viewings: 5998
Вторая Луна — предвестница и причина Великого ПотопаMyths of some peoples, which tells about the great flood, sometimes casual and hints, and sometimes plain text claim that before in earth's sky was no Moon. One of the most well-known facts of this kind is spread in the Ancient Greek legend about the "Dolynych" the residents of Arcadia.
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Viewings: 7013
Павел Глоба: конца света не будет, Запад ждёт угасаниеPopular Russian astrologer came to Minsk to present his new book and chat with their fans and students.
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Viewings: 7940
В Солнечной системе, вероятно, был ещё один газовый гигантNow the basic theory of the evolution of the Solar system is a model of nice. It is expected that after the dispersion of the original protoplanetary disk four giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune turned on nearly circular orbits at a distance of 5.5-17. that is from the Sun, and not in 5-30 as now. Beyond the orbit extreme of these planets were large dense disk of stone and ice planetesimals. And he stretched up to 35. that is from the Sun, beyond the current orbit of Neptune.
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Viewings: 9186
Шаг до АпокалипсисаMoving the Mayan calendars in the modern system of chronology, some scientists have learned from ancient inscriptions information, according to which on Earth on December 23, 2012 will happen catastrophic event. The experts, however, disagree on the peculiarities of disasters: "solar system will die in the explosion in the center of the milky Way"; "the return of the chief deity of Maya will cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, huge tidal waves that will destroy the planet"; "Land will collide with an asteroid"; "Land will be arriving aliens, to make it a lifeless plain".
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Viewings: 6738
2012: начало конца или почему конца света не будетRemember fear of 2000? He passed without any consequences of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. As far as we know, leaving aside the impressive special effects in the movie, December 21 2012 the world will not end. However, this day will come next winter solstice.
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Viewings: 7304
Существует ли «тот свет»?Is there a "one world"? Yes, there is! But this question must be dealt with, knowing multidimensionality (diversity) of the universe.
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Viewings: 7691
Пятак на счастьеThe coins, as people, their fates. Some of them before to get lost forever, or to calm down in collections - make amazing journeys, become participants of numerous dramas and Fursov. Learn coins to say how wonderful they would tell the world! But they are silent. Rather, most people are not able to hear them... however, it's time to find out what the coins some secrets.
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Viewings: 5109
Вкрадчивые шаги АпокалипсисаThe soft steps of the Apocalypse people hear almost ever since moved from the animal state in the human. But from time to time all the "warning signs" were tricked - hearing, vision and other senses. And now about the inevitable catastrophe talking scientists coming sixth extinction! Moreover, it has already begun. For reference: the previous five killed the dinosaurs and many anyone else is a big and strong...
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Viewings: 6266
Семь версий конца светаIn recent times the theme of the Apocalypse, which, according to the prophecy of the Mayan calendar, should happen in 2012. That is waiting for us in the future, we have many versions, from the most fantastic to quite real. We decided to look at seven of the most popular of them.
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Viewings: 4553
Смотреть на драку и приятно, и полезноTurns out, the monkeys also love to look at other people's fights. However, they did not try to break up the fighting on the contrary, never interfere in the process. But why such a sight is pleasant? First, formed a "party", where you can establish new contacts, and secondly, after the fight has a chance to get a free servant.
Com-Eva: 0 Author: admin Read more
Viewings: 6099
Появилась новая страшилка: ветровые турбины вызывают ракIt should appear on the market next new product technology, as there are some rumors about her health. TVs, computers, microwave ovens, masts for cellular communication - which just terrible stories about them not to tell. Recently appeared new horror story - about wind turbines. It turns out that they threaten cancer and psychosis!
Com-Eva: 0 Author: admin Read more