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Viewings: 5635
Надувной модуль появится на МКСNASA signed a commercial company Bigelow Aerospace production agreement inflatable module, which will become part of the ISS. During its development the company received from space Agency 17.8 million dollars.
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Viewings: 6262
Очередной астероидный удар отменяетсяNext to an end, it seems, is assigned to 2040, when the Earth is supposed to bump asteroid 2011 AG5. However, recently, a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii, with the help of telescope "Gemini-North" on the volcano Mauna Kea (Hawaii) has calculated that the probability of such a collision is negligible. Earlier this risk was estimated as 1 in 500.
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Viewings: 4980
Американцы сделают Луну своим складомResearch space Agency of the USA has declared, that is quite serious and it is argued quite real plans on the practical use of the satellite of the moon.
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Viewings: 5140
Звезд во Вселенной намного большеIn the Universe were three times more stars than was considered before. More recently, red dwarfs - small dim stars - it was impossible to see beyond our Galaxy and its nearest neighbors. It was assumed that the share of red dwarfs in other galaxies approximately the same as in ours.
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Viewings: 4966
Спиральная галактика-рекордсменка оказалась в пять раз больше Млечного ПутиSpace Agency NASA says about the discovery of the largest known spiral galaxies, which was significantly higher than their congeners from the galactic environment. According to the estimates of NASA, the new galaxy is about five times the milky way. To get the full picture managed with the help of telescopes NASA and the European space Agency.
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Viewings: 5459
Что ожидает космический телескоп «Хаббл» в ближайшие 6 лет…NASA on the meeting of the American astronomical society reported that space telescope 23-year-old Hubble still quite functional.
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Viewings: 5849
Астрономы нашли самую крупную структуру во Вселенной в созвездии ЛьваAstronomers have discovered in the constellation of Leo and the adjacent areas of the sky largest structure in the Universe - a collection of 73 quasars, stretching to 1240 million parsecs, or 4 billion light years, according to a paper published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
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Viewings: 5199
В теле австронавтов будут "жить" нанороботы-медикиScientists believe that in 5 to 10 years each astronaut will be implanted with special nanorobots doctors who will protect him from possible harmful effects of a long stay in space. First, in terms of cosmic radiation, which is the cause of the abnormal growth of the spine and accelerate the development of Alzheimer's disease.
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Viewings: 5691
This neutron star with an eerie resemblance to the mask in the phantom was discovered space telescope NASA "Center". Pulsar Led has a diameter of about 12 km and rotates more than 11 times per second, faster than the blades of the helicopter.

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Viewings: 3969
Шесть новых комет могут помочь обнаружить неизвестные планетыSix new comets, described by scientists from the University of California at Berkeley, as a "missing link" in planet formation were seen in other star systems. Comets or aksakaly, as they are called, when they find them in other solar systems, and which have remained since the formation of the planets.
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Viewings: 5495
Землеподобные планеты неразборчивы A group of scientists headed by Francois Fressinet (Francois Fressin) of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics (USA)presented a January 7 meeting of the American astronomical society in long beach, (California, USA) work, analyzing the accumulated statistics exoplanets detected by means of a telescope "Kepler".
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Viewings: 5853
Межпланетные перелёты повышают леньImagine that you are flying to Mars. Fly without any scientific and unscientific fantastic tricks, without all these hyperpresident, subspaces, teleports and without diving into suspended animation. That is day by day you see the sun becomes darker, and the connection with the Earth is getting worse. You are locked in a confined space with several companions in flight, and your life monotonous. What will happen to your body and mind to the end of the journey?
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Viewings: 5200
Уточнены характеристики «Астероида Судного дня»Space Observatory "Herschel" performed new observations of asteroid Apophis during his approach to Earth last weekend. Evidence suggests that the object is greater than previously thought, and has less reflective.
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Viewings: 5202
Сверхновая, которая подняла ложную тревогуAstronomers authorized to state that the massive the star, which they of 2009 was repeatedly caught in the simulation of a supernova, still exploded truly (contrary to some doubt.)
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Viewings: 6539
Между частицами тёмной материи может существовать физическое взаимодействие неизвестного типаA cluster of galaxies Musket Bullet (DLSCL J0916.2+2951), the light from reaching us after traveling the length 5,23 billion years, is a large group of galaxies, formed by the merger of two clusters of smaller size. And this happened in about 700 million years before we see now in telescopes. As suggested by William Dawson (William Dawson) from the University of California at Davis (USA), it is this accumulation can cause revision of the physics of dark matter. Why?
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