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Viewings: 5859
«Хаббл» зафиксировал «танец» звездThe space telescope NASA Hubble recorded a spectacular image of the bright star forming a ring that surrounds the "heart" of the spiral galaxy NGC 1097.
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Viewings: 6027
Ионный двигатель следующего поколения NEXT становится рекордсменом по времени непрерывной работыIon engine NASA Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) set a new world record, having worked there continuously for 43 thousand hours during tests conducted at the Laboratory of electric propulsion systems Research center NASA Glenn. This samicoasty the engine is intended to power the future spacecraft, designed for missions to deep space and in missions where the use of engines on chemical jet-powered unacceptable for many reasons.
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Viewings: 5237
Россия берет на себя инициативу в области ультрафиолетовой астрономииSpacecraft "Spectrum-UV" will be the third of a series of large orbital telescopes in the post-Soviet space. This telescope, known also under the name of the WSO-UV (World Space Ultraviolet Observatory), is designed to "look" into the sky in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic light. The same effect that protects all life on the Earth's surface from harmful ultraviolet light, prevents the observations from the surface of different events and phenomena occurring in the depths of space, making it inaccessible to people is quite wide and informative site ultraviolet light. And for the implementation of the observations in the ultraviolet range in the 1970-ies the first telescopes were sent outside the earth's atmosphere, on the earth orbit.
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Viewings: 6088
Астрономические события января 2013 гCalendar observer on January 2013 - the next issue of the monthly periodical for the Amateurs of astronomy. It provides information about planets, comets, asteroids, variable stars and astronomical phenomena of the month, and the last major news astronomy. Describes phenomena in the system of the four large satellites of Jupiter. There are also maps to search for comets and asteroids. In order to have information about heavenly bodies and the main events of the month, download the archive file KN and print it on your printer.
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Viewings: 6617
Бетельгейзе - увидим ли мы взрыв сверхновой?Perhaps in the near future, all citizens of planet Earth will witness a rare event, occurring every few thousand years. According to reports by insiders with the Observatory of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, red giant Betelgeuse rapidly changing shape. Over the past 16 years, the star has lost a round shape, rapidly shrinking into poles, while the equator of the star still held due to the centrifugal force. This is a clear indication that there were few weeks or months to becoming stars in supernova.
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Viewings: 6442
Разумные сущности - везде и всюдуWho still doubts the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, alien, or even strongly rejects any information of this kind, considering it "nonsense" and fiction?
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Viewings: 5639
Астероиды - подушка безопасности ЗемлиThat on Earth at the time originated and evolved life, has the merit of not only the Sun and our planet. Us has helped gas giant Jupiter and the asteroid belt. It was he, standing on the border "zone icing", protect our planet from space cold, able at once to destroy it all alive.
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Viewings: 9711
Парад планетNeither those who are afraid of the humanity by the parade of planets or those who insist on it security, can not give this phenomenon a clear definition. Otshumeli was celebrated by the world festival of destruction of mankind. Sad journalists who lost an easy theme to create information noise, frowned scientists accustomed in recent weeks to public attention, alternative gifted citizens deepened in the search for new dates.
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Viewings: 6395
Редкая супер комета затмит Луну в 2013 годуRare super comet that is carried to the Sun from the outer part of the Solar system, close to the Sun in November of next year. At its peak super comet, known as C/2012 S1 (ISON), can overshadow the moon even during the day.
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Viewings: 5208
В 2013 году будет найдена планета похожая на ЗемлюIn 2013, will be found a planet similar to Earth. To our time scientists-astronomers discovered a number of distant planets, asteroids, stars and galaxies that somehow resemble our native Land in one or more characteristics, but there was never found any in the world, which could become the true "twin" Land.
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Viewings: 5072
В 2013 году нас ждет кометное шоуShow century awaits us in 2013, according to astronomers.
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Viewings: 4913
Ученые собираются захватить астероид массой в 500 тоннBase on the moon became a reality. Specialists of the American space Agency NASA first time in the history of space research has developed a strategy of engagement and management of the asteroid.
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Viewings: 5443
Почему покорителям дальнего космоса грозит развитие слабоумия во время полетаUnprecedented progress of science and technology, especially in the field of electronics, which we are witnessing in the last 10-15 years, generates optimism about the conquest of other planets. But scientists report numerous threats to the health of astronauts.
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Viewings: 5401
Самые амбициозные частные космические проекты года2012 became a turning point for world space exploration. The company, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), owned by its founder PayPalЭлону Mask (Elon Musk), after a successful test startocaster the first ever commercial launch of private vehicle to the ISS. The launch vehicle Falcon 9s apparatus Dragonдоставила on-orbit complex of a total of about 400 kg of cargo, returning to Earth about 760 kg of waste equipment and research materials. Ahead of SpaceX eleven more runs Dragon 1.6-billion-dollar contract with NASA.
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Viewings: 5189
Нейтринная осцилляция: ключ к доминированию материи над антиматерией?...No wonder the journal Science described the experiment in the field of neutrino oscillations one of the ten scientific achievements of the year.
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