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Viewings: 6043
Ближайшие к нам красные карлики имеют как минимум одну землеподобную планету в зоне обитаемостиCourtney Dressing (Courtney Dressing), astronomer at Harvard University (USA), argues that red dwarfs are small, not too bright and hot star class M, with approximately three quarters of the stellar population in the milky way Galaxy, - have a very high probability of being a parent stars for planets similar in size to the Earth.
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Viewings: 5879
On the website NASA presents incredible new video of the Vela pulsar. What we see is a result of observations of the Chandra x-ray Observatory (Chandra X-ray Observatory).
Fast-moving stream of particles generated by the rapid rotation of the neutron star. Researchers believe that these observations will allow us to take a new look at the nature of dense matter in the Universe.

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Viewings: 5411
В этом году к Земле приблизится суперкометаAccording to the statement Daily Mail, earthlings will be able to observe in the sky, the brightest comet of the first half of the XXI century already this year. Rare supercomet rushing to the Sun from the outer part of the Solar system. Astronomers promise that at its peak of supercomet can outshine the moon even during the day and surpass the brightness of the famous comet Hale-BOPP, which was flying over in 1997.
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Viewings: 5171
Телескоп Кеплер позволил обнаружить 17 млрд. планет, приближенных по размерам к ЗемлеAstronomers say that in our galaxy in about one sixth star has a size close to Earth that it brings the number to a total of 17 billion This result was obtained on the basis of data analysis of the planets of the candidates collected by the telescope "Kepler".
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Viewings: 5234
Звездные системы с двумя звездами представляют большой риск для планетPlanets in systems with two stars can be a dangerous place to live, because the planet even have the risk of being thrown out into interstellar space.
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Viewings: 5539
Не одни во Вселенной. Вокруг каждой шестой звезды вращается планета, похожая на ЗемлюStatistical analysis of the telescope "Kepler" has shown that approximately every sixth star in surveyed the Universe has in his system Earth-like exoplanet. About it at conference of the American astronomical society said Francois Fresson of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics and publication is accepted for publication in the journal the Astrophysical Journal.
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Viewings: 6435
НАСА планирует загнать астероид на окололунную орбитуThe U.S. space Agency NASA has long been nurturing plans to send expeditions to one of the asteroids. But these plans that will be implemented by 2020, year, do not receive yet sufficient support and approval. Therefore, some other organizations engaged in the development of alternative options for the study of asteroids, and one of the most feasible and promising alternative is to plan, developed by experts of Institute of space research Cesc, which is the institution that organized the California Institute of technology and the Laboratory of NASA for the study of jet propulsion.
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Viewings: 5066
Последствия взрыва массивной звездыThe spacecraft NASA has documented the consequences of the explosion of a massive star, resulting in a picture with unprecedented resolution.
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Viewings: 5228
Исследовательские космические аппараты следующего поколения будут похожи на средневековое оружиеMartian research apparatus NASA, such as the Rovers previous generation Spirit and Opportunity, and the latest Curiosity Rover, which recently landed on Mars, had pronounced anthropomorphic qualities, mast-head-cameras, arms, which make them very recognizable and kind even "cute". The next generation of devices intended for studies of other planets and celestial bodies, will be significantly less "attractive", because these devices in appearance will be very remind one of the medieval weapons - Mace.
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Viewings: 5299
Прогноз погоды для коричневого карликаUsing space telescopes "the Spitzer and Hubble group of astronomers was able to explore the turbulent atmosphere of the brown dwarf, and to create the most detailed "map weather" for this class subsidy objects.
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Viewings: 5226
В системе Веги найден пояс астероидовAstronomers apparently found a large asteroid belt around the star VEGA is the second brightness in the Northern part of the night sky. The appropriate conclusion is made on the basis of the data space telescopes "Spitzer" and "Herschel".
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Viewings: 5533
Комета ISON подойдет вплотную к ЗемлеIn autumn 2013 to the Earth close ancient comet, which moves along a unique trajectory. Scientists expect that by its brightness, it will Eclipse the moon and will be visible to the naked eye, even in the daytime.
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Viewings: 5261
Today,9 January in the 15.43 MSC will fly by the Earth asteroid Apophis

Asteroid Apophis, which is called the most serious cosmic threat to the Earth, today will approach our planet at a distance of about fourteen and a half million kilometers. By the standards of the Universe is not so much. But in 2029, according to scientists Apophis will fly only 36 thousand kilometers from the Earth, that is the orbit of geostationary satellites.

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Viewings: 5454
Одна из соседних галактик была поглощена сверхмассивной центральной черной дырой. На очереди Млечный путь?Mass outbreaks in the neighboring region of space puzzled astronomers, reports phys.org
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Viewings: 4399
Мистика: Магнетизм без магнитных материалов существовал до появления звездPhysicist from Bochum calculate the field strength in the early Universe
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