Viewings: 5885
 According to esoteric sources, at present the mankind is on the threshold of change of epochs. The solar system is in outer space with other energy condition. The impact of new energies, called the Fire of space, will lead to radical changes on the planet, in particular the change of the human races. In the offered article we will talk about some features of the transition in the Sixth race of the physical sensations that in this period will experience people.
Viewings: 4563
 John William Dunne was a pioneer in the construction of aircraft, he built the first British military plane. But it is as a writer and Creator of the theory of time it is known today, its development was saying all researchers of anomalous phenomena that time. Dunne was interested mainly prophetic dreams and led his own diary "night predictions of the future" from the beginning of the century. But only in 1927 he designed his ideas in a book entitled "the Thought of time", which was the first serious attempt to understand the phenomenon of clairvoyance.
Viewings: 8199
 References in the Bible Egypt is always of particular interest, first of all because of ancient Egyptian history well enough documented. Therefore, it is worth a closer look at two key Biblical characters - Joseph (Egypt) and Moses (Exodus).
Viewings: 6086
 On the plains of South-West Africa often found strange round education, deprived of a grass and reaching up to 12 metres in diameter. The locals call them "signs of the gods", Europeans "vedenie circles". Recently biologist Walter Cancel found that each circle has a life cycle that moves and ruining the grass inside.
Viewings: 4453
 According to parapsychologists, about 30 percent of the population believes in ghosts. To convince their existence skeptics, and to experience different thrill, they tend to get any evidence related to an other-worldly reality... Today on Internet auctions can be found artifacts, allegedly directly related to phantoms.
Viewings: 4675
 Unusual, mysterious incident occurred on June 27, in the village sottintsy Ust-Aldan ulus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - as amended). During a thunderstorm in the area walked mini-tornadoes and local residents saw inside them silhouettes 20 galloping riders with the ancient weapon. The same thing happened the next day, but this time riders was only three.
Viewings: 8291
 Recently in the press more and more talk about the fact that all life on our planet was not in the process of evolution, and someone was specially created. Moreover, this trend is caused not by speeches and writings of the righteous, and the study.
Viewings: 5008
 There is a working definition of life after death, which is not denied even biologists. It reads, "center of consciousness that existed before his death, does not cease their activities and after it, preserving the continuity of the experience of consciousness after death, just as it happens after a dream".
Viewings: 4509
 The disappearance of the body of Jesus from the grave-the cave was accompanied by the phenomenon of people beings called angels...
Viewings: 4759
 An increasing number of people turn to the occult services. We differentiate between white and black magic, believing that white magic is the people. Is there a kind of magic?
Viewings: 11013
 The history of launched satellites into space and astronauts confirms the fact that not everything in the cosmos is possible to explain and understand. The mystery remains all that I see people, who had been in the upper atmosphere or in extraterrestrial space.
Viewings: 6147
 Scientists are seriously engaged in search of biblical Paradise and hell: some are looking for them on Earth, others in the surrounding planet cosmos.
Viewings: 5943
 Not every child should be welcomed in this world. Unfortunately, human history knows a thousand methods resorted to by women, to get rid of an unwanted baby.
Viewings: 4164
 Statistics show that at least 60 percent of people believe in the possibility of telepathic communication. Yes and scientists conducted dozens, hundreds of experiments to establish a mental contact, put forward a number of interesting theories explaining this phenomenon. And yet still no one can confidently answer the question: is there a telepathy?
Viewings: 6578
 My interlocutor name is Victor Pavlovich, Colonel jingoism and retirement, the participant of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl accident. His behavior, the ability to hold yourself, special army specifics to describe the events - all says that this man is simply unable to imagine, let alone to dream foldable so that his stories can be easily written in an exciting artistic novel.