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Viewings: 7450
"Алешенька " или Кыштымский карлик-гуманоидFor the first time on this story I came across a couple of years ago. Then, having decided that the explanation is quite simple ( mutant) I passed by. But today , after a Japanese producer of Deputy Masao appointed prize of 200,000 dollars for "Alesenko" and the media are carrying articles on this subject it should come back. Moreover, the Kyshtym humanoid no navel , and , therefore, he clearly could not be a human embryo.
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Viewings: 5879
Дьявол из ДевоншираIn 1855, in the County of Devon were discovered traces that are extremely excited locals: whether they belonged to the devil, unknown to science bird or they were created by a group of pranksters? So far nobody knows what or who left these traces on earth. Scientists of the 19th century put forward a variety of hypotheses about this. One of them, phenomenological, argued that we are talking about "something"that lives between the tangible and the intangible world, sometimes leave evidence of their existence, but is still above the human.
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Viewings: 5495
Что за чередой смертей?The problem of safety of property of the Egyptian pharaohs, with whom they were sent to the afterlife, excited still builders of the pyramids. Robbers used a clever system of traps, false moves and cameras, zamurovic and artificial gegraphic. But relied extensively on the terrible power of spells...
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Viewings: 6947
Видение огненного крестаPeople have long observed the sudden appearance in the sky of different signs, images and pictures. All these visions, regardless of religion that prevailed at the time and place of the era, was interpreted as a divine sign. About these mysterious phenomena wrote even in ancient times Roman, Greek and Egyptian chroniclers.
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Viewings: 5127
КОЛДУНЫ ЗАЩИЩАЮТ ЛОХ-НЕССКОЕ ЧУДОВИЩЕBritish bookmaker William Hill has promised a reward of 1 million pounds to those who have evidence of the existence of the famous Loch ness monster.
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Viewings: 6550
Русский князь был оборотнем?Duke of Polotsk Vseslav Bryachyslavych fought with the children of Yaroslav the Wise, though very long, but took the Kyiv throne, and in the Chronicles and legends this Prince is portrayed fantastic personality. It was called prophetic, magician, and even a werewolf-the werewolf.
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Viewings: 5923
ТАЙНЫ РУССКИХ ПОГОСТОВAfter dark, lonely passers-by prefer to pass by abandoned cemeteries almost at a trot. From under century-old trees, hiding the dark unknown, they can easily call by name. Before a busy hearing of the midnight travelers can also be heard or chilling dog howl, or deaf moaning, as if coming from under the ground. Over such places often hangs thick fog, in which it becomes difficult to breathe and think that someone gently touches the face, cold hands...
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Viewings: 5867
Открытия, которым нет объясненийModern man is proud of the achievements of civilization and of their belonging to it. However, some knowledge of our ancestors still baffled scientists around the world.
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Viewings: 3800
ЧУДОВИЩА ИЗ ОЗЕРА ТЯНЬЧИ"The mysterious underwater animals again made themselves felt in the picturesque Chinese lake Tianchi (heavenly), which is in a remote mountain Changbai on the border with the DPRK. Recently, several Chinese and Korean tourists have seen here at the surface silhouettes mysterious monsters."
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Viewings: 4525
Что же изменится в результате Великого Перехода?What will change as a result of the Great Transition? A great Transition would do on Earth grandiose changes. Essentially it will be a time when all creation will pass its test for maturity. According to evolutionary terms, all the inhabitants of the earth had to pass a certain evolutionary period, which had to develop all the necessary conditions for life in other conditions.
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Viewings: 5932
Черные вороны рода ГабсбурговDifferent people at different times belonged to the representatives of the bird Kingdom in different ways. In medieval Europe, their image is generated the most terrible of Association, and therefore for the black Raven has a firm reputation of the Bulletin of evil. This is reflected in many tales and legends. Out of the shacks of the common people superstitions passed to the palaces of the nobles. Its own legend about the black birds lived among the well-known representatives of Habsburg, who gave Europe a number of monarchs.
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Viewings: 4303
СЛЕДУЮЩИЙ МИРAs you feel the Time is accelerating and it speeds up your energy transformation. The three lower center (chakra) lifted to the Heart and accelerate their vibrations. By the time Transmutation (ascension), and it will not happen overnight, but very individual, all four of the bottom center will fluctuate synchronously with the highest frequency possible for your Physical body.
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Viewings: 4066
Голодные игры: постапокалипсис как никогда близок к действительностиEverywhere you look, you heat, drought and fires the imagination. This state of Oklahoma in the centre of the inter-American firestorm. Eighteen days in a row temperature is about 38, recurrent drought and so many fires in neighboring States that emergency services cannot cope and with no place to wait.
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Viewings: 4136
"Кристаллы времени" и правда существуютRecently a group of American physicists were able to construct a so-called "crystal-time" - structure, the possibility of the existence of which had been predicted long ago. The peculiarity of the crystal is the ability periodically become asymmetric not only in space but also in time. Therefore, it is possible to make high-precision chronometer.
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Viewings: 4629
СЕКРЕТЫ ПОЧЕРКАAbout the nature of man, his intellect, emotion you can learn a lot, even if you never seen this man in the face. And allows you to do graphology - the study of the handwriting. But it is not the science that underpins the criminologists, esoteric graphology is akin astrology and is associated with it about the same as astrology and astronomy.
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