Viewings: 5111
 In ancient times, all the phenomena that people could not understand and explain, it was decided to attribute otherworldly forces. This was especially the case of natural disasters of various kinds. Perhaps it is because in the ancient sources as often mention the mysterious aliens or gods, which have their invisible part in the life of the earth's inhabitants.
Viewings: 4897
 Since the times of the pharaohs powerful rulers often used the architecture as a way to Express their worldview and, at other times to influence his people.
Viewings: 5465
 Summer of 1904 in Toulon was hot and stuffy. The four cadets of the military school was considered a great boon move to cool the barracks of the fourth Marines village of Morillon where they had to live during the field exercises. Teaching was not too exhausting, suggesting the afternoon relaxing, after which the young people were left to themselves.
Viewings: 4650
 Most of the prophets, and indigenous peoples of the world are predicting that's waiting for the Earth and mankind. We see this final and concrete change as a change of dimensions on the planet and the transition to a new level of existence, associated with the change in human consciousness on consciousness of the Christ or Unity Consciousness.
Viewings: 5724
 In the United States went on sale just published a book by Professor of Harvard ebony Alexander "Proof of Paradise"
Viewings: 6306
 Who said that when a person is asleep, he is in a state of complete rest? Not a bit. Our body during sleep works as an excellent machine, which makes many important operations! Firstly, there is an active synthesis of ATP, the substance known as a universal source of energy for living systems. Second, while we parapumem, is made up 75% of the growth hormone... thirdly, during sleep we produce testosterone, which is responsible for sexual development. So it only seems to us that we have a rest...
Viewings: 7175
 There are people who for my life has been on the threshold of death, but yet every time miraculously survived... So, the house 62-year-old resident of Novorossiysk Lubov Ganeeva over the last year, three times... crashed into the truck. However, the woman never suffered, managing to leave his home shortly before the terrible accident...
Viewings: 6031
 The modern approach of Orthodox medicine to health concerns, at best, three-dimensional. But the esoteric knowledge of antiquity meant the whole complex of knowledge. Any esoteric necessarily have been a healer. Modern medicine crossed all pradipat of mankind, tried to become the smartest of all, existing only 150-200 years. This was achieved by the System of removing Potential, making medicine, her maid, and a tool for conducting experiments on humans. Why every time here to drive the "plates", when you can on earth to organize the necessary hospitals, and let the Humans themselves tearing at each other and reshape under the strict guidance System. Who, they say, is to blame, since they are "smart".
Viewings: 5949
 There are numerous legends about the fact that the Russian Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) had the amazing ability. It could take literally out of thin air all sorts of useful items: food, utensils, jewelry, embroidered handkerchiefs, books, letters, and more.
Viewings: 6299
 Anomalous zones that are found in different parts of the globe, we hear already for a long time. As a rule, it is quite inconsistent stories of eyewitnesses, "eyewitnesses" witnesses, not witnesses, Amateurs sensations about what strange things happened in a particular "enchanted setting". In the anomalous zone go to gawk at local miracles happen, and do not return there. However, very few people paid attention to the similarities and differences between areas, namely in it, may be found the key to unraveling this Mystery.
Viewings: 6053
 Still remains unsolved mystery library of Ivan IV the terrible, also known as Liberia. Sparkle versions, where you can keep an invaluable book. Some even declares that Liberia allegedly already was once someone found. I want to offer my story. Maybe it will shed light on the whereabouts of the mysterious library?
Viewings: 10083
 Information about the giants - high, strong, intelligent beings - have reached us since times immemorial. By the way, even in one of the chapters of the Bible in Genesis 6:4) there is scant mention of some of the giants-the Nephilim born from an ungodly Union of the sons of God to earth women. In the first Book of Enoch (13:33) the descendants of the "fallen angels" and does presented voracious and bloodthirsty giants, because of the excesses which the Lord sent down to Earth deluge...
Viewings: 5880
 On the remote control automatic start-up of ballistic missiles themselves began to catch fire teams fighting the Soviet military attacks ... "plates" is not confused. They was afraid. And at the same time was ashamed to tell the country and its political leadership about his fear. And suddenly will accept for loonies? "What other plates - muraci? Take a NAP, Colonel!" - shouted, was from headquarters General for HF communication dumb child who has window fun gleamed silver disk. However, in the 80-s in the USSR Ministry of defense was created and put on rations special unit for the monitoring of unidentified flying objects.
Viewings: 5108
 The soft steps of the Apocalypse people hear almost ever since moved from the animal state in the human. But from time to time all the "warning signs" were tricked - hearing, vision and other senses. And now about the inevitable catastrophe talking scientists coming sixth extinction! Moreover, it has already begun. For reference: the previous five killed the dinosaurs and many anyone else is a big and strong...
Viewings: 6121
 One of the first fantastic civilizations on Earth were the countries visited by Lemuel Gulliver, hero of the books of Jonathan swift. In lilliput he communicated with very little people, in Brobdingnag - with the giants in the Sky - with scientists, Glubbdubdrib - with sorcerers and immortal struldbruggs, in the country of the Houyhnhnms - with reasonable and good horses.