Viewings: 5227
 In 2013, will be found a planet similar to Earth. To our time scientists-astronomers discovered a number of distant planets, asteroids, stars and galaxies that somehow resemble our native Land in one or more characteristics, but there was never found any in the world, which could become the true "twin" Land.
Viewings: 5145
 Current year was marked above all great discoveries in fundamental physics. "Of course, the Higgs boson. I think it is fair to call this discovery main", - said the member of the CMS collaboration of the Large hadron Collider Andrey Krakhotin, answering the question about the most important scientific discovery of 2012.
Viewings: 5468
 To make predictions for the world of digital technologies - business simple. What direction or coming, the whole essence of future changes, with rare exception, can be expressed in two words: smaller and more powerful
Viewings: 3846
 After December 21, it is the end of the world, scientists have published one more good news for the future of humanity, saying that the asteroid 2011 AG5 is no threat to the Earth.
Viewings: 3950
 If You believe that a post-apocalyptic future, which was shown in the movie "the Matrix" and "Terminator"is harmless fantasy, the experts will disappoint You. Rise of the machines - it is quite real, as researchers believe, from Cambridge, who created a Commission which will not allow the robots took the Land.
Viewings: 4171
 If alien life exists, it can be confirmed or refuted by 2024, and all thanks to the development of a new radio telescope.
Viewings: 5128
 Space Agency NASA and the U.S. national science Foundation December 25, on the South Pole of the planet with the help of a balloon with hot helium LDB (Long Duration Balloon) has launched an unusual telescope that will explore submillimeter electromagnetic wave range and to study star formation in our galaxy.
Viewings: 5518
 Researchers from Penn State University and Rutgers suggested that a series of rapid environmental change in East Africa, which occurred about 2 million years ago, is the cause of severe human evolution.
Viewings: 4819
 Astronomical community "buzzing" after it was revealed five planets around a star resembling our Sun. And at least one is within the "habitable zones" of stars.
Viewings: 7388
 Ancient trireme V century B.C. was found at the bottom of the Black sea. According to archeologists, it is the most ancient of all found in this region ships. Who belonged to an ancient ship, the experts were able to establish due to the large number of amphoras, surviving on the Board.
Viewings: 4829
 Astronomers at NASA was discovered asteroid 2011 AG5. The probability of a collision with our planet is very high, and can cause the death of millions of people. Held at the moment, the calculations show that the probability of collision of an asteroid with the Earth is 1 : 625. This can happen on 5 February 2040.
Viewings: 4121
 If the Earth were moving dangerous asteroid, none Bruce Willis could not save our planet. And not least because now there is not only manned spacecraft, at least theoretically able to approach the asteroid and get on it, but able to explosion split or transported to a safe orbit a small celestial body automatic devices. Indeed, in the latter case it should be referred to kilotonne automatic station with nuclear charge that can execute complex maneuvers.
Viewings: 4845
 According to John Gergana, humanity will solve ethical problems of cloning, and will use it legally. Humanity will agree with reliable methods of cloning when I will be talking about the return of parents tragically deceased child or about the treatment of serious pathologies.
Viewings: 3945
 In the Japanese space Agency say that their problem spacecraft akatsuki, "missed draw" past the orbit of Venus two years ago, has now reached a preliminary trajectory of convergence and in 2015 it may once again try to gain a foothold in orbit around Venus.
Viewings: 7121
 Annually journal of Archaeology summarizes the results of the year in the field of archeology, while drawing up the rating of outstanding discoveries that shed light on the early history of mankind. What was interesting this year? In fact, archaeologists worked hard, and in all continents. Scientists waited many surprises from different historical eras.