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Viewings: 5628
Газированные напитки провоцируют инсультBreaking the cerebral circulation, stroke also damages and brain cells, disrupting the adequacy of human and sometimes even leading to his death. Contrary to popular belief, that the stroke attacks mainly men, scientists also were seen frequent cases of stroke among women, which kills far more people than cancer of a dairy gland.
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Viewings: 5781
NASA хочет построить космическую станцию за ЛунойAfter almost 40 years of work with technologies that allow you to display manned space vehicles not beyond earth orbit, U.S. space Agency NASA, apparently, decided to invest in deep space.
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Viewings: 6986
Павел Глоба: конца света не будет, Запад ждёт угасаниеPopular Russian astrologer came to Minsk to present his new book and chat with their fans and students.
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Viewings: 5428
Одиноким людям не хватает серого веществаLoneliness can be explained purely psychological reasons: children's injuries, excessive vulnerability, increased misanthropy and so on, But not only. Scientists from University College London (UK) discovered that the brain of lonely people is markedly different from the brain of those who have social interactions and communication all right. That is, for psychological reasons, you can add and neuroanatomy.
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Viewings: 4851
В неудержимом стремлении загадить планету человек добрался и до арктического днаScary, but the fact is that the Arctic ocean floor littered with plastic and other waste.
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Viewings: 5506
На Марсе и впрямь может течь водаSeasonal streams, traces of which were observed on Mars last year, really could consist of liquid water.
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Viewings: 4787
Запахи помогают избавиться во сне от неприятных впечатленийSleep helps to calm down, forget unpleasant emotions. It is a known fact, there are even very convincing explanation of why this is happening. Psychiatrists and psychologists use sleep in the fight against obsessive fears. However, relations, sleep, memory and emotions are still more questions than answers.
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Viewings: 5580
Восприятие времени зависит от чувства контроля над происходящимOn a subjective sense of time affects our emotional state: if we feel positive emotions, time, as it seems to us, is very fast, if negative, on the contrary, slowly. This phenomenon many times observed in psychological experiments, when the man showed pleasant or unpleasant pictures, and he was saying, what of them, he feels that keeps longer on the screen.
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Viewings: 4779
Обнаружена самая малая из сверхмассивных чёрных дырUsing NASA's x-ray telescope Chandra at the core of a spiral galaxy NGC 4178 type SBcd located at 55 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Virgo, found a bright x-ray source, which astronomers believe a black hole with a mass of just VAC 104-105 Solar masses. This is the most low-mass of the supermassive black holes (SMCG)observed in the centers of spiral galaxies.
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Viewings: 5632
Жёсткие диски: до предела плотности записи ещё далекоScientists from the Institute of data storage at the Singapore Agency for science, technology and research (A*STAR) conducted a simulation work hard disks existing types in more bit densities. It turned out that the information recording on a single magnetized microsemi hard drive (instead of the group of tiny grains) will not only degrade the reliability of storage of the information, but will even increase it, in this case, of course, dramatically increasing the amount of hard drive.
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Viewings: 4265
Динозавры развернули крылья намного раньшеDinosaurs among us. We call them birds. At least thinks most paleontologists. But where did the wings?
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Viewings: 9299
Александру Великому преподнесли городIt is assumed that founded by Alexander the great settlement in Egypt, which is called Alexandria, had originally planned to build it so that the birthday of its great founder the Sun come up just above the main city road. If the calculations of scientists will be correct, it will not help if this information to find the grave of the great conqueror?
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Viewings: 8869
Четыре солнца и планетаAn international team of astronomers for the first time for all history of space research has discovered exoplanet that orbits in the system of two pair of stars, one of which is located on the remote orbit. The planet is about five thousand light-years from Earth. The opening is made in the framework of the international program at Yale University Planet Hunters.
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Viewings: 7905
В Солнечной системе, вероятно, был ещё один газовый гигантNow the basic theory of the evolution of the Solar system is a model of nice. It is expected that after the dispersion of the original protoplanetary disk four giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune turned on nearly circular orbits at a distance of 5.5-17. that is from the Sun, and not in 5-30 as now. Beyond the orbit extreme of these planets were large dense disk of stone and ice planetesimals. And he stretched up to 35. that is from the Sun, beyond the current orbit of Neptune.
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Viewings: 8705
Есть ли ДНК на Красной планете?One of the pioneers of the sequencing of the human genome, the Creator of the first synthetic cells and just businessman Craig Venter did make loud statements that the synthetic bacteria will help us to colonize Mars.
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