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Viewings: 7886
Грибок поможет пчёлам бороться с клещамиVarroa mites are one of the most dangerous enemies of bees. They are parasites on the pupal and adult insects and during the winter can destroy almost the whole beehive.
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Viewings: 8093
Подкормка планктона у канадских берегов вызвала фурорLast week thanks to the British Guardian newspaper, the world has learned that in July at coast of Western Canada in the ocean was poured over 100 tons of sulphate of iron to feed plankton, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, and increase the number of salmon.
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Viewings: 8026
Задние крылья помогали микрораптору управлять полётомWhy dinosaurs well developed feathers on all four limbs? This question arose before the scientists in 2003, with the discovery in the North-East of China remains species Microraptor gui, who lived approximately 130 million years ago. On the first reconstruction of this dinosaur was a picture floating in the air with outstretched limbs. Further feathers hind limbs "cleaned up", and microraptor was to remind biplane Wright brothers. But this variant has been heavily criticized.
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Viewings: 9143
Шаг до АпокалипсисаMoving the Mayan calendars in the modern system of chronology, some scientists have learned from ancient inscriptions information, according to which on Earth on December 23, 2012 will happen catastrophic event. The experts, however, disagree on the peculiarities of disasters: "solar system will die in the explosion in the center of the milky Way"; "the return of the chief deity of Maya will cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, huge tidal waves that will destroy the planet"; "Land will collide with an asteroid"; "Land will be arriving aliens, to make it a lifeless plain".
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Viewings: 7480
Черная дыра в нашей галактике съест газовое облако за семь летIn the center of the milky way located the black hole, which already by September of the next year will take in their depths approaching cloud of hot gas. The process of "eating", true, little lengthy for future seven years, is designed astronomers, wrote in an article in the Astrophysical Journal.
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Viewings: 7998
Размышляя об обличии жильцов альтернативных пространствNo coincidence statement of one of the giants of physics, Nobel prize winner, our compatriot Vitaly Ginzburg, who said with his usual bluntness: "Such beings, most likely, are some energy field, endowed with unusual properties. And this, undoubtedly, testifies to the existence of parallel worlds".
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Viewings: 7081
НЛО: Демоны или Пришельцы?The UN today contains more than 200 thousand documentary, related to aliens and flying saucers. Among them are evidence of the clergy.
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Viewings: 6708
2012: начало конца или почему конца света не будетRemember fear of 2000? He passed without any consequences of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. As far as we know, leaving aside the impressive special effects in the movie, December 21 2012 the world will not end. However, this day will come next winter solstice.
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Viewings: 7268
Существует ли «тот свет»?Is there a "one world"? Yes, there is! But this question must be dealt with, knowing multidimensionality (diversity) of the universe.
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Viewings: 7662
Пятак на счастьеThe coins, as people, their fates. Some of them before to get lost forever, or to calm down in collections - make amazing journeys, become participants of numerous dramas and Fursov. Learn coins to say how wonderful they would tell the world! But they are silent. Rather, most people are not able to hear them... however, it's time to find out what the coins some secrets.
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Viewings: 5663
Физики проверят существование МатрицыPhysics from the USA and Germany proposed experimental check of the fact that we visible us a universe are moderately accurate computer model.
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Viewings: 6227
Крик души и телаSurveys do not reveal any pathology, analyses like a cosmonaut, but the state of health leaves much to be desired: "some legs ache, then the tail falls off," and why is not clear...
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Viewings: 7572
Тайны царицы СавскойHundreds of legends of the peoples of Africa, Asia and Europe tell us about the mysterious Queen of country Savin. There are lots of her beautiful, clever and rich woman, others show demoness desert of Black Africa. The old Testament describes a visit by the Queen of the wise Solomon; in the New Testament he appears at the last judgment in apocalyptic role of arbiter of justice. Ruled in Ethiopia until 1976 dynasty of negusu led their ancestry from the legendary Queen of Sheba. What is this mysterious person? Mythical image or a historical person?
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Viewings: 8991
Атлантида, где искать остатки цивилизации Атлантов?Since the ancient Greeks, this mystery does not rest lovers secrets. The eternal question, there are already two and a half thousand years. First of Atlantis wrote the great ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, works which are based today's explorers and seekers of the sunken island. All that Plato was known about the mythical Atlantis, told in his two dialogs "of Crete" and "timey".
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Viewings: 6043
Перед тем как статуи Будд начали шевелить губами...In the Buddhist centre Pu Xian Service Center, located in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), numerous visitors could observe an incredible phenomenon. Some of the statues of Buddhas suddenly began to move his lips, blinking, moving the chest and arms and radiate light. Amazing phenomenon lasted about an hour, after which all ended as suddenly as it began.
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