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Viewings: 6697
Страх и ужас технологийIt should appear on the market next new product technology, as there are some rumors about her health. TVs, computers, microwave ovens, masts for cellular communication - which just terrible stories about them not to tell. Recently appeared new horror story - about wind turbines. It turns out that they threaten cancer and psychosis!
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Viewings: 5928
Тайны “стен вавилонских”In the reality of the existence of ancient Babylon scientists believe with difficulty and not at once. Certificates and opinions of ancient scientists and philosophers, such as Herodotus or Strabo, not taken seriously even in the fifties of the nineteenth century, since it was considered that they, like the children very much like to exaggerate.
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Viewings: 6804
Страшное оружие НЛО или Богов с далеких звездOne of the most exciting mysteries of Ancient Egypt - a huge field of glass that were discovered in 1932. In December of that year employee "Egyptian geological Bulletin" Patrick Clayton was driving among desert dunes of the Great Sand Sea, near the plateau Saad.
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Viewings: 9580
Монстры - генетические отбросы Атлантиды ?Annually the physical laws of our universe modified, adapted, improved and rebuilt. Distinguished Professor of physics say about parallel worlds that exist between universes, and about those phenomena that confirm it, - and such stories literally repeat the stories of old sci-Fi movies.
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Viewings: 5458
Прививка, о которой мы мечтаемOnly 200 years ago, the doctors had given up before smallpox, from ancient times was considered a human disaster. In the XVIII century from it died every year 400 thousand Europeans, and vaccination against this plague was a real miracle. Modern scientists create vaccines that, under forecasts, will cope with not less terrible disease...
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Viewings: 10048
Кто такие нефилимыInformation about the giants - high, strong, intelligent beings - have reached us since times immemorial. By the way, even in one of the chapters of the Bible in Genesis 6:4) there is scant mention of some of the giants-the Nephilim born from an ungodly Union of the sons of God to earth women. In the first Book of Enoch (13:33) the descendants of the "fallen angels" and does presented voracious and bloodthirsty giants, because of the excesses which the Lord sent down to Earth deluge...
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Viewings: 5272
ООН предупреждает о «голодном» кризисе 2013 годаThe United Nations has warned that world cereal stocks are so dangerously low that severe weather conditions in the U.S. and other exporting products to countries in the next year may provoke a major crisis of hunger.
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Viewings: 6066
When the diver went down under the water, Belukha "ask" him to climb back to the surface. American scientists found the whale, is able to mimic human speech and make sounds for a few octaves below its range. Unusual Beluga whales inhabit the coastal waters of California, BBC reports. Scientists note that cetaceans long been taught to imitate the voice of man, but it is the first case when a mammal shows the ability to mimicry on their own.

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Viewings: 12827
Доказано: Земля появилась в результате взрыва сверхновойRussian scientists have confirmed that the elements necessary for building planets, space provide universal catastrophe
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Viewings: 5696
UFO in the sky (Gothenburg) on October 21, was caught when he noticed a strange stretching across the sky orange trail-chemtrail. Now eyewitnesses suggest that the impact threw UFO...

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Viewings: 5154
Ученых США обвиняют в смертельно опасных экспериментах над людьмиAround protection Agency U.S. environmental broke a major scandal: the Federal court initiated against the organization case on charges of illegal experiments on human beings. Even now it is clear: despite the outcome of the proceedings, the reputation of the office already heavily damaged, writes The Washington Times.
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Viewings: 5064
The film is about the present color of Mars, which is not the official red, and almost earthly, natural to us, the people of the Earth, the colors - up to a nice blue sky...

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Viewings: 5774
Lost cities, treasures, hidden in the depths of the ocean, and secret rooms below the statue of the Great Sphinx. Since the beginning of time man has been obsessed with legends about the secret vaults of gold. But thirst for this precious metal has got us "inherited". Some scientists believe that it was looking for ancient aliens, for the first time visited the Earth...

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Viewings: 4418
"The mysteries of history" will reveal the mysteries associated with the tsarina Nefertiti. It was the mysterious woman of Ancient Egypt. But at some point all mention of it stopped. Who was Nefertiti? And where did it go? Will we be able to find a mummy?

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