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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 7008
The third Reich is falling apart. On the streets of Berlin chaos. Fuhrer driven into his underground bunker. Realizing that the Soviet troops will soon take the city, Hitler should take the fateful decision: to die or to surrender. We try to find out whether a correct conclusion about his suicide.

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Viewings: 5839
What prepares us leap year 2012? Experts predict the cold winter, followed by devastating floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, and places the strongest drought.

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Viewings: 6327
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Viewings: 5597
The secrets of Leonardo da Vinci,world domination,world government,the Illuminati,the plans for the destruction of humanity...
In shops, restaurants products crammed harmful food additives. They gradually accumulate in the body, and the person becomes addicted. Scientists say that this dependence is similar to the drug, and it can be used to suppress the will. Who's behind it and who benefits from it?

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Viewings: 5452
Британские секретные материалы: НЛО летает на Землю, чтобы отдохнутьAccording to declassified records, UFOs have come to Earth in the ravel" or "scientific" purposes.
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Viewings: 5698
 Уникальная находка: со дна Днепра достали 500-летнюю лодку из дуба Workers of the National reserve "Khortitsa" taken out from the bottom of the Dnieper old boat, which age of about five hundred years. Experts suggest that such vessels Dnieper water was cut off our ancestors in the times of Kievan Rus. But a more exact date will be determined after conducting radiogennogo analysis. The finding was discovered senior researcher of the reserve Valery Nefyodov in 2011 in line with the Old Dnieper river in two kilometers from the island Baida. "In June of this year we carried out a more detailed investigation and found that it dugout boat - boat-odnodnevki made of solid wood of a large oak. The image of such boats can be seen in the engravings of the XVI-XVII centuries," said Valery. Length odnodnevki - about eight meters, width - up to one meter. According to historians, it could accommodate up to eight people.
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Viewings: 5316
Обнародована численность населения ЗемлиThe number of the inhabitants of the Earth are celebrating today is world population day is 7 billion to 57 million 608 thousand people.
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Viewings: 5529
"Ветреность" сохраняет богомолам жизньSome of us like to arrange a rendezvous with the sun, and some fine drizzling rain seems more romantic. But males Chinese Bogomolov for "amorous Affairs" prefer extremely windy weather. It was then that they have much more likely to remain alive and healthy after mating with aggressive and murderous females.
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Viewings: 5603
Коричневые карлики танцуют вальсOur Solar system is one of the Central shining of the Sun. However, in the Universe double stars as the Central gravitating bodies meet as often as the only one! And recently received a sensational data about one of such systems, the existence of which was considered impossible, from the point of view of the theory of star formation.
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Viewings: 5259
Франкенштейны Бронзового векаTo answer a seemingly simple question, which came first - the chicken or the egg - as difficult as possible to say that the primary even in comparison life or literature? Novel by English writer Mary Shelley "Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus" was first published in 1818, and the two first "Frankenstein" has been made three thousand years ago.
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Viewings: 5370
Большинство индейцев — потомки единственной волны мигрантов из СибириAt least 15 thousand years ago fearless Siberians have moved on newly discovered the Bering land bridge and reached the deserted America.
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Viewings: 5154
Древесная змея ползает по воздухуBrown boiga overcomes air gaps in length to one and a half meters across and over two meters vertically.
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Viewings: 4130
Самолёт WhiteKnightTwo поднимет за облака ракету-носитель LauncherOneSir Richard Branson has announced that the aircraft WhiteKnightTwo, which will help to launch suborbital passenger spaceship SpaceShipTwo (SS2) into space, will also be used for the new disposable two-stage booster LauncherOne on liquid fuel (SS2 - hybrid engine).
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Viewings: 4435
Впервые обнаружены тёмные галактики из ранней ВселённойIn the so-called dark age of the Universe's history it had to fill theoretically predicted, but until recently detected dark galaxy. It is believed that they served as a building material for modern bright, full of stars, galaxies, providing them with a large amount of gas, which subsequently formed the current light.
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Viewings: 3991
Фобии ускоряют старениеWomen with phobias molecular indicators are older than his years. In this premature aging researchers blame psychological stress, which can be shortened telomeres and thereby age of the cell.
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