Viewings: 5469
 NASA may and has discontinued support for the shuttles, but she had a desire to send astronauts much farther into space than ever before.
Viewings: 5580
 Scientists have proposed the original version, explaining some oddities rock carvings of animals of the stone age, such as a greater number of legs or tails. In their opinion, it was the first in the world attempts to animate picture, that is to create something like a cartoon film. And the primitive artists all happened.
Viewings: 5790
 The project of NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator ("Supersonic moderator low density") is intended to use to soften the landing on Mars aerodynamic drag in the form sphere, first used in the space industry company Armadillo Aerospace.
Viewings: 6964
 In the General opinion, some gifted psychics are able to produce the materialization of flowers, fruits, and even live animals. The creation of such objects, called APPORTE surrounded hot disputes, and sometimes and suspicions of fraud.
Viewings: 5843
 We will talk about the family of Vladimir, Voronezh, who claims that his wife was kidnapped by aliens and conducted a number of studies. Previously his story was hard to believe the truth, but having passed a polygraph test, his words were confirmed by the machine that is full proof of his words.
Viewings: 10137
 According to the texts of the ancient Sumerians, in the Solar system there is another planet. Her name Nubira, and she more Land in three-four times. Nubira has a very elongated orbit, resulting in one revolution around the Sun makes for 3600 years.
Viewings: 5223
 The female energy is extremely powerful, and without the presence of us wouldn't be here. However, until now the power of the feminine on Earth caused fear and suppressed in the soul and mentality. The female is feelings and invisible. The power of women in education, creativity, intuition, of love and of life, based on the heart. In recent years, all these qualities are more evident in men and women around the world and evaluation of their significance has changed significantly.
Viewings: 5569
 Last year, in the summer of American military base caught through its satellite in orbit strange signals that cannot be deciphered. The transfer went on unregistered wave with clear periodicity - once a month. None of the code was coming to these signals, they were not similar to anything previously known. Because the decryption fails, the us military decided to give the request of our military. The signal was coming from the area of the Islands in the Arctic ocean. Our military was perplexed, because they had these signals nothing.
Viewings: 6054
 In the Bulgarian town of Sozopol, near the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, was discovered in a mass grave related to XIII-XIV century. There lie the remains of 70 people, two skeletons pierced by an iron stake. According to the Director of the national historical Museum Bozhidar Dimitrov, in the Middle ages, so there were those who thought vampires.
Viewings: 5726
 Astrology is a group of predictive practices, traditions and beliefs based on identifying the relationship between heavenly bodies and the fates of people. Using the location of the stars at the moment of birth of a person astrologers are trying to determine the traits of his character, behaviour and fate.
Viewings: 8737
 It is believed that UFO-public figures only gather information about the observations with UFOs, and contacts purposefully already come professionals, but it is not so...
Viewings: 8629
 Sex with aliens. The very phrase sounds ridiculous and strange, but over time many scientists and law enforcement officials around the world are beginning to doubt the delirium of such statements. Why read on.
Viewings: 6330
 In the Dnieper river wound up subtropical fish: from 56 native species that live in the main river of Ukraine, 18 - "parapluie”, and among the newcomers is the utter exotics - piranhas, jellyfish, snakeheads, wrote in Saturday "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine”.
Viewings: 6627
 About busiest magical means clay figures there are many stories, but the most famous of them-the legend of Prague Golem. As the story of the ancient texts, in one of starless nights 1580 known in Prague Rabbi Yehuda lion Ben Bezalel fashioned from clay huge figure of a man. When Bezalel put in a clay mouth piece of parchment with written on it in the name of God, the Golem is alive again!