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Viewings: 5012
Chronicles say that the Chinese and Japanese emperors were descendants of the gods who came down from heaven and gave the people their knowledge, including about the peculiarities of communication between opposite sexes.

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Viewings: 5031
Is there a Russian "Kama Sutra"? As was made to love each other from our ancestors? Taught "Lubja" - the science about harmony and harmony in the family?

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Viewings: 4809
Австралийские ученые планируют обнаружить 700.00 новых галактик в 2013 годуAustralian scientists said that a huge new radio telescope in Western Australia will allow to penetrate much more of the far field of outer space and learn more about the evolution of galaxies.
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Viewings: 4707
Curiosity обнаружил и сфотографировал загадочный "марсианский цветок"Although observers have called the find flower, NASA cannot understand what has found the Rover.
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Viewings: 4723
Во Млечном Пути может существовать до 160 млрд планетAccording to experts, exoplanets can be surprisingly common in our galaxy the milky way, but their number is likely higher than the number of stars. According to the calculations of astronomers, on average, each star has around him 1,6 planets, given that according to current estimates in the milky way there are about 100 billion stars, we can say that in our galaxy there are 160 billion planets.
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Viewings: 8625
Ученые получили температуру ниже абсолютного нуляScientists were able to do something incredible: they were able to cool the substance is lower than the temperature, which until now was considered as an absolute minimum. In most modern textbooks on physics absolute zero on the Kelvin or minus 273,15 degrees Celsius is the lowest possible temperature, as it is the lightest element, hydrogen - completely loses its mobility, that is, figuratively speaking, freezes.
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Viewings: 5868
Телескоп ALMA зафиксировал в созвездии Волка рождение звезды и планетSimultaneous formation of the star HD 142527, located in the constellation of the Wolf and the surrounding planets recorded ALMA telescope that helped scientists later to find out how matter protoplanetary disk is moved to the star, despite the great distance between them, reported in an article published in the current issue of the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 5440
Что человеку нужно знать о своих снах?Senseless dreams does not happen. 90% of our dreams reflect anxieties, desires and stress in our lives. Dreams are trying our subconscious to find answers to the questions that it may not get during wakefulness.
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Viewings: 6302
Рассвет над кратером ТихоAmerican scientists from NASA showed us a photo of the Central peak in the lunar crater Tycho.
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Viewings: 5424
Космическая радиация может поставить крест на будущих космических полетахEven if the interplanetary flights would be a reality, scientists often say that the human body from a purely biological point of view await increasing threats. One of the main dangers experts call hard cosmic radiation. On other planets, for example the same Mars, this radiation is such that it significantly accelerate the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
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Viewings: 7645
В 2013 году ученые предсказывают Солнечный АрмагеддонElectric networks and systems-GPS on Earth, as the observations of researchers who become from year to year more sensitive and vulnerable to solar activity.
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Viewings: 5149
Лазер мощностью в 200 тераватт спас бы динозавров от гибели – физикиLaser emitter with unattainable for today capacity of 202 terawatt could destroy an asteroid with a diameter of 7.5 kilometers, caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, which casts doubt on all such projects "asteroid protection", state physics in an article published in journal of Physics Special Topics.
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Viewings: 5898
В ближайшие 7 лет нас ждет 8 апокалипсисовThe end of the world according to the Mayan calendar on December 21, never happened. But in the Network walks schedule Apocalypses for each year up to 2020.
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Viewings: 6350
Жизнь неизбежна?As from non-living chemical elements appeared living organisms is an old issue facing scientists. But in a study published in the journal Physical Biology, researchers from Santa Fe offers quite plausible and integral explanation.
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Viewings: 5657
Космические запуски на 2013 годLet's see what programs and space, and suborbital launches planned for 2013.
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