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Viewings: 5816
Изображения "живого" Марса представил американский инженерThe engineer and programmer Kevin Jill from the USA demonstrated how from space could look like Mars in the past, if it existed on the planet life. With the results of the simulation can be found in the blog engineer, and brief comments to them passes the Universe Today.
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Viewings: 5203
В 2013 году будет доказана жизнь за пределами Солнечной системыIn 2013 it is proved the existence of life on another planet, which is most similar to Earth. The opening will transform humanity about their place in the Universe.
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Viewings: 4985
Японские ученые впервые синтезировали клетки, способные уничтожать ракThe team of scientists titled finally brought resistant cells that are able to fight tumors.
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Viewings: 5308
Галактическое излучение может вызвать дегенарцию мозга и болезнь АльцгеймераAccording universetoday, a team of researchers from the medical center of the University of Rochester (URMC) in new York announced the results of their research. Long-term presence of astronavtov in space, for example, during the flight to Mars, can lead to health problems because of galakticheskogo radiation. In particular, to the degeneration of the brain, and perhaps even the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
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Viewings: 8857
Атлантида спряталась в АнтарктидеAtlantis looking for for so long now, that has had time to try it almost all the continents and Islands. Were very bright hypotheses were more dull, but they did not convince mankind that the legendary Atlantis finally found. And when eyes researchers
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Viewings: 6700
Странные спутники наших планетOver the past five years astronomers have counted in our Solar system, several dozen satellites (at the time of preparation of this article was 86), moving around their planets in the opposite direction to their rotation! They are called non-scheduled (as opposed to regular traded in the forward direction towards their planets).
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Viewings: 5526
Филиппины и Бразилию терроризируют оборотниMany residents of the Netherlands believe that the Apocalypse will come in four years and has already begun to take steps to prepare for a terrible event, according to the Dutch media, which conducted a survey of thousands of its readers asked when, in their opinion, will be the end of modern civilization.
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Viewings: 6375
So the American newspaper "Financial Times" forecasts that the snake will not bring relief to the developed economies and the pre-crisis level, they will not work. But Greece's GDP, finally, to fall will stop. In Asia, according to the edition, will intensify the confrontation between Japan and China over the disputed Senkaku Islands, but before the armed conflict will not come. Positive news in 2013 expect from Mars, where the authors of the article, will find signs of life.

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Viewings: 6905
Снег. Занимательные фактыWith the advent of winter we usually look forward to snow, especially the children. Snow is and sleigh rides, slides, and a snow, and playing in the snow, and also stunning beauty of the landscapes.
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Viewings: 5862
«Хаббл» зафиксировал «танец» звездThe space telescope NASA Hubble recorded a spectacular image of the bright star forming a ring that surrounds the "heart" of the spiral galaxy NGC 1097.
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Viewings: 6028
Ионный двигатель следующего поколения NEXT становится рекордсменом по времени непрерывной работыIon engine NASA Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) set a new world record, having worked there continuously for 43 thousand hours during tests conducted at the Laboratory of electric propulsion systems Research center NASA Glenn. This samicoasty the engine is intended to power the future spacecraft, designed for missions to deep space and in missions where the use of engines on chemical jet-powered unacceptable for many reasons.
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Viewings: 5723
In the Bay cannot be considered the bottom because of underwater inhabitants.
Today in Balaklava Bay, you couldn't see the bottom - weight jellyfish have formed a real "protective" layer, covering a significant portion of the coastal zone.

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Viewings: 5238
Россия берет на себя инициативу в области ультрафиолетовой астрономииSpacecraft "Spectrum-UV" will be the third of a series of large orbital telescopes in the post-Soviet space. This telescope, known also under the name of the WSO-UV (World Space Ultraviolet Observatory), is designed to "look" into the sky in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic light. The same effect that protects all life on the Earth's surface from harmful ultraviolet light, prevents the observations from the surface of different events and phenomena occurring in the depths of space, making it inaccessible to people is quite wide and informative site ultraviolet light. And for the implementation of the observations in the ultraviolet range in the 1970-ies the first telescopes were sent outside the earth's atmosphere, on the earth orbit.
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Viewings: 6003
Солнечный цикл на минимуме Дальтона: ученые в раздумьяхLife on Earth depends on different factors, and one of the main is the Sun, which literally may or melt or freeze-third of the planet itself. One of the versions of the Apocalypse says that life on our planet will be completed due to the abnormal activity or passivity of the Sun. Anomalous solar activity can Wake the supervolcanoes, and abnormal passivity to bind the Earth thickness of ice from Asia to America, from the Arctic to Antarctica - and then the "end of the world" will be not a myth, but a terrible reality.
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Viewings: 5699
Выдача универсальных электронных карт стартует в РоссииIn Russia on the applications of citizens from the New year begins, the issue of universal electronic cards (UEC), which will provide users receive electronically the state and municipal services, as well as banking applications - payment for utilities, transport, shopping, etc.
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