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Viewings: 6649
Нашел что то необычное? Лучше скорее забудь про это!Not so long ago a Peruvian farmer found more than 10 thousand unique artifacts stones of different sizes, where the ancient artist was engraved absolutely incredible scenes where people have entered fight with dinosaurs, was sitting at the telescopes, had the difficult surgery, etc. Stones soon got the name "Stones IKI".
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Viewings: 7421
Путь на ГолгофуFrom the XII century, when Jerusalem was the capital of the crusaders, originates Jerusalem Shrine, called today via Dolorosa - the Sorrowful, or way of the Cross. This road was following Jesus Christ through the flagellation, spitting and derision to the place of his execution - to Calvary.
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Viewings: 6091
Астрономические события января 2013 гCalendar observer on January 2013 - the next issue of the monthly periodical for the Amateurs of astronomy. It provides information about planets, comets, asteroids, variable stars and astronomical phenomena of the month, and the last major news astronomy. Describes phenomena in the system of the four large satellites of Jupiter. There are also maps to search for comets and asteroids. In order to have information about heavenly bodies and the main events of the month, download the archive file KN and print it on your printer.
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Viewings: 13394
Экстрасенс Александр Литвин: 2013 год принесет удачу тому, кто впряжется в работу с 5 январяOne of the most famous psychics Russia gives the forecast on Jan. Alexander Litvin - one of the most famous psychics Russia, expert on energy and its impact on our lives, the winner "psychic Battle - 6" tells that awaits us in the first month of 2013
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Viewings: 9448
Предсказания индейцев майя: что ждет мир в 2013 году?As promised Indians, December 21, 2012 end of the world did not happen. But a new era has begun!
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Viewings: 6635
Змее подобные боги правили миромStatistical surveys about the preferences of people show that the snake is extremely unpopular animal. It was named the most maloimyschim being the maximum number of respondents - 27%. Against the spider, who took second place, spoke to 9.5% of the respondents. When all the hatred that people have to the snakes cannot fail to impress that reptiles were a sacred symbol of many ancient civilizations.
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Viewings: 5424
Как спасти человечествоNothing is eternal in this world. Ever life on our planet will stop. Why this happens, it's hard to say. The only way to salvation, scientists say, that resettlement to other planets. But how to implement it?
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Viewings: 5842
Кого в 2013-м году ждет много денег и карьерный ростHoroscope for all zodiac signs from the famous astrologer Pavel Globa. This time we will talk about what awaits all signs of the zodiac in terms of career and money.
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Viewings: 5250
Washington Times: Северная Корея может уничтожить США электромагнитным импульсным оружием прямо сейчасIn a frightening message Washington Times says that North Korea can destroy the United States electromagnetic pulse weapons right now and this is a deadly threat to the US. North Korea has currently ability to hit the United States this weapon.
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Viewings: 5723
Что делать с научным враньёмEvery science has a dark side, and this dark side is not open, which can be converted into evil", and not evil intentions mad scientists. The dark side of each science is a fraud. Sounds awful prosaic, but the consequences of such fraud can be no less impressive than the plans for world domination.
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Viewings: 8671
Предсказания Ванги на 2013 годAccording to the predictions of Vanga, 2013 will be rather unusual and complicated.
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Viewings: 10757
Тайна исчезновения экспедиции полковника ФоссетаOne of the unsolved mysteries of the history of research in South America remains the disappearance of the expedition Colonel Percy fausett in the heart of the Amazon jungle in 1925.
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Viewings: 6621
Бетельгейзе - увидим ли мы взрыв сверхновой?Perhaps in the near future, all citizens of planet Earth will witness a rare event, occurring every few thousand years. According to reports by insiders with the Observatory of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, red giant Betelgeuse rapidly changing shape. Over the past 16 years, the star has lost a round shape, rapidly shrinking into poles, while the equator of the star still held due to the centrifugal force. This is a clear indication that there were few weeks or months to becoming stars in supernova.
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Viewings: 6445
Разумные сущности - везде и всюдуWho still doubts the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, alien, or even strongly rejects any information of this kind, considering it "nonsense" and fiction?
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Viewings: 7287
Дольмены: стол, за которым пирует тайнаGreat archaeological discoveries still happen. Who knows, maybe after Troy and in the Valley of the pyramids of the pharaohs third largest event in the world of archaeology will soon be considered dolmen complex in the valley of the river Janet near Gelendzhik. To remember everything!
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