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Viewings: 5733
ЦНИИмаш: На создание сверхтяжелой ракеты-носителя уйдет 15 летTo create super-heavy launch vehicle, which will be carried out flights to the moon will take about 15 years, said the Director-General of the Central research Institute of machine building (TsNIIMash) Gennady Raykunov.
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Viewings: 4831
Ватикан опроверг слухи о конце светаMany experts were so fascinated by the reasoning of the impending Apocalypse, which, according to the predictions of the Mayan calendar, is to come upon the Earth on December 21, 2012 that some people with panic fear expect that date. No scientific evidence to support these assumptions do not exist. So the Vatican has joined the group of skeptics, calling on citizens of all countries to stay calm and not be afraid of the day.
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Viewings: 4589
Украинцев пообещали не потрошить на органы без согласия родственниковFull presumption of consent has caused ambiguous reaction in the society. In Ukraine there is a clear presumption of agreement or disagreement with the Ministry of health will ensure that the draft law on the removal of organs for donation will contribute to the Parliament only after full public discussion, reports TSN.
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Viewings: 5636
In the United States declared a four-day mourning in connection with the tragedy at the school in Connecticut. 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot teachers and students, victims of at least 28. The killer did not spare even his own mother, who worked with children. In the country, half-mast flags, Barack Obama promises to introduce a strict control over circulation of firearms.

20-year-old offender, which, according to the revised data, called Adam of Lanza, armed with two pistols - Glock and Sig Sauer and the Bushmaster rifle, cold-bloodedly killed 20 kindergarten-age children and six adults. Lansa has not spared his own mother, she worked with kids in elementary school of the town of Newtown. It is in the group of most victims.

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Viewings: 5271
В Марианской впадине зарождается жизньWhere can I see life the way it was at the time of his birth? The famous film Director James Cameron is convinced that this can be done, down to the bottom of the Mariana trench. Ecosystems that have found a brave traveler, reminiscent of those that existed on our planet more than three billion years ago.
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Viewings: 5193
На Марсе обнаружен горнолыжный курортIn June of this year, stereo cameras space probe Mars Express recorded on the red planet, in the area of the mountains Kharit, located near Gale crater and the pool of Argir, an area where there are bright areas resembling the surface is covered with snow. Recently scientists have found that this effect is frozen carbon dioxide.
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Viewings: 6077
Мельница мифов: чем опасен 25-й кадр?The myth of "the effect of 25th frame" proved remarkably resilient: although it was repeatedly exposed, mentioning it as something real still appear in the media. Moreover, in a number of States have laws prohibiting the use of this most notorious effect during the demonstration on television commercials.
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Viewings: 6586
Произошла утечка доклада экспертов ООН по климатуThe document contains data that can "break" a stereotypical idea about the anthropogenic causes of climate change.
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Viewings: 5077
At night and in the morning you could see the brightest star of the year - stream Geminids.

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Viewings: 7838
НАСА против безумия, связанного с календарем майя.("The Time")If you want to see the full hall of the people, openly showing his irritation, just go to the conference of astronomers or specialists in ancient civilizations of Central America and holler it out there: "Apocalypse Maya!"
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Viewings: 5708
Слухи о конце света гонят туристов в отдаленные уголкиPeople believed in the end of the world, ready to believe in the salvation from him. Hoping to escape from the disaster they like going to places with "special power", which is allegedly located in Serbia, Turkey and France. Their conviction on hand enterprising locals who are happy to provide frightened tourists Souvenirs, housing and all conditions, of course, for such a strict compensation.
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Viewings: 6590
Тайное совещание в Лондоне: против Сирии замышляется война без согласия ООНRemember how we were told that Libya will not be another Iraq is a disaster, he says, "lessons learned"? As expected, destroyed cities and social structure Libya to frost on the skin resemble Iraq. Now turn to Syria, but Syria "will not be another Libya", Yes, mistakes were, but the lessons learned again.
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Viewings: 6283
Ключевые детали 3-х дней Квантового скачкаRead quietly with this article, in it there is nothing terrible, it is a natural evolutionary process, which has its own characteristics, and it is better to experience it consciously. Because we always afraid of the unknown, or that we do not accept and want to get away from it, to hide it. Properly reacting to changes, we change together with the planetary body in the best way.
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Viewings: 8308
Звезда Апокалипсиса (Тифон) и три дня темнотыAccording to the prophecies, the reason for the three days of darkness will star (Typhon), which will approach our planet in the near future. From the book "star of the Apocalypse": "on the Basis of information contained in the ancient sources, the star is accompanied by a vast cloud of gas and dust. When approaching the stars from our planet, the Earth would be included in its dust cloud and plunged in profound darkness.
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Viewings: 5537
Отчего погибнет человечество?One of the major Internet forums was poll "do you expect the end of the world"? As usual, opinions are divided. Those who do not believe, was slightly less than those who believe that soon there will be some fatal event. Many explained their apocalyptic expectations that something depressing and scary literally felt in the air. As if something had happened already, even with time itself. This unshakable constant of our world has become different. The time is now rushing running, and people simply can not keep up with him.
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