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Viewings: 4499
На Титане обнаружен аналог НилаThe project staff Cassini saw miniature extraterrestrial a copy of the Nile river valley on Titan, a moon of Saturn, which stretches more than 400 km from the "sources" to the great sea. For the first time on a celestial body found such a large river system. Besides sealed with unprecedented resolution.
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Viewings: 5038
Что мы, в сущности, знаем об ожирении?"It is better to know nothing than to keep in mind obsessions and all the time to seek confirmation of theories on which they are based," wrote French physiologist Claude Bernard in the "Introduction to the study of experimental medicine" (1865).
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Viewings: 6134
Существует ли квантовая биология?The group under the leadership of the Nile Lambert ('neill Lambert) from the Institute of physical and chemical research (RIKEN, Japan) tried to find out whether the present level of science allows us to talk about using quantum processes in biology. No, it's not about the well-known concept of quantum Darwinism. Scholars interested in the fact, whether a particular quantum mechanisms of living beings in the process of their activity.
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Viewings: 6318
Могилу Чингисхана скоро найдут?After 800 years after Genghis Khan's death there are still find his grave. For this purpose there were not only new technologies, to people searching connected Internet users worldwide. Archaeologists-fans use for this purpose Google maps with images from space satellites. And it looks like they are going to find it.
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Viewings: 6714
Шпионы не у дел: от науки до помощи детямLet's imagine what could be Mata Hari, if it is not executed on charges of espionage. The first time, probably, would have continued to dance - it was her profession. Russian intelligence officer Anna Chapman before joining the police station new York businesses. After the expulsion from the USA to Russia girl found not only in politics, journalism and television. Leaven businesswomen, coupled with falling popularity allowed her to earn good money for their candid photos. But among all this ridiculous fuss and noise Anna established a charitable Fund of assistance to the blind and visually impaired children "the Right to smile".
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Viewings: 5362
In the Turkish part of the Black sea was hit by a meteor, DHA Agency reports.
The fall of the meteorite occurred before 23:00 local time. This fact aroused panic and fear among the population of the city of Ordu.
The mayor Horde Orhan Duzgun confirmed the fact of the fall of the meteorite, which managed to capture on camera surveillance one of the institutions of the city.
According to him, the exact place of the meteorite fall is installed.
As said "the Events of Crimea" one of the readers - a resident of the village Novoozernoye under Evpatoria, in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, local residents saw a bright light in the sky that seems to speak of force that occurred in the fall of a meteorite explosion.

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Viewings: 8694
Many of these natural wonders are able to see only a scientist, as they are in the cold, sparsely populated areas of the planet.
Here are the 10 most beautiful ice formations of nature from glaciers, frozen waterfalls up to the ice caves and icebergs.

12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы
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Viewings: 7727
Зачем одному фараону четыре гроба?Experts restore the largest ancient Egyptian sarcophagus of red granite, which rested the mummy of Pharaoh Merneptah, son and successor of Ramses II. Striking not only the external dimensions of the sarcophagus, but that sarcophagi - four, one inside the other. But the images should tell scientists what purpose it was done.
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Viewings: 6227
Курьезы науки: к звездам на паровой тяге!None of the invention does not disappear into oblivion. Researchers at NASA, realizing that new is well forgotten old, draw inspiration from the inventions of the last century. Recently they have experienced miniature nuclear reactor, which can be used when creating space ships-scouts. But it is based on two inventions of the nineteenth century.
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Viewings: 5574
Третий - даже в космосе лишний!Scientists suggest that many binary star systems started life as a compact triple stars, two of which were later United in order to cast off the third. That's the law - the third is superfluous even in space. Apparently, the same fate awaits one of the stars of star Alliance, known as alpha Centauri.
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Viewings: 8591
Pearlescent paint the sky that appeared after sunset on December 9 over Scotland, attracted the attention of several nature lovers who post their photo in social networks.

Над Шотландией небо окрасилось в перламутровые цветаНад Шотландией небо окрасилось в перламутровые цветаНад Шотландией небо окрасилось в перламутровые цвета
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Viewings: 9170
Медведев: «Президент знает про существование инопланетян». У Владимира Путина другое мнениеThe sensational statement of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation has sounded on air after his interview to the Federal television channels on 7 December 2012
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Viewings: 5881
Ричард Хогланд был прав - его "сломали"Richard Hoagland wrote an article in which he writes that the Rover Curiosity ("Curiosity") became the main character of the grandiose performance NASA. According to him, in order not to show us the real picture of what is happening on Mars, the leadership of NASA will soon adjust its "break".
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Viewings: 10120
Современное рабствоThe subject of this article: "the Illusion of equality of the rights of people in the modern world". The illusion of the free world without slavery, which for some reason they all believe.
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Viewings: 6241
Человек, который чувствует дыхание землиHappy parents named her son Fedor. He was born in a small village Kotovsky district of Volgograd region. And in school Fedor went learns already in Kamyshin, where his family moved after leaving unpromising village.
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