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Viewings: 5829
Пришельцы хотят нас уничтожить?Anyone who thinks that the first stranger, officially came into contact with representatives of the human race, will be friendly creature like I-Tee, will be disappointed. NASA scientists say that "ecologycally" inhabitants of other galaxies can destroy our planet is to make us reduce emissions of greenhouse gases they have despaired.
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Viewings: 5738
Почему украинцы не боятся конца светаStrangely enough, the long years and centuries of humiliation, slavery, war and repression suffered by the Ukrainians are felt it in the second decade of the XXI century. Comprehensive apathy is the reason that Ukrainians do not believe that in parties or politicians, do not trust Sozopol and TV, but absolutely indifferent in their majority belong to the so-called "end of the world".
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Viewings: 6436
“Вы не больны – у вас жажда”Twelve years ago the doctor of medicine F. the butmangheleng is following * published a paper with the same title and brought the latest data on microanatomy, showing that many of the symptoms "incurable” diseases " is actually the signals our body about the lack of water.
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Viewings: 5427
Some scientists, referring to a very specific, but paranormal facts prove that time travel is possible. So, creating a time machine, you can go back in time to change the future...

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Viewings: 5710
Ukrainians will be able to watch the stars fall on the website NASA from 6 am to 10 am on December 14 (Kyiv time). In addition, at this time, astronomers will hold a web chat to answer questions everyone relatively meteor rain.
Luggage NASA is set in the Centre of space flights Marshall in Alabama. As have informed in the Agency, it will automatically turn on when it begins to get dark. To do this, users will be able to see previously recorded footage meteor showers.

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Viewings: 5711
За последние пару дней два астероида прошли рядом с ЗемлейOver the last couple of days two asteroids, XE54 2012 and 4179 Toutatis passed close to Earth. 4179 Toutatis, the asteroid lump form about 5 km in length, is classified as potentially dangerous object, according to astronomers.
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Viewings: 5601
Последние приготовления: как правильно подготовиться к концу света? According to the Mayan calendar, life on earth is coming to an end. December 21, 2012 at about 10 a.m. Moscow time on Earth together with the solar system passes through the galactic "zero zone", according to the Tibetan lamas (Oracle Shambhala), almost the whole Earth will be full of darkness and silence. No light, electricity, communication and sounds.
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Viewings: 10222
Какие тайны скрывает от нас НАСА Richard C. Hoagland and Ken Johnson - former NASA officials that in 2007-2009 decided to open the world previously unknown information that, according to them, NASA was specially kept for many years from the public.
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Viewings: 5359
Генетики вырастили рыбе ноги вместо плавниковScientists continue to play the Creator. In pursuit of creative achievements of evolution, genetics, it seems, was able to reproduce the first step, which made vertebrates from the sea on dry land.
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Viewings: 5089
Язык за зубами: что нашло NASA на Марсе?Is there today anyone who has not heard about the "fabulous find"made on Mars by Curiosity? Two weeks about it sounded absolutely all media. Yes and as it was not to sound, if NASA own hand assured epochal importance of what happened?
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Viewings: 4827
 Китайские космонавты собираются посадить капусту на МарсеTaikonaut (so call themselves Chinese conquerors of Space) are sure that someday will be able to grow vegetables on Mars or the moon.
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Viewings: 6316
Конец света 21 декабря 2012 пугает больше половины населения планетыDecember 21 - date, which is now scares more than half the world's population. Many - this day is itself so. Panic began to spread peace once on television and in the Internet appeared the information that December 21, 2012 end of the Mayan calendar. Historians and simply devout and gullible people saw in this a prediction of the end of the world.
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Viewings: 4728
NASA собирается сделать из Луны остров погибших космических кораблейon December 13, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) held a press conference where he announced that two probes-twins of the space mission of the GRAIL, which were examined by the gravitational field of the moon, shall be dashed in pieces on the lunar surface, as on Board these space vehicles ran out of fuel, according to EVROSE.
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Viewings: 4933
Правда ли, что «органическая еда» богаче витаминами?Copper and zinc is an important micronutrient content in organic and conventional food unknown. As unknown, and the forms in which these elements enter the body in both cases. Employees of University of Denmark decided to compare the utility of "organic" and "simple" diet with 20 volunteers that were at their disposal for 12 days. While scientists tracked the level of absorption of zinc and copper, analyzing samples of stool test in the last four days of research.
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Viewings: 5185
Чем дольше растёшь, тем дольше живёшьResearchers from the University of Glasgow (UK) managed to extend the life of koluskap, slightly slowing their growth at an early age. Moreover, the increase of life has been quite substantial - up to 30%.
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