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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4301
The famous writer, playwright, satirist, beloved by millions of viewers of our country for sharp mind and extremely accurate possession of the word, will appear in absolutely new quality! After a serious investigation, raising than one layer of history, having been in various parts of Russia and the world, he will give a true answer to the question, "What was established Russian state: the Russian people or the Vikings"?

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Viewings: 4877
ВВС Україна: Почему в Украине так много говорят о конце света? The approaching Apocalypse raises serious doubts among scientists, but Ukrainian media warm up hysteria around this subject, wrote a novel Swan for the BBC Ukraine.
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Viewings: 4233
Spectacular fireball lit up the sky early in the morning on Friday 7 December, when the atmosphere of our planet became meteor over Texas.

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Viewings: 6000
Пять сценариев конца света: советы МЧС Украины MOE asked by the editorial staff LigaBusinessInform told what to do in case of falling of a large meteorite, floods, nuclear threats and epidemics.
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Viewings: 4880
Насколько вечная мерзлота поможет потеплению?Recent authoritative assessment of the amount of carbon associated ground in permafrost areas, was made in 2009 and called the figure 1.6 trillion tons. However, this work was not complete, it was based only on the 45 analysed points soil testing and practically did not include main global permafrost region - North Asian part of Russia.
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Viewings: 5615
Астероид (если это был он) убил не только динозавровIt is believed that the Cretaceous-tertiary extinction that occurred approximately 65 million years ago, has destroyed the dinosaurs, but largely spared other reptiles. There it was. Nicolas Longrich of Yale University (USA) and his colleagues came to the conclusion that disappeared about 83% of lizards and snakes.
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Viewings: 5421
Стоунхендж - стройка веков и народовMegalithic construction of Stonehenge in England resigned from large Sandstone more than 4600 years ago, but the dolerites delivered from Wales much later. Scientists have recently advanced a hypothesis that Stonehenge was built for hundreds of years. Individual elements of this "construction of the century" was built in a relatively short time, but different generations of builders.
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Viewings: 5365
Вулканы не дают Венере спокойно спатьFor six years, between 2006 and 2012, the spacecraft "Venus-Express" (Venus Express ESA) found large changes in the content of sulfur dioxide in an extremely turbulent atmosphere of this planet. These variations in the chemical composition can have only one very intriguing explanation - on Venus from time to time occur volcanic eruptions.
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Viewings: 5852
Дедушка динозавров был родом с югаRecently a group of American palaeontologists have discovered the most ancient dinosaur in the world, which is jokingly called "the grandfather of all dinosaur". This reptile lived on the territory of modern Tanzania 245-242 million years ago. In the end, all age groups "lengthenedy 10 million years, and it became clear that the dinosaurs originated in Africa.
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Viewings: 5638
Деньги все-таки приносят счастье!In the 70-ies of XX century American economist Richard Easterlin brought the law, according to which the higher income happy person only to a certain limit, and then almost not affected by the degree of life satisfaction. But a recent study of a group of scientists proves that money yet bring happiness. But only those who are in principle able to rejoice.
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Viewings: 5269
Боевой лазер - фантазия или технология?Powerful military lasers - promised for many decades and is now advertised again - do not work. But why?
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Viewings: 5198
Почему люди верят в откровенную чушь, и как их переубедитьA great number of people believe in such utter nonsense... however, we probably will not be for them to repeat.
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Viewings: 3733
Правительство США отменило конец светаThe white house in an official blog posted a message that the global catastrophe on December 21, 2012 will not be. Thus Washington, apparently, decided to dot all the i and at the same time to reassure the world community.
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Viewings: 7179
Линии Наска - ритуальные знаки?The first is the most comprehensive research results of two British archaeologists Nazca lines - the mysterious drawings created from about 2100 to 1300 years ago in the Peruvian desert - were published in the latest issue of "Antiquity".
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Viewings: 6552
Крупные кометы, ударив в Солнце, могут вызвать глобальный электромагнитный АрмагеддонComet Maknota, taken by a Super-North-European telescope in January 2007
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