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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 7088
Чёрная тень на белой стенеI wonder why ordinary physical phenomenon, but rather, as they say in the books, "spatial optical phenomenon, expressed visually perceptible silhouette arising on an arbitrary surface due to the presence of an object between it and the source of light, causes us so much emotion, vague feelings, and maybe even fear? It's a common shadow. The place that your body we close from the sun. Well, if not us and not his?
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Viewings: 6298
Рассекреченные документы Пентагона и ВВСDeclassified documents of the Pentagon and air force, giving evidence of the true attitude of the American government to UFO
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Viewings: 5400
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Viewings: 4824
The depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution, the arms race. We already teetering on the edge of a precipice. Quite a little push - and will go a chain reaction

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Viewings: 5136
The fame of mount kisilyakh covers today all over the world with truly cosmic speed, presenting it as an energy center of the Earth. Many believe the mountain kisilyakh Holy place, having sacral meaning as Easter island or the Shaolin monastery. Calling this mountain North Shambhala, people believe in its ability to provide energy impact on the organism and improve it.

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Viewings: 6365
How not to be deceived when buying beef or svinninge and sellers use all possible means to earn. So the market can meet the meat of sick animals or inflated with antibiotics.

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Viewings: 9730
We've all seen the rainbow, but have you ever heard of the phenomenon of fire rainbow? Scientifically this is called ecologiasemarnat arc, and actually this optical effect - one of the halo formed plate of the ice crystals at a high level Cirrus clouds.

Огненная радугаОгненная радугаОгненная радуга
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Viewings: 5912
Психолог: "Конец света" может случиться, главное - чтобы при этом не было конца газа"Today" asked psychologist, what can turn the hype about the end of the world, which included Ukraine
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Viewings: 5440
В Украине перед концом света массово скупают свечи и спичкиUkrainians buy all necessary before the Apocalypse. Because of this, some goods have risen in price several times.
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Viewings: 5600
Найдены пульсары, пожирающие звездыFor the first time by the staff of the Pulkovo astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences found evidence of the presence in the accretion flow of star systems in a strong magnetic field. Previously, this was only about to neutron stars and black holes.
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Viewings: 4797
Названы лауреаты Нобелевской премии 2012In the capitals of Sweden and Norway today will be held the presentation ceremony, a festive Banquet for guests and winners that will be the culmination of the Nobel festivities. In the field of medicine and physiology, this year the awards Briton John Gordon and Japanese Xingyi Yamanaka, who opened the process of reprogramming adult cells into stem cells.
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Viewings: 6120
Всем кто ждет конца NASA ответило на 12 главных вопросов о “конце света”The national space Agency of the USA (NASA) has decided to ease people's concerns and responded to the 12 main questions about end of the world. Recently, on the Internet literally bred predictions of the coming end of the world, supported by the prophecies of Vanga, poems of Nostradamus and, most importantly, the mysterious Mayan calendar. According to the most common in people legend, in December of 2012 the Earth will hit the planet Nibiru, which naturally put a bold cross on the whole human civilization. History has become so popular that Internet users from around the world have started to attack an official laboratory NASA with questions about the existence of a mysterious planet and its possible trajectory, writes e-news.
Finally, the Agency decided to relieve people's concerns and answered the main questions about end of the world. Under the answers subscribed senior researcher of the Institute of astrobiology at NASA David Morrison.
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Viewings: 5649
На следующей неделе в небе огромный звездопад - 120 метеоров в часThe most spectacular meteor shower Geminids on the approach. Already next week the night sky would be through dozens of meteorites. Spectacular event will be able to enjoy including residents of Ukraine.
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Viewings: 7199
Солнце уже устраивало нам "конец света"Researchers are not haunted by the mysterious "event of Charlemagne", which coincided with the victories of the Emperor over the Lombards. In the annual rings of trees that era detected abnormal concentration of radioactive carbon-14. American astrophysicists Adrian Melot and Brian Thomas suggested that the reason for that huge solar flare.
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Viewings: 5982
День, когда фотосинтез изменил мирBillions of years ago a little blue-green algae has split the water molecule and released poison, the result of which became death and destruction on a massive scale. Talking about photosynthesis, oxygen and death anaerobic inhabitants of the Earth.
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