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Viewings: 3776
Terrible times, when the Earth will the Antichrist is so close... the Antichrist called Napoleon, Adolf Hitler. Who prepares the throne for a Third of the Antichrist?

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Viewings: 3499
Recently in Primorye were found traces of paleokontakta - visit to Earth by an alien mind. Some scientists made a sensational conclusion: in the far East there was a laboratory, which was artificially created Homo sapiens.

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Viewings: 4497
Глобальное потепление может стать причиной падения на Землю космических телCarbon dioxide is essentially a natural part of the atmosphere, but its accumulation at the altitude of 15 km above sea level leads to the greenhouse effect. The consequence of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is caused including man, is global warming.
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Viewings: 7376
Вымирающие виды животных подвергнут клонированиюA huge number of animal species disappeared from our planet. However, scientists have found a way out of the situation - they will clone rare species of animals.
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Viewings: 6041
Странствующая звезда изменила наклон нашей планетыAstronomers are constantly concerned about one thing: why the Earth's orbit is inclined by 7 degrees relative to the equator of the Sun? Now the new theory suggests that perhaps a roving young star passed close to the Earth and made our planet change the inclination.
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Viewings: 6276
Храм святого Георгия в Лидде: тлен и святостьon November 16, the Orthodox Church celebrates the update (sanctification of the temple of the Holy great-Martyr George in Lydda. The Church, built in the fourth century and re-consecrated in the end of XIX-th (in 1872), a truly amazing story. The Church, which is located on the historical territory of ancient Israel, was built by Russian philanthropists.
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Viewings: 5445
Теософия – религия без БогаMade almost half a century ago by Helena Blavatsky try "synthesis of all religions" one degenerated into the usual propaganda Eastern mysticism, occultism and magic. However, having had time to visit the Soviet years "beloved religion Soviet engineers"and then the spiritual basis of totalitarian sects.
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Viewings: 7925
История жизни личного мага Генриха ГиммлераAustrian mystic and occult Third Reich Carl Maria Wiligut was the personal magician Himmler. For his prophetic revelations about the ancient Germanic past had made it brigadefuhrer SS. However, the views of Wiligut on Aryans contrasted sharply with the Nazi doctrine. For this mystic Aryans were spiritual entity, who came to Earth from the moon.
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Viewings: 6405
Цивилизацию майя окончательно засушилиIn recent years, journalists and ordinary people talk on the theme of the Apocalypse, which is to come on the Mayan calendar, and that's what killed themselves Maya, I do not know yet even scientists. About the causes of decline of this civilization has not yet developed a unified theory, although hypotheses put forward more than enough. Most often in decline and death Mayan cities blame the drought.
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Viewings: 5199
Основная миссия телескопа "Кеплер" завершенаSpace telescope "Kepler", which is designed to search for exoplanets, planets circulating outside the Solar system, the major part of their mission completed, but the work will continue for four years. The message was recently published on the website NASA.
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Viewings: 4968
Власти Франции запретили доступ туристам до убежища от конца светаThe French authorities have banned access in the vicinity of the mountain Byugarash, which many consider one of the possible safe havens in case coming on 21 December of the Apocalypse, RIA "news". According to the decision of the prefect of the city of Carcassonne Eric Raseliny, access to the peak Byugarash in the South of France will be limited from 18 to 22 or 23 December.
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Viewings: 5371
Второе рождение гибнущей звезды рассказало о судьбе СолнцаIn a few billion years dying Sun for a short time back to life, throwing gaseous shell in the surrounding space. Something similar happens in the planetary nebula Abell 30, located 5 500 light years from Earth, as you can see in the combined image that is composed of pictures of a space telescope "Hubble" in visible light and x-ray data of orbital observatories XMM-Newtonи "Chandra".
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Viewings: 6813
Топ 10 массовых вымиранийLife on Earth is always struggling for survival. Animals live in constant stress, to get enough food and adapt to the environment.
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Viewings: 4915
Плакать полезно для здоровьяWith what do you associate tears and weeping? Agree - when it comes to this expression of emotions, hardly comes to mind something positive. And crying is almost always associated with some sad event, or even fatality.
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Viewings: 5428
Могут ли наши тела предсказывать будущее?The body knows when to happen is something very important, at least according to a new study. If so, the study published last month in the journal "Frontiers of perception" (Frontiers of Perception), reveals something fundamentally new about the laws of human nature.
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