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Viewings: 7596
10 самых могущественных семейств в историиIn our world of inequality and endless struggle for money and power there are always those who can be called the most powerful and strong, as they have titles and money. Since money and property are transferred by inheritance, whole dynasty that thrive with each new generation in the multiplication of wealth ancestors and hold their positions.
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Viewings: 6963
Упадок цивилизации Майя: изменения климата, конфликты и жизнь у моряEach civilization have their UPS and downs, but no other culture has not experienced such a serious decline, as the Mayan Empire, which was swallowed up by the jungle after several centuries of prosperity and progress in construction of cities, culture, knowledge and agriculture. What went wrong?
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Viewings: 7442
Как астрономы открывают новые планеты?You may think that in order to find a planet orbiting remote stars, you do need to have a huge telescopes that will be so powerful that can detect even the most dim and small parts. Why in that case not to build a truly huge telescope that could have made countless discoveries?
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Viewings: 5860
Лицензия для курения: да или нет?This works for coal-fired power plants. Many have put forward the idea that the same fate should wait and walking chimney - regular smokers. Yes, we are talking about the license for the opportunity to smoke. Professor of public health at the University of Sydney in Australia Simon Chapman (Simon Chapman), offers such a radical solution to the devastating impact of tobacco on the smokers and passive smokers.
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Viewings: 6525
Бросай курить – помоги своей силе воли… лимонадом!What would we do without American scientists? Who but these tireless workers of science, tells us about how eating a sandwich where to put the toothpaste and what side it's better to see the sunrise?
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Viewings: 6922
Today Norwegian VG publishes unique photos that on August 11, made one of those on Board fishing vessel "Antigua" from Wales. In the Strait of Hinlopen that separates the two Islands of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) fishermen found a group of humpback whales, among which was the whale-albino. Fishermen at first mistook him for a block of ice. Whales are hunted for fish and white whale does not stand out with their behavior among others. Over the past twenty years like white whale was sighted off the coast of Australia. Found off the coast of Svalbard kit-albino - the first in these places. Fishermen gave him the name of Willow.

Уникального белого кита засняли на видео и фотоУникального белого кита засняли на видео и фотоУникального белого кита засняли на видео и фото
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Viewings: 6158
Ученые: когда родился - так и проживешь!That figures affect our lives, astrologers say a long time ago. Their studies indicate that between the date of birth of the person and his health, happiness and career there is a direct link. Actually, until recently, they were considered the main specialists in the answers to the question, what awaits us in the future. Now joined them and scientists.
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Viewings: 5753
Свобода от страстей: Раб Божий − кто он?Many non-Church people are indignant at the Christianity for what man considers himself a servant of God. In their opinion, it inhibits the freedom of the individual and humiliates the believer. But whether or not this status means inferiority and passivity, or is this a new freedom, beginning with humility before God and full acceptance of His Will in our lives?
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Viewings: 5108
Ищите пришельцев возле ЖивописцаThe number of exoplanets in the Universe, apparently exceeds the number of stars. This suggests that in abundance and diversity ekzoplaneta wealth must be detected twin of our native Land. Recently near the star HD 40307 from the constellation of the Painter in potentially habitable zone was discovered this planet. However, its mass is much bigger than earth.
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Viewings: 5912
Загадка лунной миссии «Аполлонов»Back in 1960, the Brookings Institution is one of the leading analytical centers of the USA - has prepared a report entitled "the Forecast of consequences of peaceful activities in space for humanity". In addition to various statistical and research data, there has been isolated from the General context of assessing the possibility of opening NASA extraterrestrial intelligent life or traces of its activities. The report contains unequivocal recommendation to classify such data.
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Viewings: 5724
Skeptics who do not believe in the existence of higher civilizations from space, observing humanity and regularly visiting our planet, threw another challenge. In the United States captured on video landing unidentified flying object. These clips online mass, but the situation with the new video is complicated by the fact that the truthfulness of words of its author confirmed by local journalists, clearly having satisfied himself that UFOs over the American earth flies with enviable regularity.

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Viewings: 5893
A few decades at NASA denied the facts manifestations of extraterrestrial activity around our planet. In this picture clearly visible two objects. Voice-over explains that all the time of observation they are one and the same place. On both sites can be seen by two light spot: more probably, engine and less likely cabin.

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Viewings: 6702
Рао Махараджа о появлении первых знаков грядущего конца светаAmong the modern Indian astrologers may be noted Kotamraju Narayana RAO, or RAO Maharaja. It is also called Dr. RAO. His papers and numerous trips around the world, he gives a correct understanding of Indian astrology.
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Viewings: 7512
Новый год 2013. Нашествие рептилоидов или очередной конец Света?Coming next to an end. But enthusiasm on the faces of people there. Tired we are of all, we start trekking. Already and nobody panics. Peacefully drowning another state in the U.S. and tremble somewhere in the East. Who cares? Yes anybody, because now available unlimited Internet.
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Viewings: 8635
Что нашел петербургский Зоологический институт в волосах йетиLast week the scientist-cryptolog Valentin Sapunov said that hair, discovered during the expedition on the Kuzbass year ago, with 70%belonged to the snow man. However, learned this the scientists even in winter - and the news somehow appeared just now.
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