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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4185
Токелау полностью перешли на солнцеIslands Tokelau was the first territory in the world, which is fully capable to ensure their energy needs with the help of the sun.
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Viewings: 4230
Новый вид хищных динозавров окрестили Оком СауронаNamed after the demonic Eye of Sauron from the film trilogy "the Lord of the Rings" (alas, about the book we are not talking) a new species of predatory dinosaurs of the terror of North Africa is about 95 million years ago.
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Viewings: 4039
Оставит всех без света крылатая ракетаIn mid-October on the ground in the desert of Utah has passed the test of unusual cruise missiles company "Boeing". It can destroy electronic devices at a distance without any kind of explosive effect on the target objects and people. And here rocket successfully defused by microwaves in all electronic devices inside the two-storey building.
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Viewings: 3846
Потенциально обитаемая планета обнаружена в 40 световых годах от ЗемлиAstronomers have discovered near the star HD 40307, located in 42 light years from Earth, the planet, a potentially suitable for life, said in an article published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
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Viewings: 4817
Гороскоп на ноябрь 2012 годаHere comes the last two months 2012 - November and December. Coming to the end of the year is a leap year, the year of water of the black Dragon. It would seem, is the time to rejoice, and to hope that they will be held calmly and happily.
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Viewings: 6335
Индия и Китай знают о базах НЛО в Гималаях!The earthquake of 9 points on the Richter scale killed in South-West Asia, not less than 200 thousand people and brought countless disasters to a number of countries. It even moved pole, changed the geography of some regions and the angular velocity of rotation of the Earth. Soon after the catastrophe, in early January 2005, again, there was talk of war, top secret experiencing ecological weapon - these tests, they say, and caused the earthquake. Remembered about the aliens: they not trying to help us adjust wobbly rotation of the Earth, swaying from side to side.
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Viewings: 4454
Кто первым найдёт сокровища Араты?"It could upend the traditional understanding of the history of mankind". So the world's media comment on the number of publications in the Russian and in the American press published almost simultaneously. They were given excerpts from a new book by a prominent Russian publisher and political scientist, chief editor of several Newspapers and magazines Gennady Klimov.
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Viewings: 4600
Технологии друидовOur knowledge of Celtic culture are based on archaeological evidence. How would cvetasto and reliably may seem literary sources, it is reasonable to continue our brief evaluation of the environment is being druids in terms of the scale of reliability offered by Haysom. So let's start with technology issues, what archaeology can tell us the most reliable and immediate way.
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Viewings: 7458
В России давно пора создать центр по изучению "снежных людей""We have to talk about creating a new science education, if you like - Institute of hominology, who'd been seeking, and at the same time, the study found samples" - said one of the leading Russian professional researchers of the so-called "Bigfoot" Igor Burtsev, noting that at present, Russian Academy of Sciences officially recognizes the existence of the "Bigfoot" and skeptical about the work of private researchers.
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Viewings: 5423
Жестокость со стороны пришельцевIn Peru, near the capital the enlonavtami in 1991 forcibly dragged in UFO two miners, pulling them out of the car. The names of miners - Rosary and De Paso. Putting earthlings on tables, aliens was sucked out of them a huge amount of blood taken, as if to study samples of the skin and nails. A way of sucking the blood of the "spacers" is simple: they "shake" it directly through the skin. This process is described in different cases, different varying degrees of pain. Often, "test" unbearably painful.
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Viewings: 4903
Полное солнечное затмение 14 ноября в Австралииon November 14, Australians will be able to observe the total solar Eclipse, which can be seen very clearly along the Great Barrier Reef.
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Viewings: 4872
"The world behind the scenes" was dissatisfied with the appearance of such unpredictable and strong player, as the Russian mafia. As the Russian "thieves in law" hardly was did not become criminal kings of the planet.

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Viewings: 4707
The revolution of October 1917, or the taking of power that "lay under your feet"? In whose face the world capital participated in the October events?

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Viewings: 5346
The land can be overturned. But such "somersaults" cannot be nullified. They create a shock wave. The result planet served earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions

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Viewings: 5082
The Terrans could start colonization of Mars, 50 years ago. Technologies exist for this for a long time. But only a third of satellites and automatic stations reaches the red planet. Mars does not want to take Earthmen. What awaits us on Mars, if we get there?

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