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Viewings: 4800
For a long time humanity is trying to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations. Maybe the mysterious crop circles, figures of interplanetary ships on the walls thousand-year churches, strange encrypted radio is an attempt of aliens to communicate with the Earth. Also there are people who call themselves contactees and say that they can receive telepathic information from other worlds. What this information is, if she finds a confirmation of what we are warned, and how to establish a dialogue?

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Viewings: 4686
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Viewings: 4554
Russian scientists have found the edge of the Universe! There happen every minute of the extraordinary power of explosions, comparable to those that marked the beginning of everything living. Does this mean that the explosion on the outskirts of the Universe are born new galaxies and planets?

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Viewings: 5279
Predictions of a Franciscan monk to 7000 Godavari,Nostradamus, and more...

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Viewings: 7246
Georgia aquarium is located in Atlanta. It is the largest aquarium in the world! We offer you to take a tour of this amazing place.

Самый большой аквариум в миреСамый большой аквариум в миреСамый большой аквариум в мире
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Viewings: 11395
Самые опасные изобретения человечестваPeople today are surrounded by many new inventions, but few people think about where they come from and how affected our lives.
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Viewings: 5654
Ураган "Сэнди" - не только разрушения, еще и аномалииA week ago the American coast of the Atlantic ocean was subjected to the action of the hurricane. Employees of the center of space flights of them. J.. Marshall in Hunstville noticed a surprising anomaly - luminous arcs that were intertwined around midday sun.
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Viewings: 4594
Украденная 700-летняя мумия вернулась в ПеруBolivia returned 700-year-old mummy in Peru, where it was stolen by antiquity dealers. The mummy of a young child about two years has only 30 cm in height and is in sitting position, wrapped in a blanket.
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Viewings: 5478
Саблезубый тигр питался доисторическими лошадьмиSaber-toothed tigers ate prehistoric horses, scientists believe. The diet of ancient predators, which occupied the top place in the food chain, it is always difficult to determine.
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Viewings: 15565
В Сибири обитают около 200 Йети?Professor Valentin Sapunov from the Russian state hydrometeorological University aroused the anger of many scientists of his claim that scientific tests, including testing DNA showed that samples of hair, was found in a remote cave Siberia, belong to the male unknown mammal.
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Viewings: 6314
Астрофизики назвали примету, по которой можно найти инопланетянAmerican astrophysicists Rebecca Martin and Mario Livio proposed model of formation of habitable planets, according to which the possibility of their existence is determined by the radius of the orbits of the gas giants in the system and the density of the asteroid belt.
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Viewings: 4525
Биолог предлагает имплантировать человеку водоросли, чтобы люди получали питание от солнцаMarine biologist Chuck Fischer suggested unexpected idea, designed to help in the fight against world hunger.
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Viewings: 5552
Ученые Днепропетровска заявили, что конца света в 2012 не будетThe death of the Earth have been predicting for a long Millennium. And now, we are on the threshold of the next Apocalypse. The end of the world-phraseological unit, which means a real threat to the extinction of all people and the planet.
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Viewings: 4548
Украинская разработка вошла в число лучших изобретений нынешнего года по версии TimeTime magazine decided not to wait for the end of the year (and maybe in America already pre-holiday mood or they simply took over Ukrainian tradition "to catch up to the elections" - only their own and presidential) and already in the beginning of November has started to sum up the results, published a selection of the most successful and/or important inventions 2012. For us, this rating is of particular interest because in the list came startup Ukrainian students - Enable Talk, which in July, won one of the most prestigious nominations of the competition Microsoft Imagine Cup.
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Viewings: 4944
Извержение древнего супервулкана аукнулось на обоих концах ЗемлиAbout 74 thousand years ago on the island of Sumatra there was a terrible eruption of Toba. According to estimates, it was 5 thousand times bigger eruption of mount St. Helens in 1980. Yes, there is a major eruption on the planet for the last 2 million years!
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