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Viewings: 5121
Всё во имя науки: НАСА разрушит новый космический аппаратNASA scientists are conducting the work associated with the establishment of the satellite, which was not launched into outer space, and purposefully will be destroyed on Earth.
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Viewings: 5720
Как будут лечить людей в будущемThe discovery, which has the potential to make a real revolution in medicine that has made the American scientists from the University of Rochester. They found the body of rodents-mole rats special protein INF beta, which literally includes a function of self-destruction inside cancer cells, thereby giving the rodents immunity to cancer.
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Viewings: 4826
Под Луганском нашли останки мамонта 30-тысячелетней давностиArcheologists say that the age of the bones is from 10 to 30 thousand years.
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Viewings: 5708
Наш Млечный Путь - питается на славу!It appears from our home Galaxy is very good appetite! Still milky Way regularly "eats" small galaxies and star clusters, and the deeper they fall into its area of gravitation, the stronger draws them in. However, in this gluttony positive side - swallowed all the stars become part of our Galaxy.
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Viewings: 5793
Лженаука осталась без присмотраIn Novosibirsk died academician Eduard Kruglyakov, who headed the Commission against pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research of RAS
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Viewings: 5069
Оружие боговIn ancient times, all the phenomena that people could not understand and explain, it was decided to attribute otherworldly forces. This was especially the case of natural disasters of various kinds. Perhaps it is because in the ancient sources as often mention the mysterious aliens or gods, which have their invisible part in the life of the earth's inhabitants.
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Viewings: 4212
 Судный день Земли назначается регулярно, но все время переноситсяAmerica just had a real catastrophe from the hurricane. On the border with Canada to the storm has increased also earthquake. Venice floods for the second time in 2 weeks. Muscovites even freezing rain was suspicious that something is wrong in the nature. And nobody laughs at the Mayan calendar. According to their predictions, the end of an era is coming December 21. Did storms, floods, earthquake forerunners of this Apocalypse? "AiF" has remembered all cases the end of the world and listened to scientists.
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Viewings: 4738
Подземная база на дне колодцаIn a half-ruined Church that stands in one of the "bear corners" Estonia is a fresco depicting "flying saucer". And among local people since olden times legend which says that to this godforsaken place should not be approached for half a kilometer, and even more - building next to the house...
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Viewings: 5339
Черная дыра взорваласьSuch strongest flash from the area of a supermassive black hole at the center of the milky Way humanity is not yet fixed.
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Viewings: 6077
Об этих огромных птицах рассказывают легенды...About these huge birds tell legends, it would seem that this is a purely mythical creatures, do not have any connection with reality, however, a number of facts proves just the opposite - thunder-birds is not fiction, they actually sometimes appear in the sky and sometimes they present to the people the real danger.
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Viewings: 4864
Зловещие городаSince the times of the pharaohs powerful rulers often used the architecture as a way to Express their worldview and, at other times to influence his people.
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Viewings: 5932
Вторжения не избежать!French ufologist Emma Michel somehow made the experiment. He outlined on the map of France where was observed UFOs. It turned out that the message about monitoring UFO in one day come from places on the map on the same line. Moreover, it was about seeing not one UFO flying in a straight line, but for various "machines"with different forms. In this Michelle saw the pattern and described his observations in the book "inexplicably Mysterious objects".
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Viewings: 9152
Храмы бога ХроносаThere is nothing that manages the life, all of our lives, as the time. People in prehistoric times already knew how to count the days, months and years with great accuracy. At first, they looked at the sky with the naked eye, watching the Sun, Moon and stars.
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Viewings: 10930
Археологи обнаружили скелет мамонта в окрестностях ПарижаRare for France discovery was made by the archeologists in the outskirts of Paris. As informed today at the National Institute of preventive archaeology (INRAP), in one of the quarries at the banks of the river Marne was found perfectly preserved skeleton of the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) - one of the largest mammal that ever lived on earth. According to early estimates, the age of the finds is up to 200 thousand years.
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Viewings: 5497
For many years, physicists, astronomers, anthropologists and archaeologists argue about who happened man, how did the universe, why Solar system is designed not as everything, and who made our world. Weekly program "Territory of delusions" together with famous scientists around the world will go to fascinating travel on the different continents of the Earth to find the answers to all these difficult but interesting for many people questions...

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