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Viewings: 7269
СтигматыHands and feet of the Savior were pierced with nails. Put on a head a crown of Thorns scratched his forehead and scalp. And one of the Roman legionaries hit him with a spear in the chest, leaving a deep wound...
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Viewings: 5714
Озёра-убийцыMohammed Musa Abdulahi woke up Saturday morning sick and lethargic. The day before he fell ill and lay down right in the school building. Abdulahi went to the house and suddenly noticed that on the streets of his village, in the North-Western Cameroon, reigns frightening silence. Roads and yards of Soboma were littered with corpses. People were lying as if he died on the go or in the middle of a conversation with a neighbor. All dead dog, all the cattle, from the trees fell dead birds and insects.
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Viewings: 5513
Огни Мин-минIn our century the phenomenon ghostly lights excited inhabitants of the countryside of South-West Queensland in Australia quite regularly hosts Heath area of eleven square miles under the name of "Station Alexandria". Amazing, like perform a few steps spots of light, although known as Min-Min (in honor of brothels in the near town Bouley), but did not receive a convincing explanation, with its intriguing behavior induced colliding with them Australians on the idea that they are being persecuted. Some believed that it sports the souls of the dead, not wanting to leave the earth. Others thought the lights is a tiny living beings with UFOs. Science, which was supposed to provide us with a decent explanation, reached an impasse.
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Viewings: 4599
ЛозоходствоThe phenomenon of laskowska (biolocation effect) know more than four thousand years.
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Viewings: 4562
ЛевитацияIn General terms, it looks like this is generated considerable force field and it put an object that has its own field (for example, electromagnetic coil with built inside the power supply). Globular shape, cut which is a circle, is the oldest, which managed to stumble to humanity because of certain matches, or research. It is the most stable and easy to use, and because of the shape of the ball is almost universal in application.
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Viewings: 6598
Круги на полях - ответ на посланиеAs is known, the time in different places of the planet arise graphics complex matrix topologies. Almost always they appear in the course of one night, in the fields with smooth grass. Objects that are encompassed by the term "circles" cause fierce disputes - from claims that all crop circles forgery, before the recognition of some of them, the message of extraterrestrial civilizations.
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Viewings: 6299
Круги на полях - ИсторияThe first crop circles were seen in 1972, the year when two eyewitness, Artur Settled and Bruce bond, set on a hillside hoping to see the mysterious unidentified flying object that has made this area of England Mecca for ufologists. But what they saw this moonlit night had a few more extraordinary: a hundred feet they saw as part of the fan-shaped ears were killed, forming a smooth circle on the field.
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Viewings: 5336
Загадка телепатииStatistics show that at least 60 percent of people believe in the possibility of telepathic communication. Yes and scientists conducted dozens, hundreds of experiments to establish a mental contact, put forward a number of interesting theories explaining this phenomenon. And yet still no one can confidently answer the question: is there a telepathy?
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Viewings: 4718
Дожди из существThe rains of frogs. on October 24, 1987, two British newspaper, the daily mirror and the daily star, it was reported that some unnamed elderly lady told gloucestershir trust for nature conservation information about the unusual rain of pink frogs, pouring over her native town of Stroud just during a storm last week. According to the woman, frogs fell on parasols and sidewalks and thousands rushed to the streams and gardens, hurrying to hide. The newspaper informed its readers that the pink frogs, similar to the description, a large number of visited Cirencester two weeks ago, but no one reported that they fell from the sky.
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Viewings: 5576
Планета взбунтоваласьSomething strange is happening on our planet: the species that until recently relatively peacefully coexisted with Homo sapiens, rose up, as if wanting to disturb the existing balance.
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Viewings: 5481
Трансмутация человека.Мы не умрем,но изменимся.О предстоящем рождении Шестой человеческой Расы рассказывают последователи Агни-ЙогиStudies of the transmutation processes involved in the Simferopol Centre of Knowledge about the Fiery Transmutation and Transformation. Of course, you feel the wind of the Great Changes that burst into our life? The economic crisis, political, spiritual-moral - it's all signals one disease, signs of the passing century.
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Viewings: 5790
Первопроходцы Огненного КрещенияAccording to esoteric sources, at present the mankind is on the threshold of change of epochs. The solar system is in outer space with other energy condition. The impact of new energies, called the Fire of space, will lead to radical changes on the planet, in particular the change of the human races. In the offered article we will talk about some features of the transition in the Sixth race of the physical sensations that in this period will experience people.
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Viewings: 5224
Человек-радар из Порт-ЛуиFor more than a century remains unsolved mystery Etienne Batted lived on the island of Mauritius in the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the last century.
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Viewings: 4372
Хождение по огнюAmong the many superhuman abilities are especially difficult to cope our minds with susceptibility to fire. Ancient sources reveal that the practice walking on fire (or fire) was something completely legalized in many parts of Central and South Asia in the V century BC.
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Viewings: 5755
Феномены памятиThe human brain is the perfect device, which is estimated at present, only a very approximate. However, the existing estimates are dazzling. Famous American mathematician von Neumann, who invented used and until now the structure of computers, estimated the amount of information that can remember the human brain. This number is huge - about 10 to 20 bits, i.e. the elementary units of information. So much information do not contain even the largest libraries of the world.
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