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Viewings: 8326
Белые карлики показали обломочные дискиBen Zuckerman from the University of California in Los Angeles (USA) together with colleagues found evidence of the presence in the atmosphere of the white dwarf from the congestion of Head that a hundred light years from us, traces... pollution. Contamination is characteristic elements of rocky bodies, such as fragments of asteroids that were extended to a dying superdense star and destroyed with the passage of the Roche limit.
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Viewings: 7868
Новые загадки таинственной БетельгейзеRecently astrophysics, watching the red supergiant Betelgeuse, found around it a few dust arcs. Most likely, it traces emissions of material at different stages of the evolution of stars. In addition, it was found oblong object whose nature is as yet unclear. However, it is clear that the star could face him over 12 million years.
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Viewings: 7432
Экзопланеты найдут по полярным сияниямRecently astrophysics proposed a new original method for detecting exoplanets - they should seek the polar lights! The fact that they generate not only electromagnetic waves of the visible range, but also radio waves that are relatively easy to catch because they are well distributed and carry the information about detection processes.
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Viewings: 7914
Красота не спасет мир...As shown by recent research scientists at Yale University, many people are gentle and sweet creature appears subconscious desire to cause him pain and suffering - albeit under the guise of (or in combination with tenderness). That is, "aggressive sympathy" or "frustrirovannosti tenderness"? Or maybe just the usual sadism?
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Viewings: 9019
Эзотерика и Древние традиции волхвовWhen a person should only their own lusts - it develops by itself, with no support in the outside world. When people follow the tradition - he finds a collective force. He was stronger than individualist in terms of Power and is capable of reaching great heights in Society, or in his Art form.
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Viewings: 8090
Нечистая сила при полуденном светеSome spirits in the Slavic mythology could hurt people not only at night but also during the day. We used to think that the time for secrets and mysticism - is primarily night. At this time of day, dark silhouettes illuminated ghostly moonlight, sneaking some shade, creak of the floorboards and mysteriously howling wind. Same day as it is not particularly suitable for mysteries. See, the sun is shining, no mysteries.
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Viewings: 6834
Scientists have known cases where one or two adults Dolphin tried to save her baby, but the collective caring for an adult these mammals is celebrated for the first time

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Viewings: 7866
Больные, что ли? Основную прибыль фармацевтам приносят 200 выдуманных недуговIn medicine regularly there are new methods of diagnosis and treatment, new technologies, medicines and biologically active substances. Most often, of course, they are the already known diseases, but sometimes for promotion on the market of novelties both "open" and formerly unknown diseases. Or to announce a disease that have not been considered.
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Viewings: 7393
Андроиды древностиTalking heads from metal seeking alms wooden monks, artificial oracles and ceramic moving men - robot-like creatures were created by unknown geniuses millennia before us. Who were these unique master, who is ahead of his time?
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Viewings: 7498
Память душиThe soul on the Path of ascent comes with many of the worlds, both subtle and dense. In them she gets his individual experience, trying on clothes from different bodies, different life forms, species and races. From the vegetable Kingdom, lo highly organized divine structures and civilizations. The experience accumulated in these lives and worlds, can be called the Memory of the Soul.
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Viewings: 6747
Артефакт вынесло из Израиля древнее племя ЛембаIn the new issue DiscloseTruthTV tells about the search Professor Tudor Parfitt. Mr. Parfitt has published a new book - "the Lost Ark of the Covenant", in which he describes his quest to restore the history of 2500 years of biblical artifact where he stored the stone Tablets with the Ten commandments.
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Viewings: 6984
Землю опоясывают сотни пирамид. Зачем?Scientists suggest: pyramid is astronomical instruments, and not religious buildings
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Viewings: 13098
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Viewings: 9448
In 1972 in the Italian city of Bologna in an abandoned monastery was found in the manuscript of the book of predictions of the fate of mankind for five millennia ahead. The author is a Franciscan monk Federico Martelli, nicknamed the Black spider. In the 15th century with amazing accuracy, he described the events of the 20th century: the beginning of the two world wars, a nuclear explosion and even cloning animals. Among the predictions there is: "At the end of the 20th century over Europe will pass the deadly disease that take half the population.

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Viewings: 6533
The birds we adopted the ability to fly, fish - the ability to swim. What animals can teach us immortality? What a life time allotted to us and is it possible to deceive nature? Will receive immortality our latest achievement?

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