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Астрономическая картинка ч.20Астрономическая картинка ч.20Астрономическая картинка ч.20
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Viewings: 33141
The biggest fish in the world - not blue whale as one might think, because the whale belongs to a mammal, not the fish. In this article we will talk about the largest representative of fish - whale shark.

Китовая акула - самая большая рыба в мире.Китовая акула - самая большая рыба в мире.Китовая акула - самая большая рыба в мире.
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Viewings: 22159
Before it was invented fridge, its functions were performed in the ice, which was considered a precious commodity that was not so easy to obtain, or to do, especially during the summer. To save meat and other products, huge chunks of ice transported in the South of the country from the Scandinavian countries in the Arctic Circle, or on mountain tops.

Ледяные дома ИранаЛедяные дома ИранаЛедяные дома Ирана
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Viewings: 9471
As soon as this little penguin collided in the icy waters of the Antarctic sea leopard, his days were numbered. The frightened bird from last forces tried to escape, but the leopard attacks at lightning speed - one hit jaws, and paw penguin caught between its sharp teeth. Further - a question of time, and just a few minutes.

Последние секунды жизни пингвинаПоследние секунды жизни пингвинаПоследние секунды жизни пингвина
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Viewings: 9851
Жуткая рука присоска из фильма «Чужой» реальнаMost of us don't believe in aliens, but looking at these strange fossils, we probably need to think about. This finding, whose age is 300 years, is actually an ancient fossil, which formed the basis of the classic science fiction film by Ridley Scott's "Alien".
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Viewings: 8463
Знакомьтесь с настоящим биороботом RexScientists have created man from artificial limbs, known as Rex. It is a small robotic exoskeleton, consisting of an array of artificial limbs and organs, collected around the world.
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Viewings: 8237
Везунчик и неудачник в одном флаконеThere are in the world the people, it would seem that plays jokes fate itself. They managed somehow to avoid serious danger, and sometimes they are killed by the fault ridiculous case. Although some after numerous tests live happily ever after... Parapsychologists believe that there can not do without the intervention of supernatural forces.
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Viewings: 10396
Ученые: Тайны генома улиток позволят человеку жить до 500 летScientists of Australia believe that a person can not get old. According to scientists, this discovery was possible thanks to the snails. Experts believe that in snails have the ability to slow the aging process during hibernation. In case if it will be possible to identify these genes, it will contribute to the prolongation of human life. According to biologists, some snails can prolong his life from 3 to 23 years, which can be compared with the prolongation of human life up to 500 years.
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Viewings: 9138
A member of the U.S. army Ted Daniels during the fight in the Afghan province of Kunar fastened on his helmet video camera and began to film the events to the house to show the video to their children. The movie, which the military considered heroic, his superiors and YouTube users appreciated otherwise, the Washington Post reported.

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Viewings: 20976
For many years, physicists, astronomers, anthropologists and archaeologists argue about who happened man, how did the universe, why Solar system is designed not as everything, and who made our world. Weekly program "Territory of delusions" together with famous scientists around the world will go to fascinating travel on the different continents of the Earth to find the answers to all these difficult but interesting for many people questions...

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Viewings: 9877
Инопланетян хоронили в МексикеAncient cemetery containing the remains of strange humanoid creatures have been discovered by archaeologists
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Viewings: 9829
Тайная книга индийских заклятийAtharvaveda, the most ancient collection of the Indian spells, sorcery zagovorov this book, one of the four sacred books - the Vedas, Ancient India restrained perceive themselves Hindus? What you are looking for in her texts and representatives of other religions - Buddhists and Jains? Why do these ancient writings translated into modern languages and why to use the knowledge embodied in a book called the Atharvaveda ("Veda spells"), can only people with a pure heart? For three thousand years devoted to apply magical incantations, Atharvaveda...
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Viewings: 8291
Ученые нашли в музее скелет древнего дельфина-убийцы, который лежал нетронутым в течение 100 летFor almost a century and a bunch of dusty old bones lay untouched and undervalued in the dark basement of the Museum. But now she was raised up after scientists realized that the bones belong to a previously unknown kind of prehistoric super-predator.
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Viewings: 6599
Интенсивное энергопотребление может сдвинуть изменение климатаHow long have you been in power in the winter? Remember how hot exhaust non-uniformly mixed with cold air? Easy to convince yourself that the mere burning of fossil fuels (not even the greenhouse gases released during the incineration) leads to climate change.
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Viewings: 6859
Атлантика может взять на себя ответственность за часть глобального потепленияIf you look at the graph of global temperature of the last century, in the eyes rush failure in the area of 1960-ies. About this cool period, said many. Some suggest variations in emissions of aerosols (small particles that reflect sunlight. The others nod on the circulation of the Atlantic ocean, the cycle of change which is called the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO). The situation is complicated by the fact that the first may affect the second and the effect of both is accumulated.
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