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Viewings: 6250
На то и шмель, чтобы пчела не дремалаRecently a group of American biologists have discovered that the bees pollinate the plants where the best, if you are surrounded by other pollinators. In the presence of these competitors productivity collectors can grow twice! So for our gardens and meadows flourished, you need to provide them the most diverse set of neighbors.
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Viewings: 6131
Европейские астрономы обнаружили русло реки на МарсеThe European space Agency has done a detailed image of the upper part of the region of Mars called Reull Vallis. As You can see in the photo, they discovered a river-like structure, which is believed to have formed when the water flowed past the surface of Mars.
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Viewings: 4798
Австралия вновь задыхается от жары: в Сиднее побит абсолютный температурный рекордThe unprecedented heat is returned to Australia on climate map, which previously had to introduce a new color. In Sydney on Friday was beaten temperature record 74-year-old: the thermometer rose to the level of 45.8 degree is half a degree greater than it was in January 1939.
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Viewings: 6002
«Кассини» обнаружил исчезновение кратеров на ТитанеScientists working with the data apparatus Cassini, has found that wind erosion processes result in a fast-aliasing craters on the moon of Saturn the Titan. The work published in the journal Icarus, and summary of the results of a site of the American space Agency.
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Viewings: 6079
Звёздное скопление в 3DFinnish photographer Jukka-Pekka Metsavalja not be offended if we call him a magician. Just look at this amazing 3D animation scattered star clusters Melotte 15 in the Heart nebula (IC 1805)!
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Viewings: 6340
Полярное сияние раскроет секреты экзопланетHigh in the sky dancing, twinkling, giant colored ribbon. Good night for lovers of polar lights! Bands of red become blue and red again, fleeing clouds. In the night sky behind them stars shining. The full moon rises majestically up two Crescent...
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Viewings: 8649
Что нам мешает отправиться на Марс?Any mission to Mars is accompanied by a lot of difficulties and manned flight to the Red planet until impossible. There are a number of reasons, which we would like to tell
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Viewings: 5103
Ученые уверены, что мы во Вселенной не одни и ищут альтернативу ЗемлеScientists believe that Earth-like planets around 17 billion, but do not know which ones are suitable for life.
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Viewings: 7007
Ученые достигли теоретического прорыва в телепортацииOver the last decade, theoretical physicists have suggested that intense relationships, which arise between the particles that are installed in the quantum law "entanglement", which may give clues to the possible teleportation in the future.
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Viewings: 5853
Probe NASA recorded unique video during the flight back stolons of the moon. Filmed it was some time before he faced the surface of the satellite. This situation has been planned by scientists.

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Viewings: 6725
Биометрический паспорт: точка не возвратаFrom January 1, entered into force the Law "On the Unified state register of demographics and the documents confirming citizenship of Ukraine, identity or social status", which is popularly called "the law of biopassport". It provides for the introduction of a new sample with an electronic chip, which should be updated every 10 years.
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Viewings: 6040
Физики раскрыли главную тайну ВселеннойRecently, an international team of physicists, which has Russian scientists come close to solving the mystery of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. It turns out that the matter now dominates over antimatter, we must thank the neutrino. That behavior has led to the fact that the source of the particles formed many times greater than their antipodes.
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Viewings: 6545
Курьезы науки: как отучить ученых врать?Unfortunately, in recent research papers containing false and openly falsified the results. But what makes scientists to lie? Psychologists believe that this shame is the focus of scientists exclusively on positive result. Otherwise they simply will not get money for new research.
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Viewings: 5904
Ученые выяснили, почему киты выбрасываются на берегPeople have long found marine animals, which were thrown on the shore for unknown reasons, as evidenced by the ancient Greek and Roman documents. To date, marine biologists are ready to give reasons only half of such incidents, the reasons for these can be very different.
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Viewings: 5244
Европейское космическое агентство проведет испытание по изменению траектории потенциально опасных астероидовThe European space Agency (ESA) is looking for new ideas that will help develop American-European programme deviations of asteroids from our planet. The mission, which is scheduled for October 2022 includes sending a pair of spacecraft in low-earth asteroid, one of which will try to change its trajectory, and the other will monitor the results from the outside.
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