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Viewings: 7423
Ученые уверены, что астероид «Апофис» не столкнется с Землей в 2026 годуNASA scientists now believe that an asteroid "Apophis" will not threaten the Earth during the subsequent migration in 2036. Integrating data from 2011 to 2012 after new data obtained through observation of the asteroid during its flyby of Earth last week.
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Viewings: 9169
Since the beginning of 2013 many UFOs were seen in the space next to the International space station (ISS), by a few hundred kilometers above the Earth. The video, which appeared on YouTube shows pictures taken by the cameras NASA, which depict the objects of different forms. Some are moving very slowly, and the other way around racing through space.

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Viewings: 5585
Земля готовится к встрече с новым астероидом в следующем месяцеAsteroid 2012 DA14, the width of which is about 40 meters and a weight of about 130,000 tons moving towards earth at a speed of about 6.3 km/S. It will be past the planet at a distance of less than 32.000 km today. If he collided with the Earth, the result would have been a huge explosion force of about 2.5 megatons, but Asteroid 2012 DA14 not hit our planet in 2013, and probably never will.
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Viewings: 5020
НАСА отправит на орбиту надувной космический корабльThe prototype inflatable space module will be tested aboard the International space station, which was recently announced at NASA. Inflatable module describes the American scientists as a key component of future projects for exploration and development of commercial space travel and exploration.
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Viewings: 5069
Разрушить теорию эволюции способна... водаEvolutionary theory became the main religious movement modern atheists who believes that it's correct. However, scientists once gave birth to this theory, to the amusement of believers, atheists are faced with an increasing number of facts, which beat out a stool of the classical theory of evolution, and from under all diverse and contradictory theories, United in the special theory of evolution, designed to become the second breath stillborn child Darwin and his ilk.
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Viewings: 5758
Новая цель для бурения «Курьозити»Mission experts "Curiosity" choose a new target in the Gale crater for drilling and new sampling.
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Viewings: 6054
В феврале возле орбиты Земли пролетит астероидOn the calculation of scientists, astronauts, February 15 at 21:25 on Kiev time asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly at a minimum distance from the Earth.
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Viewings: 6540
В сибирской мерзлоте обнаружили марсианRussian microbiologists and their American colleagues have recently installed, which may be a hypothetical Martians. This does not green men, and microbes similar to terrestrial bacteria-extreme-lovers of a kind Carnobacterium. These microorganisms grow and multiply in conditions close to the Martian. And found them in the Siberian permafrost.
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Viewings: 5421
ЗАКАТ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВАThe essence of the growth of primitiveness is that the spiritual life of society in General and of the individual in a particular year is simplified and coarsed. The process takes pathological character, spiritual life of society and individuals is reduced to a primitive animal displays. By all means, blurring the differences between Nations, gender, religion, humanity is trying to turn into a faceless gray mass. All truly great individual is destroyed, mocked, rejected. In idols society impose mediocre, and often mediocre actors, writers, singers, fashion designers, most of which are perverts.
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Viewings: 7649
Про меридианы, ауру и эмоцииRecently I got the impression that all the necessary facts for revolutionary changes in the scientific picture of the world are already open. You only need to look at them as something else. Moreover, it will affect not only science, but also metaphysics, because modern physics by the degree of madness outdone even the most absurd of revelation mystics. And today, on the contrary, only metaphysics able to return to science a little common sense.
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Viewings: 8897
Почему при спешке мы не можем найти то, что ищем?When we fuss, our movements ahead of the ability of the brain to process what he saw information. Such divergence motor and receptive systems makes us not to notice what we're looking for, even if it is in plain view.
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Viewings: 6242
Космические вампирыIt is believed that one of the reasons of visiting aliens planet - extraction of genetic material. About it is spoken, in particular, cases of barbaric operations performed on animals, mutilated bodies found in different countries, starting from the 60-ies of the last century. But in recent times there are reports of such operations made over people...
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Viewings: 15408
Луна — искусственный спутник Земли?The hypothesis of scientists that more than 4.5 billion years ago the Earth was supercivilization killed in the disaster, has the right to life and discussion. Confirmed that constantly receiving information, giving hope to find traces of that civilization (and maybe civilizations?).
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Viewings: 6025
Зачем НЛО "копают" скважины?In various points of the planet detected so-called anomalous well - melted a hole in the earth, the appearance of which is associated with UFOs. Sometimes strangers credited and the disappearance of significant amounts of soil, when on the earth's surface overnight formed a huge pit, reminiscent of the craters.
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Viewings: 6095
Почему президенты не видят летающих тарелок?Have you ever seen a flying saucer? No? And you will not see. Because some ufologists believe that they only appear before the elect. So who has seen - can be proud of. Strange, but true: those who see UFOs, sometimes I see it every month, and many researchers of this phenomenon are generally deprived of such opportunity. Well not come to them "little green men"! Mankind has already split into two hostile camps: the UFO is not and can not be, said the first. The latter say nothing, apparently understanding that the opposite is proven impossible. Yet. Interesting obtained thing.
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