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Viewings: 5451
Какие технологии войдут в нашу жизнь в 2013 году? To make predictions for the world of digital technologies - business simple. What direction or coming, the whole essence of future changes, with rare exception, can be expressed in two words: smaller and more powerful
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Viewings: 4891
Марсоход Curiosity готовится проникнуть в недра МарсаCuriosity Rover, which is located in the place called Yellowknife Bay, is searching rocky deposits, suitable for conducting first drilling operations, during which will be carried out the first analysis of what is under the surface of the red Planet.
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Viewings: 5404
Самые амбициозные частные космические проекты года2012 became a turning point for world space exploration. The company, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), owned by its founder PayPalЭлону Mask (Elon Musk), after a successful test startocaster the first ever commercial launch of private vehicle to the ISS. The launch vehicle Falcon 9s apparatus Dragonдоставила on-orbit complex of a total of about 400 kg of cargo, returning to Earth about 760 kg of waste equipment and research materials. Ahead of SpaceX eleven more runs Dragon 1.6-billion-dollar contract with NASA.
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Viewings: 5195
Нейтринная осцилляция: ключ к доминированию материи над антиматерией?...No wonder the journal Science described the experiment in the field of neutrino oscillations one of the ten scientific achievements of the year.
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Viewings: 3831
Астероид AG5 2011 больше не представляет риска для нашей планетыAfter December 21, it is the end of the world, scientists have published one more good news for the future of humanity, saying that the asteroid 2011 AG5 is no threat to the Earth.
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Viewings: 3936
В Великобритании готовы подавить восстание машинIf You believe that a post-apocalyptic future, which was shown in the movie "the Matrix" and "Terminator"is harmless fantasy, the experts will disappoint You. Rise of the machines - it is quite real, as researchers believe, from Cambridge, who created a Commission which will not allow the robots took the Land.
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Viewings: 5362
Вся правда о "лице" следующего года. О змеяхSnakes are very secretive creatures around them so many different myths. Many believe that poisonous snakes much more, but in fact it is exactly the opposite. About 2800 known scientists snakes are absolutely harmless for the human health. 1200 species have venom that can be dangerous for human health.
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Viewings: 4151
Люди могут вступить в контакт с инопланетянами в течение 12 летIf alien life exists, it can be confirmed or refuted by 2024, and all thanks to the development of a new radio telescope.
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Viewings: 6584
В Мекке обнаружена чеканка каменной кладки с христианской фигуройArchaeologists have discovered what they believe to be the ruins of the Christian Empire, buried in the mountains of Yemen. This discovery has led to a theory that it probably was once a Christian Church in Mecca.
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Viewings: 5109
Над Южным Полюсом заработал телескоп BLASTSpace Agency NASA and the U.S. national science Foundation December 25, on the South Pole of the planet with the help of a balloon with hot helium LDB (Long Duration Balloon) has launched an unusual telescope that will explore submillimeter electromagnetic wave range and to study star formation in our galaxy.
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Viewings: 5500
Изменение климата в Африке 2 млн. лет назад, возможно, является причиной эволюционного бума человекаResearchers from Penn State University and Rutgers suggested that a series of rapid environmental change in East Africa, which occurred about 2 million years ago, is the cause of severe human evolution.
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Viewings: 6131
Вебка на МарсеMan of the XXI century did not impress the live shots from orbit or from Antarctica. But to shoot Mars online, it seems that few people had hoped. Thanks to the European space Agency this was fixed.
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Viewings: 7117
Самые необычные астрономические открытия 2012 годаSo, most of the most discoveries about Black holes, Galaxies, Stars, And exoplanets
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Viewings: 5807
Разум-2012, человеческий нечеловеческийThe outgoing year was marked by a number of significant discoveries in the field, which can be called an investigation. This term can hardly claim to be scientific. However, intuitively, that it is about thinking, mathematical abilities, emotions, self-awareness, and chimpanzees, parrots, crows, dolphins, and so on, and so on - in short, all cases where the nervous system is showing a remarkable ability to meet the challenges of the outside world. To make it easier to remember than in this sense was glorious 2012, need for, say, the spiritual side of the mind is to separate from its material side. Under the spiritual refers to a variety of psychology and zoopsychology, the phenomena of behavior of man and animals with no particular attachment to the neural circuits. Under the material essence of the mind, of course, mean the brain: it is obvious that the phenomena of conduct originate from it, although it is still not clear exactly how.
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Viewings: 6504
Братья Гримм: интереснее своих сказокRecently Google has marked another logo 200-anniversary of "the brothers Grimm" - meeting of the German folk tales first published in 1812 by the brothers Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm and Wilhelm Karl Grimm, says Jeff ward-Bailey in his article in The Christian Science Monitor.
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