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Viewings: 5273
У Плутона мощная атмосфераAs shown by a new simulation of the upper atmosphere of Pluto, it goes so far from the planet that some stray molecules can fly even to Charon. The thickness of the atmosphere dwarf planet estimated at approximately 10 390 km, that is about 4.5 diameter of Pluto, which covers the distance to Charon more than half.
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Viewings: 5004
Животные уже растворяются в кислоте Южного океанаIn a small area of the southern ocean dissolve the shells of marine snails. This is the first evidence that the underwater inhabitants already suffer from man-caused acidification of the seas.
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Viewings: 4993
Металлы для новой эрыProfessor Christopher Hutchinson from Monash University (Australia) dreams of a future in which the materials of construction will be truly multifunctional. According to the scientist, instead of creating the material and hope that its structure and properties are not evolve too much during the period of operation, it is necessary to recognize evolutionary change is inevitable and not to fight them, not avoid them, as from the outset to develop a future material so that the evolution proceeded in the direction of improving its properties.
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Viewings: 5341
Курение ухудшает работу мозгаMany people smoke, thinking some tough question: Smoking supposedly helps to focus, it helps to stir up the brain, to spur thinking, and so on, While no one is arguing that nicotine is not the best way affects the cardiovascular system. However, it would be strange to think that heart problems do not affect the condition of the brain.
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Viewings: 5915
Лекарства в сочетании с грейпфрутами могут становиться ядомReception of some common drugs in combination with grapefruit can cause fatal side effects, according to a paper published in the journal of the Canadian medical Association (Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ).
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Viewings: 6084
"Пожалуйста, прости меня" - и все проблемы решены!We all go through life from point a to point B. Point And is where we are now. B - where we want to go and how we want to be.
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Viewings: 5060
На Марсе будут жить 80 тысяч колонизаторов?Co-founder of SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk wants to help create a Mars colony, in which lived about 80 thousand people. Musk expects that delivery of one colonizer on the Red planet can deliver half a million dollars at the expense of the traveler.
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Viewings: 8904
Бурятский феноменTen years ago, in September 2002, took place the opening of the sarcophagus with the body of the Buryat Lama Itigelov. The body was removed from the "a" - the place of burial Lama in the area Huh?-Zurh?n in the presence of numerous witnesses. After 75 years since the death of the body was not touched by decay and was in the Lotus posture, which Dorzho took before his death.
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Viewings: 5378
Самая интригующая загадка воды разгаданаScientists have managed to solve one of the most intriguing mysteries of water: they found out how it can save the information about those who inhabit it. It turned out that some organic molecules trapped in the water, can be stored in it long enough. This is strange - in theory, they must be immediately destroyed. But for some reason this does not happen.
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Viewings: 6086
Конец света-2012All mankind, undoubtedly, greatly worried by the fact that the Mayan calendar end date : December 21, 2012, and all interested in one question: is this the end of the world?
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Viewings: 6426
Пришельцы среди насKidnapping for obscure (and understand why there?) goals did not begin with flights American fighters of American bases. We already told about the disappearance of one of the battalions of the British Norfolk regiment during the First world war. However, both before and after this happened, the mass of a single abduction, which makes no sense to dwell, as not all of them can be identified. But some failed kidnapping eloquently suggests that the tendency exists, and it is developing.
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Viewings: 7266
Загадки параллельного мираJune 5, 1952 in the Yucatan jungle archaeological expedition under the leadership of Alberta RDCs Luara and his three companions made a remarkable discovery. She has conducted research in the area of remarkable monuments of Palenque, which stood in County Chiapas near the famous Mayan village.
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Viewings: 6667
Спираль времениAncient researchers have noted that all life evolves in cycles. Events of this sometimes with remarkable precision copy "the events of long bygone days".
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Viewings: 6765
Десять главных прогнозов журнала «Футурист» на 2013 год и далееDuring these years "look into the future" managed to predict events such as the advent of the Internet, virtual reality, the financial crisis of 2008 and the end of the Cold war. However, these forecasts were rather General nature, which allowed to use them except as a seed for a chat. We hope that this report on developments in the field of business and Economics, demography, energy, environment, health and medicine, resources, society and its values, and technologies that will inspire you to own research and will allow you to ride the new opportunities of the coming decades.
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Viewings: 6028
Мы встретим конец света азартно и с улыбкойWith the approach of the mysterious and frightening date 21.12.2012 people are increasingly thinking about how to spend the end of the world better: at least it is good to walk, as a maximum - to escape. That's residents pearl of the sea, nice and Sunny Odessa already figured out how to do it with inherent for themselves color.
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