Viewings: 7152
 The mystery of the origin of life on Earth revealed! This motto has long played on the standards of science. The origin of life on Earth was considered to be quite obvious. The researchers of this problem outlined magic biochemical circle within which built a simple model, according to which about 4 billion years ago the Earth by natural chemical processes from non-living matter was born the first living cells. Scripts Soviet academician A.I. Oparin and the Englishman GB Haldane, these cells are formed in the primary earth's ocean, which was a real chemical broth. The Earth's atmosphere at that time was virtually oxygen-free and consisted of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
Viewings: 7553
 If you look at the map, you can easily see an amazing similarity to the coastlines of Africa and South America, Australia and Africa, Australia, and the Indian subcontinent - as if the fragments of the whole pilfered unknown force and separated ocean open spaces...
Viewings: 5498
 At all times people believed that the Earth is the satellite, the Moon. And only recently emerged evidence that the Moon is not the only natural satellite of the planet. In the myths of ancient times, you can find information about the fall of a cosmic body. Some researchers see in this event, the answer to the mystery of the legendary Atlantis.
Viewings: 7697
 The moon is the only celestial body in the Solar system, which was stepped on. This satellite of our planet is under constant "sight" telescopes, it is studied from the Ground and from space, but, according to scientists, our knowledge of the moon for the last forty years has increased slightly and the number of the mysteries surrounding this planet, not reduced, but rather increased.
Viewings: 6814
 "Most of the planets, no doubt, inhabited and uninhabited will eventually be inhabited," wrote Immanuel Kant in his "universal natural history". It was not only his personal opinion " that the planets of the Solar system are inhabited, in the XVII-XVIII centuries believed significant part of the scientific community. Christian Huygens, one of the founders of modern astronomy, who lived in the second half of the XVII century, even painted an idyllic picture of life on mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, where, in his opinion, colocada fat field, "examples of good warmth of the Sun and irrigated fruitful dew and rain". Among these fat fields roam intelligent beings "may not be exactly people like ourselves, but living beings, or any other creatures, endowed with reason". In that way it is, Huygens had no doubts: "If I'm wrong in this, you don't even know, when you can trust your mind, I am left with the role of miserable judges when true estimate of things."
Viewings: 6700
 Six thousand years ago on the coast of the Persian Gulf there was a civilization of Sumer, which left many clay tablets covered with cuneiform. These tablets have reached us myths, historical chronicle, codes of law, economic documents, personal letters. Entire libraries clay tables were found by archaeologists in the ruins of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and in another large ancient city of Mesopotamia - the Nippur. But, despite this seemingly huge amount of information, in the history of the Sumerian civilization remains a lot of mysteries. And one of them is connected with the texts of clay tablets...
Viewings: 6179
 The spectacle of the starry night sky filled with stars, mesmerize any man whose soul is not lazy and not dry completely. The mysterious depths of Eternity opens in front of the startled human eye, causing thinking about the original, where it all started...
Viewings: 5385
 Phobia - the disease is extremely unpleasant, even painful. Uncontrollable fear can cause anything from insects, stray dogs, confined spaces, descent to the metro. The paralyzing sense, panic accompanied by sweating, palpitations and involuntary trembling of the hands and feet. Scientists offer a revolutionary method of treatment of phobias: to get rid of them will sleep. Simple Sandman significantly reduces fear, and the most effective sleep in combination with aromatherapy.
Viewings: 5648
 Why the surface of the asteroid Vesta looks like she was born, but actually Vesta is the age of the Earth? Why is it not recognizing the space weathering? Some astrophysicists explain this by the fact that perhaps Vesta has a magnetic field, which reflects the particles of cosmic dust and solar wind.
Viewings: 6279
 Few people know that in Kazakhstan scientists have discovered one of the largest anomalous zones in the world: on the site of the former Semipalatinsk polygon are heat spot on the earth in the shape of a dragon. This discovery aroused great interest.
Viewings: 7879
 According closed to statistics, in Russia annually perish tens of thousands of people. Some of them are. Some, unfortunately, lost. Others in hospitals. Third - friends-friends or bajowski on the streets of big cities. However, a significant part of those lost dogs" is defined as "missing". Experts are more inclined to the conclusion that the world around us multilayer as pie, and "the lost ones" happen to be in parallel worlds. And no way to get out.
Viewings: 6739
 Over the Vietnam Phu Quoc island has recently been a catastrophe unidentified flying object. According to Vietnamese media, local residents heard explosions in the sky at about 11 a.m. on 27 may, and then saw falling on the ground, black object, leaving a strip of white smoke.
Viewings: 5936
 Traditional scientific thought in the face of specialists in quantum physics, quite seriously argues that the parallel worlds is not a myth and not fiction. On our planet there may be other worlds, other forms and levels of life.
Viewings: 4918
 New Zealand and the U.S. oceanographers have discovered off the coast of New Zealand two rare apatitovyh whales, the existence of which scientists knew only by the bones thrown on the shore of the southern Islands in the Pacific ocean, according to a paper published in the journal Current Biology.
Viewings: 7233
 The ancient temple of God-the monkey is hidden under the ground near the Siberian village Okunevo - considered famous in India prophet SAI Baba.