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Viewings: 7140
Линии Наска - ритуальные знаки?The first is the most comprehensive research results of two British archaeologists Nazca lines - the mysterious drawings created from about 2100 to 1300 years ago in the Peruvian desert - were published in the latest issue of "Antiquity".
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Viewings: 7154
Послания майя, переданные через «небесных пилигримов», людям СевераPeople of the North is we, those who live on the North, from Yucat?n Maya, it is we the people of Russia. "Celestial pilgrim" - this, too, we, we are a small group of people from Russia who felt the call of the Maya in the blood and so went to meet with the elders and shamans different tribes Mayan end of 2012, at the end of the Great cycle.
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Viewings: 5959
Исчезнувшие знания неведомых предковHow many high civilizations existed on the planet since the beginning of humanity and to our modern era? Researchers from several countries argue that not less than ten, in different regions of the Earth and at various times; some were replaced by others, and others for various reasons sunk into oblivion, leaving us with evidence of their former existence. Evidence incredible and mysterious...
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Viewings: 6040
Yuri Knorozov is amazing and difficult life. Unfortunately, not devoid of Russian sins, he became the USSR state prize winner and holder of the highest state awards of Mexico, but he died in the 99-th year in oblivion. Employee of the famous Leningrad Institute named after Miklukho-Maklay, many years it was "restricted to travel abroad" and have not been to Mexico or Guatemala, or in Belize, nor in El Salvador or Honduras and on the territory of these States and was the ancient Mayan Empire. But in the solitude of his room he decrypt the mysterious Mayan writings and founded the whole world scientific school, where the fiddle and play now the Russians.

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Viewings: 6917
Гватемала. МайяThere are many theories about the origin of cultures and peoples that inhabited the once vast expanses of Central and North America. Until now scientists don't agree on how appeared the ancient Mayan civilization and for what reasons it was extinguished. Some believe that the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica came out of Egypt. They brought with them the ability to build pyramids and write hieroglyphs.
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Viewings: 6273
Загадки ПаленкеPalenque is a symbolic name of the ruins of a big city in Chiapas (Mexico), political and cultural center of the Maya in the III-VIII centuries A.D. Palenque died, probably caused by the invasion of tribes from the Gulf coast in the IX century the Ruins known since the XVIII century and has repeatedly investigated. About the discovery 1952 in category "With the world on a string" correspondent reports Terra Incognita Vladimir Guriev. In the late 40's and early 50's. in the Mexican town of Palenque were conducted large archaeological work, the results of which experts scratching their heads almost half a century.
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Viewings: 6314
Мистерия племени догоновFor many centuries the small African Dogon tribe has unique information about the stars that were open Western scientists only in the middle of the XX century. The Dogon argue that the knowledge they received from space aliens about a thousand years ago.
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Viewings: 8669
Древнеегипетская Книга МертвыхAncient Egyptian book of the Dead is not a book about death. This is a book about life, defeated death. Paradoxically, such a unique name that has become almost as common symbol of Ancient Egypt as the pyramids, mummies and the papyrus, it is not in the content and idea of the work. Moreover, it is the opposite in meaning its true name. But business not only in the book of the Dead - the problem is much wider.
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Viewings: 6906
Предсказание индейцев майя: мир движется к своему концу?On this Mayan prediction that appeared in the middle 70-ies, which happily writing media over the last 2-3 years, soon the world will die from the planetary catastrophe, humanity will reach the Apocalypse...
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Viewings: 6745
Народы моряIn the XIII century BC the Eastern Mediterranean was inhabited by many Nations with highly developed culture and rich history. In the Peloponnese existed Mycenaean civilization that built such a beautiful city like Athens, Mycenae, Pylos, Tiryns. Did not yield in anything to her, and the Minoan civilization, who settled on the island of Crete. During this time she was under the strong influence of Mycenae, but kept its originality, traditions and the rich cultural heritage of previous generations.
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Viewings: 5745
Планетарное выравнивание, которое состоится 3 декабря 2012, точно согласовано с пирамидами в Гизе?Planetary alignment, which will be held on 3 December 2012 precisely tailored to the pyramids in Giza. Night sky in Giza, Egypt on 3 December 2012, local time ... one hour before sunrise in comparison with the pyramids in Giza.
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Viewings: 5839
Древние следы современных изобретенийBuild if ever man is a time machine that would transfer a human being in any period of the past or the future? If so, will this machine to ensure the safe return now?
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Viewings: 5097
Загадка Шальтокана наконец разгаданаAccording to historical data, in 1428, when Europe at the height was an hundred years ' war in the other hemisphere appeared state Aztecs, a century later disappeared under the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors. Not so long ago, scientists were able to receive material confirmation of one of the events that preceded the creation of this Empire.
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Viewings: 6263
Храм святого Георгия в Лидде: тлен и святостьon November 16, the Orthodox Church celebrates the update (sanctification of the temple of the Holy great-Martyr George in Lydda. The Church, built in the fourth century and re-consecrated in the end of XIX-th (in 1872), a truly amazing story. The Church, which is located on the historical territory of ancient Israel, was built by Russian philanthropists.
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Viewings: 6389
Цивилизацию майя окончательно засушилиIn recent years, journalists and ordinary people talk on the theme of the Apocalypse, which is to come on the Mayan calendar, and that's what killed themselves Maya, I do not know yet even scientists. About the causes of decline of this civilization has not yet developed a unified theory, although hypotheses put forward more than enough. Most often in decline and death Mayan cities blame the drought.
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