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Viewings: 5734
Солнце для начинающих: почему и как звезду наблюдают на волнах разной длиныIf to take pictures of the Sun with the help of an ordinary camera, you get dull yellowish disk. If you do this when the light closer to the horizon, then added some red (only)because between you and the star will be more of the earth's atmosphere, scattering of waves in the blue part of the spectrum. Actually the Sun radiates in all colors, but yellow is the best of those that are visible to the naked eye.
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Viewings: 5831
От чего зависит размер Луны?When we look from the bottom to the moon, we tend to believe that it is better if it is near the horizon, and less if stands high in the sky... This mysterious effect was named "moon illusion". Why does it occur, because even from ancient times people knew that the size of Earth satellite everywhere and always remain the same?
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Viewings: 6438
Нептун долго не хотели признавать планетойIt so happens that scientists, like a curious character known fables by I. A. Krylov, able not to notice the elephant even when it is very close. Yes there elephant - whole planet! That is what happened with Uranus and Neptune - planets of the Solar system that astronomers have repeatedly seen, but felt that watching unknown stars.
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Viewings: 6507
На Марсе обнаружили следы древней гидросистемыOn Mars have found traces of an ancient hydraulic system. On Mars made two important discoveries, proving the existence on the planet in the past developed a hydraulic system that could lead to the emergence of life.
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Viewings: 5499
Курьозити обнаружил залежи кальция на МарсеFourth American Rover named "Curiosity" is continuing its research work on Mars, during the last of which he discovered deposits of calcium.
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Viewings: 6316
Луна и Юпитер спешат на свиданиеAmazing celestial event will be able to watch January 21, not only professional astronomers, but everyone. The moon on this day will maximally closer to Jupiter. The culmination of this event will occur at three a.m. in the constellation Taurus. The distance between celestial bodies, depending on the place of observation, will be equal to approximately one disk of the moon. And the inhabitants of South America and the Pacific will be able to see the Eclipse - Jupiter will slip behind the moon.
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Viewings: 12826
10 интересных фактов о Северном и Южном полюсе ЗемлиThe polar regions of the Earth - the harshest places on our planet.
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Viewings: 6146
Европейские астрономы обнаружили русло реки на МарсеThe European space Agency has done a detailed image of the upper part of the region of Mars called Reull Vallis. As You can see in the photo, they discovered a river-like structure, which is believed to have formed when the water flowed past the surface of Mars.
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Viewings: 4810
Австралия вновь задыхается от жары: в Сиднее побит абсолютный температурный рекордThe unprecedented heat is returned to Australia on climate map, which previously had to introduce a new color. In Sydney on Friday was beaten temperature record 74-year-old: the thermometer rose to the level of 45.8 degree is half a degree greater than it was in January 1939.
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Viewings: 6023
«Кассини» обнаружил исчезновение кратеров на ТитанеScientists working with the data apparatus Cassini, has found that wind erosion processes result in a fast-aliasing craters on the moon of Saturn the Titan. The work published in the journal Icarus, and summary of the results of a site of the American space Agency.
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Viewings: 8673
Что нам мешает отправиться на Марс?Any mission to Mars is accompanied by a lot of difficulties and manned flight to the Red planet until impossible. There are a number of reasons, which we would like to tell
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Viewings: 5084
Разрушить теорию эволюции способна... водаEvolutionary theory became the main religious movement modern atheists who believes that it's correct. However, scientists once gave birth to this theory, to the amusement of believers, atheists are faced with an increasing number of facts, which beat out a stool of the classical theory of evolution, and from under all diverse and contradictory theories, United in the special theory of evolution, designed to become the second breath stillborn child Darwin and his ilk.
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Viewings: 5776
Новая цель для бурения «Курьозити»Mission experts "Curiosity" choose a new target in the Gale crater for drilling and new sampling.
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Viewings: 6557
В сибирской мерзлоте обнаружили марсианRussian microbiologists and their American colleagues have recently installed, which may be a hypothetical Martians. This does not green men, and microbes similar to terrestrial bacteria-extreme-lovers of a kind Carnobacterium. These microorganisms grow and multiply in conditions close to the Martian. And found them in the Siberian permafrost.
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Viewings: 5438
ЗАКАТ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВАThe essence of the growth of primitiveness is that the spiritual life of society in General and of the individual in a particular year is simplified and coarsed. The process takes pathological character, spiritual life of society and individuals is reduced to a primitive animal displays. By all means, blurring the differences between Nations, gender, religion, humanity is trying to turn into a faceless gray mass. All truly great individual is destroyed, mocked, rejected. In idols society impose mediocre, and often mediocre actors, writers, singers, fashion designers, most of which are perverts.
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