Viewings: 5815
This is the Dogon tribe has about 200 thousand people and isolated lives on the plateau Bandiagara on the territory of the state of Mali in West Africa. To the tribe are interested not only ethnographers, but astronomers.
Viewings: 7532
Many of the literature on esoterics, UFOs, extraterrestrial civilizations created residents of Orion very negative reputation. In the books it is because they participated in many conflicts and destructive wars with other representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence of our Universe.
Viewings: 3867
Passions around the mysterious object found in August last year at the bottom of the Baltic sea, continue to boil. For example, some experts believe that by unidentified artifacts from space Nakhodka has absolutely no relation. So, one of the versions says that this is a secret military base of the Nazis, and the other thought it just rocks...
Viewings: 5792
Unidentified flying objects every year there are more and more often. But why are we so sure that they were extraterrestrial in origin? May be, it's banal?
Viewings: 5337
In February 2011, few of the humans drew attention to flashed in the media message: an asteroid with a diameter of one meter, named by scientists from NASA CQ1", flew a distance 5480 kilometers from the Earth over the area in the Pacific ocean. The previous record was for "stone" under the code name FU162, which in 2004 procalsol near the Ground only a few hundred kilometers.
Viewings: 5817
The happiest person is he who gives happiness to the greatest number of people. Dear readers, you know that in our galaxy there are millions of humanoid and negolonomnykh beings, created by the Archangels on primary divine pattern. Only in our sector of the milky Way there are over eight hundred species of aliens.
Viewings: 5010
Canadian scientist and anthropologist Krista Henriksen said that the study of several dozens of cases of human contact with aliens, she came to a rather unexpected conclusion: such experience, in some cases, is positive.
Viewings: 6231
When it comes to UFO, animals, arriving at them, usually referred to as aliens. Meanwhile none of them had not informed. So the conclusion concerning their space residence remains in question. Our visiting guests may arrive at their "plates" and not from space...
Viewings: 4522
For several decades it says the Swiss Erich von d?niken. His first book on the subject, "memories of the future. Unsolved mysteries of the past", was released in 1968 She immediately glorified the author. In it he wrote: "a Lot of things that seems archaeologists mysterious, explained very simply. Our ancestors tried to tell about the events, the meaning of which they could not comprehend, and because of the stories they are so vague."
Viewings: 5470
"...Lived four thousand years ago ancient cattle-breeders and hunters in Britain during the construction took into account that the Earth is not a sphere, but slightly splyusnuta with poles..."
Viewings: 5361
Ships of the prophet. Another story placed in the Bible, is, ironically, a direct relation to... UFOs, and the spread in ancient times Aeronautics and aviation. The prophet Ezekiel, if you believe the stories that the person is real. The son of a priest was a priest at the temple of Yahweh (the name of God the father in the Bible) in Jerusalem. He was highly revered by the people; this is evidenced by the fact that for some time among his pupils was the great ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Pythagoras.
Viewings: 4884
To get an exclusive interview with Badam Hopkins researcher of the phenomenon of abduction by aliens (or abductee), the author of this material had to play the spy game.
Viewings: 6586
The definition of "abduction by aliens" other "spacepong" - can be defined as the kidnapping of extraterrestrial creatures that normally carry their captives in a strange place filled with mysterious glow. The room where the prisoner is perceived by them as a room inside a UFO (unidentified flying object). Kidnapping is almost always happens against the will of the people, which are usually women aged not more than thirty-five years. The most commonly at the time of the abduction of a man is in bed in the early morning hours or, for example, is one car late at night.
Viewings: 6518
It's amazing we're smart enough to put the size of the cargo vehicle to another planet, but still live in a culture where a significant percentage of the people believe the improbable, if in impossible things. According to a survey by the National Geographic Society 36 % of Americans believe that UFOs exist, and only 17 % don't think so, but the others are still determined, writes PC-News.
Viewings: 4525
When ufologists come to the alleged planting or just hangs UFO's over earth, then quickly find their traces. An experienced operator of biolocation, crossing the border, "trace", begins to feel not quite familiar feel. Some feel the heat, energy, others pressure on the brain, and some tingling in the fingers and metallic taste in the mouth. Some feel strongly some invisible barrier facing them at the landing site.