Viewings: 5478
Chile ranks fifth in the world in the number of reported UFO sightings after the United States, Peru, Brazil and Russia. Over the past 60 years in different regions there are several thousand cases.
Viewings: 6796
On Earth there are areas H a kind channels, or window, for a penetration of extraterrestrial intelligence on our planet Such Windows are in Germany, Brazil, USA, UK, Australia, Japan, France and other countries. In particular, a rich UFO events the U.S. state of new Mexico.
Viewings: 6310
In late 1946 Admiral Richard Ebert, experienced polar Explorer, was tasked to lead a research expedition to Antarctica, codenamed "High jump".
Viewings: 4722
In 1998, the then British Prime Minister held a meeting on extraterrestrial civilizations, as it became known from declassified materials of the National archives. Just published more than 6 thousand pages on this fact, and many others related to UFOs. Leading BBC Seva Novgorodtsev discussed the situation with the leading Anna Kazakova.
Viewings: 7486
Rumors about the existence of secret bases aliens exist for a long time. They say that these bases are located in different places: on the moon, on the ocean floor, more often in tropical forests. Some ufologists-extremists sure that the aliens have come in contact with the government. There are even stories about the alien objects on U.S. military bases. Some people went even further, claiming that it was working on a secret project for the study of UFOs and saw a UFO stored at military bases. Basically, people who talk about such secret alien bases or on secret projects for the study of extraterrestrial technology, are unreliable witnesses.
Viewings: 5911
For a long time the subject of UFOs was strictly classified in the USSR. Some zealous enthusiasts who distributed in the framework "Samizdat" materials of foreign mass media about UFOs, often invited to the appropriate elaboration of the KGB, where they accused almost anti-Soviet agitation.
Viewings: 5548
Karelia is in General a kind of reserve any kind of anomalous phenomena. We can confidently say that we have, perhaps, not a single settlement that never were "visited" would UFO. Appeared "cosmic guests" in the summer of 1990 and in the village chalny, 15 km from Petrozavodsk. And appeared as timidly, deep in the night, suddenly appearing and as suddenly disappearing, nobody, however, not disturbing, except for a few casual observers, bodrstvovaniya at such later time.
Viewings: 5368
According to declassified records, UFOs have come to Earth in the ravel" or "scientific" purposes.
Viewings: 5170
The town of Roswell in the state of new Mexico, around the desert, was close to the air base bombers who delivered the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Newspaper with a military bias, almost garrison.
Viewings: 7182
The history of UFO research in the United States can be divided into two periods: the first (1947 - 1969), when it was officially considered, that the UFO phenomenon was studied for the us air force on projects with various code names; the second (from 1970 to the present time), when it became officially known that all UFO research on the state line stopped, although in fact they continue to be conducted and the Pentagon, and the Agency for National Security, and the CIA.
Viewings: 4461
At the turn of 1937-1938 in one of the remote regions of China, in the mountains Bayan-Kara-Ula near Tibet, archaeologists have discovered an unusual ancient burial. In a vertical rock wall straight rows blackened holes burial crypts. Found in them remains seemed archaeologists very strange. They were like men, but had enlarged skull, thin limbs, and at length reached only 110-120 cm. Instead of inscriptions and drawings on the walls of tombs were carved the point size of a pea, which is kind of a "dotted line" portrayed the Sun, moon and constellations.
Viewings: 4603
For almost thirty years the pilot Frederick Valentin forced against their will to take the wheel of a UFO. Recently the foreign press has reported a sensation: in the system of Jupiter seems to be discovered civilization. And she takes oxygen from the Earth! So says the pilot Valentich, abducted by aliens and now working on their spaceships.
Viewings: 5814
In September 2011 in Buenos Aires was an explosion. This explosion, supposedly, was a ball of fire that fell from the sky. The result is a mysterious explosion one person was killed and six were seriously injured. Also collapsed the business office, two houses and several cars.
Viewings: 5930
The case goes to the fact that the aliens are going there. At least at the recent meeting of the British Royal society (Royal Society) was promised that in a year, the latest orbital telescope Kepler will find a planet with conditions suitable for life. After this opening identification brothers on reason will be simplified and will not be long in coming.
Viewings: 6313
Paleontologists Victor Pacheco and Martin fried during a vacation in big Band-Country (Texas, USA) decided to explore one of the many caves.