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Viewings: 6245
Встречи с пришельцами – свидетельства очевидцевOfficially it is considered that no other civilizations no, we alone in the Universe and meeting aliens is idle fantasy unhealthy people. However, evidence about the contacts with "outsiders" for so many, that to brush off eyewitnesses as from malicious mystification't. Most of these are serious and respectable people. In my research practice there are a number of indications about the positive contacts with aliens. But do not hide that there are negative consequences from meeting with "outside"...
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Viewings: 5761
Польские летчики – об НЛОThe beginning of the modern era UFO is June 24, 1947, when American pilot Kenneth Arnold saw over the Cascade mountains flying with great speed objects, similar in shape to the plate. The first meeting was followed by others, and soon the "flying saucers" were called "unidentified flying objects", in English-Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO). Hence the name of the new science - UFOlogy.
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Viewings: 5809
НЛО уничтожают насMany unidentified flying objects behave aggressively towards Earthmen and have combat weapons, immeasurably superior to the one that has had to date people of the Earth.
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Viewings: 4841
Инопланетные скалолазы штурмуют АрагацAragats - the highest mountain massif in the territory of Armenia is famous among climbers and ufologists as a place of incredible events connected with the appearance of UFOs and aliens.
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Viewings: 6733
Неизвестные движущиеся объекты под водойForeign and our press is also a number of cases when a moving object of unknown origin was observed only under water. Famous underwater Explorer Jean Picard twice watched from his bathyscaphe unknown underwater objects: the first time on 15 November 1959 near the island of GUAM, what was recorded in the logbook of the bathyscaphe: "10.57. depth of 700 meters.
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Viewings: 6492
Вера в НЛО приобретает черты настоящей религииThe splitting of atoms, the taming of the plasma, nuclear programs of individual member"rogue" permanently scared man. And as a result - didactic the myth of the existence of civilizations that "the game's up" with such indomitable forces and thirst for knowledge of the hidden mysteries of the universe has always been inherent to man. But if, for example, a hundred years ago creative search was the prerogative of the educated class, reading intelligentsia, in the XXI century can deal with any, we need only turn on the TV or go to the bookstore. But it is clear that the popularity of esotericism is caused not only by literacy of the population.
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Viewings: 4735
Аппаратуру на Луне "оживили" гуманоиды?According to the competent circles NASA (about atom repeatedly told the media USA), "all flights American spacecraft was controlled from afar and near aliens (or their auto vehicles). However, ground base ordered the astronauts to store information about this secret". According to unofficial data, the similar picture was observed and the former USSR, where almost every launch spacecraft from Baikonur, Plesetsk and Kapustin Yar was controlled unidentified flying objects. The most famous UFO photos were taken from the surface of the Earth.
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Viewings: 6516
Правительство США давно сотрудничает с пришельцамиWhen you read the materials of the foreign media that the U.S. government has worked closely with the aliens and constructs joint military bases, and in support to this feature photo of flying saucers on the bases, increasing astonishment as possible to keep secret from mankind all this activity? And anxiety - why?
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Viewings: 6897
Боги-звери - эксперимент инопланетянImages of the gods with the heads of animals and human bodies are found in different Nations. It is possible that these beings are the fruit genetic experiments aliens.
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Viewings: 6555
From time to time from China leak information is one more surprising than the other. Archeological findings give such a convincing materials in favor of the hypothesis about visiting our planet by extraterrestrial aliens, what ufologists could previously only dream of. We are talking about material evidence landing on the planet of the spacecraft and its relatively long presence on the territory of the Median Empire. Cosmic Wanderers, apparently we were on our planet by chance - their ship had an accident, fell to the Ground or has made an emergency landing.

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Viewings: 4011
ИновремянеINUREMENT - aliens physical Time, probably, from the Future. Theoretically arrival them on our Earth in our time is quite possible, therefore, it would be quite logical to look for traces of their activity from us. The historical archives of all countries are full of messages about the mysterious aliens, "Katusha on their carts" trusting the Earthmen not only in the "heaven", but also in Time.
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Viewings: 8664
Боги инопланетяне: ДРЕВНИЙ РИМTitus Libya, the Bottom Cassius, Pliny the Elder, and other Roman authors unconditionally took the position that everything on Earth foreordained, believed that on the threshold of great events gods give to know them heavenly signs.
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Viewings: 5507
Стремление к контактамFor the past 40 years studying the UFO in the world has a lot of messages about UFOs, which cannot be assessed otherwise than striving for a certain kind of contacts with people. Below are the exchange of light signals between people or vehicles, on the one hand, and UFOs.
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Viewings: 5853
Тайна межпланетных диалоговThe desire of many people to finally open to mankind the truth about UFOs and possible contacts earthlings with aliens, most of us ordinary people initially provide some ulterior motive. And this is not our fault. For more than half a century we were told that we alone in the universe, and the appearance of any UFO brought to anomalous atmospheric phenomena, comets or meteorological probes.
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Viewings: 7636
Контактеры: Что внутри инопланетных кораблейWhat you see inside a UFO our contemporaries? The first thing that surprises has risen on Board a mysterious ship, it is a large internal volume of the building, devoid of the usual for spacecraft clutter of cables, devices, pipes, toggle switches. The whole situation mainly consist of comfortable chairs, remote control, overview and the star map.
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