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Viewings: 5649
Кто скрывает правду об НЛО?Ufologists around the world have repeatedly accused the government and special services of the great powers in seeking to hide from the public the truth about the contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence. In this connection, one can recall the mysterious catastrophe in Roselle (USA) in the summer of 1947, or rumors about the fall of the UFO in the Urals in the late 60-ies. In all such cases, the government stated that no alien in the land was not, and enthusiasts, who tried to conduct its own investigation had serious trouble with the FBI, KGB, and similar organizations.
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Viewings: 6047
Конструкция летательных аппаратов и роль 115-го элемента1. The reactor is a Source of energy alien aircraft, hereinafter referred to as LT is compact reactor, based on the radioactive decay of the element 115 and the allocation of this antimatter. The reactor consists of a sphere with a diameter of 30 - 40, see
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Viewings: 7351
Классификация НЛО по формеA comprehensive study of the properties of "behaviour" and dimensions of the UFO, regardless of form, allows conditionally be divided into four main types.
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Viewings: 6037
Заговор молчанияOf classified evidence astronaut G. Cooper, who became "alien"... Rough concealment of information about UFOs already does not meet the interests of the authorities. And they themselves initiate dosed leakage. As well as the establishment of numerous films and computer games "alien ' theme. What is the purpose? It is not excluded that Earthmen are preparing for the upcoming open contacts with intelligent beings from other corners of the Universe...
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Viewings: 5283
Загадка списка ШелдонаFamous scientists studying the problem of extraterrestrial intelligence, die under mysterious circumstances. Some ufologists believe that so there is aggression "men in black".
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Viewings: 4880
Воздействие НЛО на людей и техникуSpecial attention deserves the impact of UFOs on the psyche of people, which is manifested in various forms. First of all it should be noted that people have different sensitivity, resulting in a different perception of UFOs. There are a number of cases where individuals even before the appearance of UFOs felt wanton excited and anticipating that something unusual. Significant impact on the psyche of people has sometimes the appearance of a UFO. At this point, some suddenly Wake up with a sense of some concern, and go to the Windows, where you can see the UFO appeared.
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Viewings: 5197
Взаимосвязанные действия НЛОIn a number of messages about UFOs were observed flying groups of these objects, which are sometimes viewed items relationships and organization. First of all it can be attributed group UFO clear structure with equal distances between objects that were supported throughout the monitoring and persisted when making turns. There was observed a variety build a UFO.
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Viewings: 6453
Где спрятано послание от инопланетян?Scientists assume that a journey in time and space through the so-called "Star gate", the truth to reveal them until humanity has failed. There is an ancient map showing the location of the Stargate on Earth - these corridors in space and time, which on the planet has always been 12, 12 regions, shaped like a triangle with a powerful Geometrico anomaly.
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Viewings: 5706
Инопланетные гены Адама или давным-давноAmerican Zakaria Sitchin in the scientific paper presented evidence that the men had been, as we thought, not in the long evolution, and are biorobots, which sentient being brought back to Earth with a mysterious planet Nibiru.
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Viewings: 4953
Strange white winding object took over the American Tennessee on October 11, 2012. According to the author, such serpentine UFO before this time were noted only in Mexico and known under the name EBANIES. What is it was never clarified.

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Viewings: 4953
Похищения людей: шотландский следStories about the abduction - a kidnapping by aliens from other worlds - there have been many. Some people obviously like stories for adults, others are supported by convincing arguments and irrefutable facts. To which category to refer this case to the judgment.
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Viewings: 6090
Как индейцы спасли инопланетянинаThis incredible material a few years ago published a popular scientific journal "RATA" (USA). Many ufologists have accepted this hypothesis as true.
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Viewings: 6648
НЛО и большая политикаIn recent years, information on there that we hide the fact of communication with aliens, and do more than enough.
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Viewings: 5020
Призраки на орбитеFor five decades in space visited more than 400 people from different countries. 've seen many, including with mysticism. But, as a rule, prefer to keep quiet about what no explanation. Yes and I do not advise astronauts Frank about this. Although it is said that even Yuri Gagarin once made a mistake, they say, if he was allowed, he could tell a lot about your flight. And yet some of "forbidden" managed to learn Professor Kirill Butusovu, bit by bit gathered evidence of astronauts.
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Viewings: 6928
Лучевые корабли лирианцевIn 1977, on the road leading to the house Billy Meier*, landed a new ship of the unusual construction, and Meyer went to examine it.
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