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Viewings: 6830
Озерные базы НЛОIt is considered that the UFOs can be on the moon and on the bottom of the seas and oceans, where extraterrestrial objects securely hidden from human eyes. But, as more and more convinced ufologists, the aliens make their hangars and in some lakes - even though this aircraft aliens people are easier to detect.
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Viewings: 4971
Инопланетяне и события на ЗемлеInterpreters legends and stories bring us to an astonishing discovery - unidentified flying object was observed by the ancient people, but in a different appearance".
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Viewings: 5850
НЛО и высокие энергииMany centuries for our Land are monitoring other civilizations. They do not interfere in our Affairs radically, but their presence is obvious and has been proved by many facts, as their appearance in the form of flying objects, and the numerous contacts. Due to which they fly with such speed! Only by converting the energy space is present everywhere.
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Viewings: 6604
Боги или НЛО?Gods and Mythological creatures with almost without limit possibilities, esoteric often compares mythological gods with egregors, the monotheistic religions insist that God is one, what is God from the point of view of mythology?
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Viewings: 4639
Всё рассказанное является правдойIn a recent press conferences American ufologist Cooper journalists asked him a question: "Why did you not been killed?"
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Viewings: 6225
Фото инопланетянина?About 15 years ago a British police officer Phillip Spencer met, as he says, with the alien and photographed.
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Viewings: 5815
Они были в городе на другой планете!Куили — город-лаборатория, носитель огромной информацииResearcher of anomalous phenomena Alexey Pryyma and the hypnotist Valery Avdeev conducted a unique experiment: put a regressive hypnosis resident of the Moscow region Zinaida Gavrilova, they received confirmation that it had hosted a contact with aliens.
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Viewings: 6263
Игнорировать НЛО уже нельзяZhigulevskie reading is the most popular in our country forum, devoted to the study of the unknown and unusual. Its name reading was in honor of Felix Siegel, astronomer, who is often called the father of Russian UFOlogy.
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Viewings: 4943
Сюрпризы, оставленные пришельцами?The origin of the individual finds sometimes defies any reasonable explanation. According to ufologists and researchers unknown on Earth is found in many subjects, "abandoned" here representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations...
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Viewings: 5532
НЛО вопросы и ответы.Когда ждать вторжения инопланетян?Probably, you are not one time a long time gazing at the sparkling diamonds star placers, trying to guess where the pulsing life, where sparks blaze of mind, where just stare into space dal eyes alien beings. And then you start to overflow the thoughts and feelings, hopes and fears...
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Viewings: 4228
Водолазы спустились к НЛО на дне БалтикиSwedish divers inspected the mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic sea and shot it. As the saying goes on the official site of the organizers of the expedition, none of them had not seen anything like it.
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Viewings: 5963
Медицинские эксперименты НЛОUfologists believe that aliens are visiting our planet, conduct medical experiments on animals and on people. The corpses of animals that have deflated the blood or removed bodies using the most advanced tools, was repeatedly.
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Viewings: 6779
Кладбища инопланетянRecently we talked about the mysterious mummies found in the mountains of Peru. Scientists do not exclude, that this is the mummy of aliens who once visited our planet and for one reason or another, remaining in it forever. Continuing this theme, we offer to your attention the material from which it is clear - the burial of strangers meet throughout the Earth.
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Viewings: 4379
Сколько Наших на Земле?Estimated number of people living on Earth, including races, Nations, parties, social prosloika, confessions and occupation, poverty, education, and so forth, you know. This is not the problem.
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Viewings: 11156
Американцы давно сотрудничают с инопланетянамиNear the town of deals, state of new Mexico, is one of the underground bases of Gray. This database is a genetic laboratory, which has underground links to the Los Alamos - the birthplace of the atomic bomb, and with another base in Nevada. Here are genetic experiments and research carried out a comparative analysis of biological structures humans and aliens.
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