Viewings: 6366
 The earthquake of 9 points on the Richter scale killed in South-West Asia, not less than 200 thousand people and brought countless disasters to a number of countries. It even moved pole, changed the geography of some regions and the angular velocity of rotation of the Earth. Soon after the catastrophe, in early January 2005, again, there was talk of war, top secret experiencing ecological weapon - these tests, they say, and caused the earthquake. Remembered about the aliens: they not trying to help us adjust wobbly rotation of the Earth, swaying from side to side.
Viewings: 5451
 In Peru, near the capital the enlonavtami in 1991 forcibly dragged in UFO two miners, pulling them out of the car. The names of miners - Rosary and De Paso. Putting earthlings on tables, aliens was sucked out of them a huge amount of blood taken, as if to study samples of the skin and nails. A way of sucking the blood of the "spacers" is simple: they "shake" it directly through the skin. This process is described in different cases, different varying degrees of pain. Often, "test" unbearably painful.
Viewings: 6342
 American astrophysicists Rebecca Martin and Mario Livio proposed model of formation of habitable planets, according to which the possibility of their existence is determined by the radius of the orbits of the gas giants in the system and the density of the asteroid belt.
Viewings: 4775
 In a half-ruined Church that stands in one of the "bear corners" Estonia is a fresco depicting "flying saucer". And among local people since olden times legend which says that to this godforsaken place should not be approached for half a kilometer, and even more - building next to the house...
Viewings: 5957
 French ufologist Emma Michel somehow made the experiment. He outlined on the map of France where was observed UFOs. It turned out that the message about monitoring UFO in one day come from places on the map on the same line. Moreover, it was about seeing not one UFO flying in a straight line, but for various "machines"with different forms. In this Michelle saw the pattern and described his observations in the book "inexplicably Mysterious objects".
Viewings: 6772
 Over the Vietnam Phu Quoc island has recently been a catastrophe unidentified flying object. According to Vietnamese media, local residents heard explosions in the sky at about 11 a.m. on 27 may, and then saw falling on the ground, black object, leaving a strip of white smoke.
Viewings: 6386
 Currently recorded in the world for over 1000 messages "temporary" kidnappings in UFOs, including 30 in England, 20 - in Italy, 7 - in France and the basic amount in the USA, Canada and South America .
Viewings: 6173
 Our planet on the right had to be called not the Land, and Ocean, because two thirds of it is just salt water. To penetrate the mysteries of the seas and oceans extremely difficult - if only because at a depth of enormous pressure - hundreds of atmospheres.
Viewings: 7599
 We can reasonably assume that throughout human history information from extraterrestrial intelligence, which is ahead of us in their development over thousands or millions of years, constantly coming into our Solar system and on Earth in the form of different, does not fit into the stereotypical scheme human thinking abnormal phenomena. Phenomena that perform the function of symbols, which provide vital for the inhabitants of the Earth information. There was no doubt that to enter the Space Community or, in other words, to get in touch with CC, we will be able only when we will reach the necessary intellectual level when we become aware of the necessity and inevitability of contact and psychologically we will be ready for this step.
Viewings: 6097
 The notorious Michael Morella, the author of several acclaimed publications on the topic of aliens, started a new campaign for the education of the masses by publishing an article that thousands of UFO recorded each year by different observers may, distracting the pilot put the plane and its passengers serious danger. But is it so terrible green men, as their mallet this gentleman?
Viewings: 6886
 In Bible sources and legends, there are numerous evidences on the planet of the gods, prophets, "sons of God"that has had a significant impact on cultural development and the religious worldview of many Nations. In the famous Dead sea scrolls (so secure that their rights to see received only a few scientists), according to the American astronaut Edgar Mitchell, said about Satan, who will be on Earth, and his presence will continue for 6 years beginning in 2012.
Viewings: 6077
 Just a few months ago the United States declassified some of the documents that reveal some very interesting developments and their characteristics. It is about the prototype flying saucers.
Viewings: 5812
 "Truth is born of arguments". This is a common and banal statement may be used by some cynical minds to justify and fraud in scientific discussions, and moldovitei in the parliaments of many countries, and the outbreak of the local and Ecumenical conflicts. However, this aphorism is an axiom, as she would not Navassa on the teeth.
Viewings: 5387
 The inventors of the transistor could be inspired by the study of the remains of the alien starship says Jack A. Shulman, President of the American computer companies ACC. For its part, astronaut Edgar Mitchell also stirs up controversy, demanding the creation of a special Commission by the U.S. Congress to check whether you have been in due time used alien technology to any military or civil companies.
Viewings: 6058
 One of the unusual properties of UFOs are their strange transformation expressed in changes in their shape and size, or splitting with subsequent flight each part separately, sometimes, on the contrary, with the connection of multiple objects in one. Known, for example, a number of cases when observers on earth had the impression that UFO has repeatedly changed its shape in flight.