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Viewings: 5492
Конец света переносится на послезавтра.На самом деле конец света наступит 23 декабряIf you are reading now these lines of the article, it means you are still alive. We are all alive. And everything was in vain. The day after the promised end of the world no one thinks that predicted our ancient Maya and what they actually had in mind for this calendar. Finishing it today is December 21, 2012 (actually - December 23, just then, for the convenience of astronomical calculations, by the end of the calendar did the winter solstice).
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Viewings: 6086
Так все-таки конец света или его начало?Today is the day of the winter solstice, which means that in the Northern hemisphere - the shortest day of the year. As for the southern hemisphere, in this day, the Sun in its annual motion along the Ecliptic reaches the most southern point on the celestial sphere, that is, it appears above the tropic of Capricorn (23,5° Yu. sh).
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Viewings: 4669
Шаманы майя начали встречать "конец света"Of these ceremonies, sacred places of Mayan marked the beginning of the meeting on 21 December in Guatemala. Many consider it the day of the so-called end of the world.
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Viewings: 5739
От конца света укроют горыQuietly approaching the end of December 2012, and a growing number of rumors and prophecies about the coming end of the world supposedly predicted by the Mayan calendar...
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Viewings: 6617
Код АпокалипсисаDecember 21, 2012 according to the Maya calendar must come to an end. Such terrible conclusions made on the basis of several findings calendar tables Mayan of Tortuguero and inscriptions inscribed on the brick Church in Comalcalco.
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Viewings: 6708
21 декабря 2012 ожидается конец света или парад планет: мифы и реальностьResearchers in one voice together with priests Maya cancel the end of the world on December 21. Kneze world Scientists deny the end of the world on December 21, on Friday, December 21, many people waiting for the end of the world. Only, according to the survey, in the Apocalypse believes a third of Ukrainians, as, for example, in Australia the Prime Minister he wrote a message on the occasion of the end of the world. However, speaking about the Apocalypse, it is not known how it will be. Therefore, on December 21, is assigned several scenarios.
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Viewings: 6164
Если пророчество майя — правда, что же может случиться в пятницу?Scientists believe that even if the end of the world and will happen, it will, at least not this Friday, and if the Mayan prophecy about the end of the world is true, then scientists have presented the list of what can happen, reports novostiua.net.
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Viewings: 4749
В Китае проходят массовые аресты сторонников культа АпокалипсисаThe Chinese authorities continue to arrest the followers of the cult of the end of the world, predrekli quick death to all living things. The members of the sect "God Almighty" claim that after the occurrence of the Apocalypse will be saved, only those who will join their ranks. In China, this organization is forbidden, according to the British broadcasting company BBC.
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Viewings: 6147
Астроном опроверг все космические версии "конца света"The head of the Omsk planetarium Vladimir Krupko denied different scenarios space "Armageddon"offered in advance of the December 21 - date, which, referring to the Mayan calendar, referred to as "end of the world".
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Viewings: 5563
21 декабря 2012, А будет ли конец света?Will there be the end of the world? People are curious by nature. He wants to know the future, I want to foresee possible problems. Today people are discussing this topic, but by and large, treat it with irony, sarcasm, and because this is not the first end of the world, which we predicted. Where to run? What to do?
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Viewings: 6738
Конец Света как повод для праздникаA wandering planet Nibiru, change of magnetic poles of the Earth, the revolt of the zombies excessive wickedness and greed of mankind (who would doubt), the parade of planets - this is an incomplete listing of the reasons of the End of the world, which should take place on December 21, 2012. But really, all these probable cause Armageddon appeared in the result of reflection on the theme: "why the Mayan calendar ends on that date".
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Viewings: 6961
Что будет 21 декабря 2012 года в 10 утра: Конец СветаThe idea of the end of the world on December 21, born of jokes American historians-mayanist
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Viewings: 7855
НАСА против безумия, связанного с календарем майя.("The Time")If you want to see the full hall of the people, openly showing his irritation, just go to the conference of astronomers or specialists in ancient civilizations of Central America and holler it out there: "Apocalypse Maya!"
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Viewings: 5721
Слухи о конце света гонят туристов в отдаленные уголкиPeople believed in the end of the world, ready to believe in the salvation from him. Hoping to escape from the disaster they like going to places with "special power", which is allegedly located in Serbia, Turkey and France. Their conviction on hand enterprising locals who are happy to provide frightened tourists Souvenirs, housing and all conditions, of course, for such a strict compensation.
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Viewings: 6297
Ключевые детали 3-х дней Квантового скачкаRead quietly with this article, in it there is nothing terrible, it is a natural evolutionary process, which has its own characteristics, and it is better to experience it consciously. Because we always afraid of the unknown, or that we do not accept and want to get away from it, to hide it. Properly reacting to changes, we change together with the planetary body in the best way.
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