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Viewings: 4023
Протопланетный диск вокруг звезды скрывает экзопланетыAmerican scientists studied the star Sao 206462 and its protoplanetary disk.
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Viewings: 3925
Японский аппарат Акацуки опять попытается выйти на орбиту к ВенереIn the Japanese space Agency say that their problem spacecraft akatsuki, "missed draw" past the orbit of Venus two years ago, has now reached a preliminary trajectory of convergence and in 2015 it may once again try to gain a foothold in orbit around Venus.
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Viewings: 5348
Теория игр защитит от инопланетянIf aliens exist, how to enter into contact with them? Messages sent into space, yet unanswered. And the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking believes that the attempts to get in touch risky: who knows what to expect from brothers on reason? According to Harold de + from the Austrian Institute of science and technology, to help here can game theory.
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Viewings: 7099
Выдающиеся находки уходящего годаAnnually journal of Archaeology summarizes the results of the year in the field of archeology, while drawing up the rating of outstanding discoveries that shed light on the early history of mankind. What was interesting this year? In fact, archaeologists worked hard, and in all continents. Scientists waited many surprises from different historical eras.
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Viewings: 5245
Марсианской экспедиции угрожают метеоритыThe consequence of a collision of a planet with a large meteorite and the asteroid can be a global catastrophe. It is therefore important to learn how to predict such events. Recently William Brockman and his colleagues at the University of Puerto Rico built a new mathematical model, which evaluates the probability of the fall of the gigantic cosmic bodies on the Earth and even to Mars.
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Viewings: 6072
Рядом с Тау Кита могут быть целых пять экзопланетFive candidates in exoplanets announced next to the star Tau Ceti, very similar to our Sun, and is located close to the Solar system - before 12 light-years. Apparently, the observational data can be trusted in the sense that the planet's really there. But their exact number and quality yet to be explored in detail.
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Viewings: 8260
Древний город АннунаковAccording to the researcher, publisher and producer, Michael Tellinger, in Africa found ancient city of Anunnaki, consisting of many unusual structures. Representatives of the lost civilization of aliens from outer space arrived on our planet about 200,000 years ago, intending to mine gold.
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Viewings: 8153
Аномальная зона в Атлантическом океанеWhatever ignored inhabitants of various kinds of abnormal phenomena, but they are more or less universally accepted manifest themselves and are considered long been recognized by scientists from all over the world, as a phenomenon is not fully studied, due to lack of experience, or inability to meet the requirements of modernity, even advanced modern technologies.
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Viewings: 7843
Год 2013-й, первые шаги в хаотичном «мире после»The current geopolitical mess, mostly predskazaniya HELP/Europe-2020 from February 2009 (GEAB n 32), was a result of the collapse of world scale, which will only increase during the year, in the midst of a global recession. The end of the period of leadership traditional powers will cause the 2013 global chaos appearance of the first contours of the world "after".
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Viewings: 6541
Загадка Святой водыEvery year on January 19, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, is a real miracle: the water in all sources, whether it is spring, river or lake, alters its structure and acquires unique healing properties. How to explain this phenomenon?
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Viewings: 8631
In September 2012, Gordon Duff (Gordon Duff) chief editor Veterans Today ("Veterans today, the prestigious American specialized edition of veterans of the American army and employees of the Department of state.) told the world that are "war on UFO", and that China and the United States have joined forces to fend off the UFO off the coast of San Francisco. Gordon Duff not usually prone to sensationalism.

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Viewings: 6726
Астральные битвыWhen scientists talk about parallel worlds, most often refers to some field of the form of the States in which the density of matter is significantly different from the density of our earthly physical environment. However, the nature, the living entities, landscape, life itself in parallel spaces are sometimes not very different from the earthly world. Rather, they are different, has its own peculiarities and features, but are quite amenable to the descriptions of those who happen. There are such people, they travel to other worlds so-called astral and mental bodies, and sometimes talk about their impressions.
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Viewings: 5635
25 декабря 2012 : мир празднует Католическое РождествоDecember 25, 2012, as every year, Catholics - the inhabitants of southern and Northern America, Western Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa celebrates Christmas. In Orthodox countries on December 25, called the Catholic Christmas. This day is the most important Christian and a public holiday in more than 140 countries.
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Viewings: 6030
Расширение наших паранормальных возможностей – биофизический и клинический подходы к парапсихологииAlthough most modern discussions about the existence of paranormal occurs in research psychology and culture, in reality the history of the study of psychic abilities as much, if not more, is based on the physical Sciences and clinical medicine.
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Viewings: 5139
В 2040 году столкновения с астероидом не будетWith a telescope Gemini North" on a volcano Mauna Kea, Hawaii team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii has confirmed that the probability of collision of our house with an asteroid 2011 AG5 negligible (collective sigh of relief?). Previously, scientists estimated the risk of meeting with this object (140 m in diameter) of 1 to 500.
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