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Viewings: 5347
Фантастические главы христианской историиAre there any secrets in Christianity? Certainly, very much. We are not talking about a creed, open the Lord God through Scripture and tradition. But there are paradoxes, especially in hagiographic literature, which are clearly very difficult to assess. Some believe such hagiography fictitious. Though to dismiss always easier than to try to understand.
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Viewings: 4472
Некоторые люди обладают способностью видеть звукиA new study in the UK showed that some people have the ability to see sounds, as part of their brain responsible for visual performance, very little.
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Viewings: 5619
Лабиринты астральных путешествийAccording to cosmological and Theosophical teachings, the astral plane (or the subtle world) is between two worlds - dense and fire. In it, according to esoteric, live the angelic and demonic entities, pagan gods, spirits of nature and soul suicide. For him who died a natural death of the person astral plane is beyond the knowledge of the region, where at the first stage of its long trip to worlds beyond gets his immortal soul.
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Viewings: 4714
2012 год - завершения цикла пятой арийской расы!2012 - the end of the fifth cycle of the Aryan race, or a smooth transition of Mother Earth and humanity into a new dimension, or the last Judgment, through which must pass humanity.
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Viewings: 5795
Бог живет в другой вселеннойScientists at Cambridge and Princeton universities made a sensational statement, saying that "Big Bang", which voids allegedly universe was created, was preceded by a "Big splash".
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Viewings: 4744
Охота за чужими мыслямиThe science of the XXI century does not recognize such phenomena as telepathy. However, enthusiasts has not given up trying to read thoughts. And, despite the official skepticism, these studies often find a patron in the person of the military.
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Viewings: 5455
Могут ли наши тела предсказывать будущее?The body knows when to happen is something very important, at least according to a new study. If so, the study published last month in the journal "Frontiers of perception" (Frontiers of Perception), reveals something fundamentally new about the laws of human nature.
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Viewings: 5438
Создатель и смотритель Вселенной - кто он?Why is based on the laws of open science cannot explain the origin of the Universe, life, and mind? Hard to believe, but, most likely, the reason one: what we are taught in schools, universities, about what I am writing to people who had dedicated their lives to science, in most cases - tale. Because science much of what is considered inviolable, is only a theory, which according to most scientists. But the majority is not always right. So, tomorrow there will be new hypotheses, and textbooks will be rewritten. So gradually we come to the truth, which is still far away...
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Viewings: 5507
Невидимки, питающиеся страхомGhosts live near people throughout human history. They may be visible, audible, tactile, can talk in their presence there poltergeist phenomenon. Sometimes ghosts so believable that they can not be distinguished from a living person. But where did they come from? What is their nature?
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Viewings: 6640
Кем я был в прошлом?Questions of life and death faced by each person. You're young, you think that will live forever. After forty years of gradually sad thought about the nature of life. Old age poses the question: who needed my life? What will happen to me after death? Reincarnate whether my soul in another man or all this story? Optimists believe in the immortality of the soul in reincarnation, the pessimists that after death there will be nothing...
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Viewings: 5299
Как заставить время течь быстрее или медленнееA new understanding of how the brain processes the time, may one day allow scientists to improve their individual perception of it.
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Viewings: 6002
Загадки Кашкулакской пещерыIn the foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau that in Khakassia, in the South-Eastern slope of mount Our Kulan ("hos the hull" in translation from the Khakass - "two ears") there is a cave, which locals have nicknamed the black Cave of the devil. In some encyclopedias it is called one of the worst places on earth. And there is a good reason.
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Viewings: 5961
Судьба в руках МорфеяAbout dreams, foretelling the great world of defeat and victory, everyone has heard of. But dreams can see all: you only need to learn to translate with the "nevidannogo" language of habitual.
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Viewings: 5650
Чтобы испугаться конца света, надо его увидетьA hurricane in the US, freezing rain in Moscow, frequent floods in Europe, incredible man-made disaster is not Overture whether to what it wrote in its Mayan calendar?
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Viewings: 4622
Технологии друидовOur knowledge of Celtic culture are based on archaeological evidence. How would cvetasto and reliably may seem literary sources, it is reasonable to continue our brief evaluation of the environment is being druids in terms of the scale of reliability offered by Haysom. So let's start with technology issues, what archaeology can tell us the most reliable and immediate way.
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