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There is on earth a single person who would indifferent to death. Most often thought about the possible cause of death in people fear. Why? After all, we are not afraid of such unpleasant things, like a disease. Not glad to her, of course, but got used to the idea that ill - natural thing, especially with age. Maybe the secret is that about the disease, even the most difficult, we know a lot: it's already someone was sick before we left to live. Or still lives, still hurt if the disease is chronic. People are quite willing to tell you about their diseases, if they ask. Death we know nothing. And to ask nobody. The most terrible thing that thanks to materialism, in which we were brought up, we for the most part are convinced that with the death of our existence is terminated categorically and forever. We no longer are able to meet the dawn and watch the sunset, not the kiss of the beloved, do not take at the hands of her baby. We stop to see and hear, feel and think - what can be worse?