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Viewings: 16236
Найдены метеориты родом с МеркурияНайдены метеориты родом с Меркурия

German collector bought a few Mercurian meteorites. Meteorites are heavenly bodies that enter the Earth's atmosphere at speeds. Usually supplier of meteorites is a large asteroid belt.
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Viewings: 9345
Марсоход Curiosity впервые опробовал свой бурThe Rover Curiosity was first tested in operation installed on his arm miniature drill is intended for receiving samples of the thick stone, reports Planetological society (Planetary Society), a non-governmental organization which works to promote space research.
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Viewings: 12852
Убийца динозавров мог быть двойнымNotorious meteorite, which helped to cleanse the Land of the dinosaurs, in fact, could be double, that is, in the planet crashed two asteroids that were in orbit each other.
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Viewings: 10676
Украинец может полететь на Марс навсегда — гарантий его жизни нетStudent of NAU can go to live on the Red planet. 22-year-old Kyiv student Dmitry Nosov in 2023 may become the first Ukrainian leg which sets foot on Mars.
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Viewings: 7276
Нужны кандидаты, которые хотели бы поселиться на Марсе… навсегдаPrivate organization begins to look for candidates who would like to live on Mars... forever. Dutch organization Mars One, which is planning the colonization of the red planet by 2023, recently published criteria for the proposal and announced that, finally, will choose the first earth men for the flight to Mars.
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Viewings: 10272
ДУХИ БОЙНИЦКОГО ЗАМКАA lot of mysterious events with participation of ghostly beings from the other world was (and is) in the countries of Central Europe - in particular in Slovakia. In this predominantly mountainous country well preserved ancient castles, fortresses, monasteries. Well, these ancient monuments of architecture - a favorite place of stay of ghosts, spirits, and other aliens with "the other world", which represents their deceased owners and inhabitants. The memory of these events is saved in the form of legends, as well as documented by cases.
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Viewings: 11295
Ужасы в замке ГлэмисAbout historic Scottish castle Glamis, built in the XIV century, told a great many most incredible stories - probably more than any other castle in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. He is known as the home of the legendary monsters, vampires and a whole lot of horror spirits. However, it is unclear how they are related to people living here.
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Viewings: 11667
ТАЙНЫ ПУТЕШЕСТВИИ ВО ВРЕМЕНИ Time travel - the idea, of course, fantastic. But the fantastic does not mean unrealistic and unscientific. Until August 1945 for the inhabitants of the Earth fantastic and unreal was the atomic bomb. Many knew that developed this terrible weapon, but only a handful of scientists believed that this is possible. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki in this nightmare believe all the inhabitants of the Earth.
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Viewings: 14220
ТАЙНЫ ШАМБАЛЫ First of all, any myth, under deep conviction of the author, based on some real event. For, if any prior to the myth of the event, there would be a myth. There is no doubt that the event itself, lapse of time, construed and interpreted by many generations of people depending on their national peculiarities and character of the people or nation to which they belong, but the essence is the presence of a specific event - remains unchanged. No wonder one of the most prominent historians of the world, A. Thierry said: "Legend is a living legend, and almost always more truthful than what we call " history".
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Viewings: 8888
МЕСТА С ЧУДЕСНЫМИ СВОЙСТВАМИLovely property is not to be confused with the Holy places. As a rule, lovely property is ancient pagan temples and buildings. There are various and strange things. For example, in such places sometimes changes the weight of the items - they become either too heavy or too light. People in such places begin to experience inexplicable mood swings, to see reality some pictures, to hear strange voices or noises. They consider it a hallucination - auditory or visual.
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Viewings: 9407
КОЛДОВСКИЕ МЕСТАMagical places are those places that require the sorcerer for normal operation. As a chemist may not conduct experiments outside the laboratory, the witch doctor is not able to fully utilize their capacity, if it appears in place, poorly adapted for this, so for their classes he selects the most suitable premises or open space. Much of course depends on the activity of the magician, but there are rules to break undesirable.
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Viewings: 16564
ВОЛШЕБНЫЕ ПАЛОЧКИ, МАГИЧЕСКИЕ ЖЕЗЛЫ, КРИСТАЛЛЫ, КАМНИMagic wand, how we remember the tales, is the main attribute of the fairies. And the fairy - she's a witch. This wizard also has its own magic wand, simply it is more often called a magic wand. Interesting, but a descendant of this magical wand - the Royal scepter, that refers, of course, in the old times, when the Royal and ecclesiastical powers were vested in one man.
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Viewings: 12670
ДРЕВНЕЕ КОЛДОВСТВОMagic exists. This ancient art, once available to people. Anyway, if magic was a lie and fiction, there would be no ancient magical texts, no people who have been subject to much more than if they were just people. Magic was once the alternative science. And she honestly worked until there was our scientific knowledge.
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Viewings: 10197
ГРАНДИОЗНАЯ ОБЛАВА В БРАЗИЛИИThis story began in the night from 12 to 13 January 1996, when one of the American radar tracking system of air defense (PVO) spotted several unknown purposes, which appeared in the Earth's atmosphere over Alaska. At high speed, they flew to the South-East, towards the USA. The announcement was immediately transferred to the Center of the United command of the air-defense system of the North American continent, located in Colorado. Performed there computer analysis has shown that the discovered objects are neither aircraft nor Intercontinental ballistic missile or space debris, nor terrestrial spaceships.
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Viewings: 9912
ВЫНУЖДЕННАЯ ПОСАДКА В ОКРЕСТНОСТЯХ ФАРМИНГТОНАIn the spring of 1949 in areas HART Canyon, near the town of Farmington, new Mexico, fell (or has made an emergency landing) disc-shaped UFO. That day when that happened, the flight of several UFO above the city, among other numerous witnesses, watched independently from each other, a 30-year hulton, Paisey, at that time head of the shop auto repair shop of the company "Chevrolet", and his 9-year-old son Glenn. And the next day on the front page of the local weekly "Farmington the Hustler", published on Friday, published an article under the headlines: "Catastrophe UFO in HART-Canyon".
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