Viewings: 6192
 As we all know, some people have the ability to produce in the mind of operations with very large numbers, and sometimes faster than it does a calculator or computer. Usually they are unable to explain how it turns out. Many of them use their talent is not in mathematics, and for variety performances.
Viewings: 7885
In the fourth century Bishop Nikolai turned the city to the World on the Mediterranean coast in the capital of the Christian world. Later this figure was canonized, and it turned into our Nicholas and Santa Claus, but the World was waiting for the less fortunate fate.
Viewings: 6526
 We used to messages that the world's last cannibals peacefully live out their days in the wilds of Brazil, on the Pacific Islands or in New Guinea. Many people think that it is these areas on Earth and always limited the spread of cannibalism, but it is not so...
Viewings: 10740
 Four medieval building, located in the centre of the historical town on the island, Kneiphof, had one address: Koenigsberg-13. About a century ago, there was one of the most enigmatic laboratories in the world. What was she doing and what preceded its creation?
Viewings: 8011
 January 20, 2009 in Washington hosted the inauguration of the 44th US President Barack Obama. This event gives us an occasion to remember a strange anomaly in the lives of American presidents. You mean some kind of coincidence important dates, which you explain by mere chance. But not too many coincidences of this kind have been accumulated in the biographies of these outstanding personalities?
Viewings: 8011
 The statements that Stalinism and Nazism, they say, brothers, now already not a surprise to anyone. "Why in some circles have not condemned the crimes of communism? asks the U.S. The Wall Street Journal.
Viewings: 7677
 In ancient Nenets legend tells that once a year, when the Great Sun is setting in the sky, beneath the frozen and lifeless land rises Solar Woman, who is in her womb the baby, which was destined to become the spirit of fertility.
Viewings: 7286
 As shows the Internet in recent years, online today you can buy absolutely everything! This statement is not an exaggeration and, in fact, not very far from the truth. The network provides a unique opportunity to buy and sell almost everything, without any geographical barriers. Even the human soul!
Viewings: 7863
 on 16 October 1992, the Indian vessel "Sea star" came from Bombay course in Malaysia. Onboard there were 10 tourists and 39 crew members. At first everything went fine, but on the fifth day of the trip suddenly erupted in a strong storm. The radio was broken, and the last communication with the vessel was: "SOS! Drown!" And soon the ship was lost with all radar approaching the scene of the courts.
Viewings: 5987
 For thousands of years someone had carefully saved mankind from the accumulated knowledge, destroying all that at least indirectly could point people to the right path of development - the way that you can go, only perfecting their own force and the consciousness, but not with the help of crutches "technical progress".
Viewings: 7095
 In 1920-1930-ies more than 20 people who were related to the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun in Luxor, died under very strange circumstances. This gave rise to the famous legend about the "curse of the pharaohs". More recently, however, historian mark Beynon put forward a sensational hypothesis - all the victims were killed by the leader of Satanists by Aleister Crowley!
Viewings: 6679
 Not so long ago a Peruvian farmer found more than 10 thousand unique artifacts stones of different sizes, where the ancient artist was engraved absolutely incredible scenes where people have entered fight with dinosaurs, was sitting at the telescopes, had the difficult surgery, etc. Stones soon got the name "Stones IKI".
Viewings: 7450
 From the XII century, when Jerusalem was the capital of the crusaders, originates Jerusalem Shrine, called today via Dolorosa - the Sorrowful, or way of the Cross. This road was following Jesus Christ through the flagellation, spitting and derision to the place of his execution - to Calvary.
Viewings: 10795
 One of the unsolved mysteries of the history of research in South America remains the disappearance of the expedition Colonel Percy fausett in the heart of the Amazon jungle in 1925.
Viewings: 6653
 Remembering the words of the famous Spanish philosopher George of Santana: "Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it", I want to note that we definitely need to be more attentive to our history.